TITANIC Starlight 9
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
методический материал направлен на работу с текстом по УМК Starlight 9
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How did an iceberg cause the tragedy of the Titanic? Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, one of the biggest ships that crashed into a huge iceberg. The Titanic was considered to be very safe and unsinkable, but she sank in the Atlantic Ocean on her very first sea voyage in 1912.
The Titanic’s sisters Few people, however, know about the Titanic’s sisters – the Britannic and the Olympic , another two huge ocean liners. Those three ships were very much alike the Olympic the Titanic the Britannic
During the World War I, the youngest sister, the Britannic , became the biggest floating hospital. She was badly damaged by a German mine and sank not far from Greece .
The Olympic was launched in 1910, two years before the Titanic, and unlike her unfortunate sisters, lived a long life – almost half a century.
The Titanic was the biggest ship in 1912. The captain, Edward Smith, and the engineers who had designed the Titanic were sure that she was absolutely safe and unsinkable.
At 11.40 p.m. on the 14 th of April, everybody on board heard a terrible sound. The Titanic had crashed into an iceberg. Sailors hadn’t noticed it in the dark, misty, cold night.
At 2.20 a.m. on the 15 th of April the Titanic sank and took more than 1500 lives with her.
Work with the dictionary Submersible, stare, lunar, grave, gaze, grand staircase, promenade deck, wealthy, iceberg, sheet, rip, colossal, wreckage, descend, bronze, remain, drown, hostile hypothermia, unsinkable, memorial cemetery,
Complete the table. Use words p. 108 noun verb adjective adverb Word-combination
Match according to the text 1-? 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? 7.? Further along, about a mile from the prow, we find the back part of the ship. Other, dragged down with the ship, eventually drifted away or were claimed by the sea life that hides in these depths. There is, however, no sign of four enormous funnels, which would have been ripped off and scattered over a wide area as the Titanic began her descent. Nevertheless, anything leather has generally stayed in good condition. Even so, nothing can beat the amazing sight of the Titanic itself. As you travel down below 10000 ft , it almost seems impossible that any organism could survive in such a hostile environment. Indeed, the number of shoes is surprising. The Titanic was the largest ship of its time, and one of the most beautiful ever built.
Match the word and translation and do ex 5. p. 109 g lide d art p lunge s ink d rag d rift т януть, тащить, волочить д рейфовать, плыть по течению, Тонуть п огружаться, нырять бросаться, шмыгать, ринуться с кользить
Home task noun verb adjective adverb Word-combination Complete the table using words from the box “Check these words’ Analyze your table, write out the words only with POSITIVE meaning, use the words in your own situation (connect it with your childhood) = 70 words. Fix your answer below this presentation.
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