Устное монологическое высказывание в формате ОГЭ "NATURAL DISASTERS" 8 класс
рабочая программа по английскому языку
1-What natural disasters you can mentioned; 2- Harm caused by different natural disasters; 3- Speak about one natural disasters; 4- People’s impact on natural disasters;
When it comes to natural disasters, I‘d like to say that they have become an urgent issue.
In recent years, people have had many natural disasters such as tornados, avalanches, droughts, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. All of them have a destructive effect on both the environment and human lives.
Предварительный просмотр:
-What natural disasters you can mentioned;
- Harm caused by different natural disasters;
- People’s impact on natural disasters;
When it comes to natural disasters, I‘d like to say that they have become an urgent issue.
In recent years, people have had many natural disasters such as tornados, avalanches, droughts, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. All of them have a destructive effect on both the environment and human lives.
Some of them such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can destroy big areas, even whole towns and kill many people if they failed to leave the territories. They can be unexpected and it is difficult to predict them in time. Droughts and fires cause a loss of harvest and famine, and a lot of people can die. In my opinion, the most devastating natural phenomenon is a tsunami as it flattens everything in its path. All these disasters are united by the fact that they not only destroy buildings and claim lives but sometimes people themselves are to blame for them.
Due to overpopulation, mismanagement of natural resources, activities of big multinational companies and deforestation of the planet, the situation with natural disasters is growing worse. In the last decade, floods and droughts, cyclones and hurricanes, avalanches, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have become more common.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the more environmental problems we have, the more natural disasters take place. Therefore, people should do their best to improve the ecological situation.
-What natural disasters you can mentioned;
- Harm caused by different natural disasters;
- People’s impact on natural disasters;
When it comes to natural disasters, I‘d like to say that they have become an urgent issue.
In recent years, people have had many natural disasters such as tornados, avalanches, droughts, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. All of them have a destructive effect on both the environment and human lives.
Some of them such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can destroy big areas, even whole towns and kill many people if they failed to leave the territories. They can be unexpected and it is difficult to predict them in time. Droughts and fires cause a loss of harvest and famine, and a lot of people can die. In my opinion, the most devastating natural phenomenon is a tsunami as it flattens everything in its path. All these disasters are united by the fact that they not only destroy buildings and claim lives but sometimes people themselves are to blame for them.
Due to overpopulation, mismanagement of natural resources, activities of big multinational companies and deforestation of the planet, the situation with natural disasters is growing worse. In the last decade, floods and droughts, cyclones and hurricanes, avalanches, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have become more common.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the more environmental problems we have, the more natural disasters take place. Therefore, people should do their best to improve the ecological situation.
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