Контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку по итогам 1 полугодия.
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса
за I полугодие
Вариант 1
РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование
Задание 1
Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалог, обозначенных буквами A,B,C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами 1-5. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.
1. In a library
2. On an excursion
3. At home
4. At a post office
5. In a classroom
Диалог | A | B | C | D |
Место действия |
РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 5 – 14 соответствуют содержанию текста (True - T), какие не соответствуют (False - F) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not Stated – NS .
Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born on November 30, 1835, Missouri, the USA. As a boy he was often sick, but grew to be healthy. He was both adventurous and naughty. He spent much of his time playing along the Mississippi River and in the woods nearby.
He used to spend summers on his uncle’s farm where he had a lot of friends. On the farm, he also saw several disturbing incidents, including slave (раб) beatings and murder, which he later used as material for his novels.
Samuel’s father died in 1847, and he left school and became a printer’s assistant to help to support his family. He left his home in 1853 to continue his printing work in New York, Philadelphia, and other places in the USA. From 1857 until the Civil War started in 1861, he sailed a riverboat on the Mississippi River. After the war, he worked as a reporter under the pseudonym of «Mark Twain, » which was a boating phrase that indicated two fathoms (две сажени) of water. In 1864, he went to San Francisco and wrote for magazines and newspapers.
In 1866, he started travelling, visiting Hawaii, Europe, and the Middle East, studying people, gathering material for his writing. In 1870, Samuel married Olivia Langdon. They had a son and three daughters. The family lived in Connecticut from 1871 until 1891. In 1872, he published his first book. In 1876, he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and in 1885, he published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. These books made his name world famous with children and teenagers. He received honorary degrees from Yale in 1901 and from the University of Missouri in 1902, and he received another honorary degree from Oxford in 1907. On April 21, 1910, Samuel Clemens died of angina.
5. Mark Twain was the original name of the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. | __________ |
6. He was often ill in his childhood but he had no health problems in his adult life. | __________ |
7. His house was on the bank of the Mississippi River. | __________ |
8. His uncle was very cruel to his slaves. | __________ |
9. The impressions of his early days became the basis for many of the writer’s books. | __________ |
10. Samuel graduated from the local university. | __________ |
11. He was a professional printer and then reporter. | __________ |
12. He got his pen name as a writer after the person he admired. | __________ |
13. Mark Twain travelled to thirty countries. | __________ |
14. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are among famous works of the world literature for children. | __________ |
РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика
Задание 3
В заданиях 15-24 вставьте нужное слово: explore, glance, cosy, hide, initials, famous, solve, several, imagination, intelligent, compass
15. | What can we do to _____________________ the problem of unemployment? | ||
16. | Sherlock Holmes was a __________________detective. | ||
17. | Jules Verne had a wonderful__________________________. | ||
18. | At first __________________ it looked like a wolf, but it wasn’t. | ||
19. | Diane is an extremely __________________ child and the best student in her class. | ||
20. | I love your flat! It's nice and ____________________. | ||
21. | Let's _________________ the woods before it gets dark. | ||
22. | Where did you ________________ the money? I can't find it. | ||
23. | Let's use a __________________ to find our way back. | ||
24. | This is my father's shirt. It's got his ___________________ on it. | ||
Задание 4
В заданиях 25-32 выберите правильный ответ.
25. | The detective ______________ a mysterious letter in the cupboard. | ||
| |
26. | I like ___________ films because they usually take place in space. | ||
a) adventure | b) drama | c) science-fiction | |
27. | We ________ the dog for a walk every morning. | ||
| |
28. | Mary and Tom ________ their house at 8 am yesterday. | ||
| |
29. | Many people ______ isolated in big cities. | ||
| |
30. | The book ________ you are reading is very good. | ||
| |
31. | I ______________ to pay the bills last month. | ||
| |
32. | Look at the sky! It __________ a beautiful day. | ||
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса
за I полугодие
Вариант 2
РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование
Задание 1
Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалог, обозначенных буквами A,B,C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами 1-5. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.
1. In a library
2. On an excursion
3. At home
4. At a post office
5. In a classroom
Диалог | A | B | C | D |
Место действия |
РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 5 – 12 соответствуют содержанию текста (True - T), какие не соответствуют (False - F) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not Stated – NS .
King Midas was a very kind man who ruled his kingdom fairly. But he didn’t always think very deeply about what he said. One day, while walking in his garden, he saw an elderly satyr asleep among the flowers. Taking pity on him, King Midas let him go without punishment. When the god Dionysus heard about it, he rewarded King Midas by granting him one wish. The king thought for only a second and then said: “I wish for everything I touch to turn to gold.” And so it was.
The beautiful flowers in his garden turned toward the sun for light, but when Midas touched them, they stood hard and gold. The king grew hungry and thin, because each time he tried to eat, he found that his meal was gold. His lovely daughter, at his loving touch, turned to gold. His water, his bed, his clothes, his friends, and the whole palace was gold.
King Midas saw that soon his whole kingdom would turn to gold unless he did something right away. He asked Dionysus to take back his golden touch. Because the king was ashamed and very sad, Dionysus took pity on him and fulfilled his request. Instantly, King Midas was poorer, but richer, he felt, in the things that really count.
5. Midas was a good king for his country | __________ |
6. King Midas followed the rule: first think, and then do! | __________ |
7. Dionysus rewarded King Midas for his kindness to the elderly person. | __________ |
8. Dionysus’s reward was gold. | __________ |
9. It took King Midas hours to think of his wish. | __________ |
10. King Midas turned all his servants to gold. | __________ |
11. Midas was happy to eat from gold plates. | __________ |
12. King Midas loved his daughter so much that he gave her all gold in the kingdom. | __________ |
13. At first Dionysus was angry with Midas and didn’t want to turn everything back by his request. | __________ |
14. At the end King Midas felt happy though he had lost wealth. | __________ |
РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика
Задание 3
В заданиях 15-24 вставьте нужное слово: hide, imagination, intelligent, several, initials, solve, famous, compass, cosy, explore, glance
15. | This is my father's shirt. It's got his ___________________ on it. | ||
16. | I love your living room! It's very __________________. | ||
17. | Let's use a __________________ to find our way back. | ||
18. | Do you think he will ______________ the mystery? | ||
19. | At first _____________ it looked like a cat, but it wasn’t. | ||
20. | Where did you ________________ the money? I can't find it. | ||
21. | Agatha Christie was a (an) _____________ mystery writer. Everybody knows her work. | ||
22. | Let's ________________ the city before it gets dark. | ||
23. | Jules Verne had a great _______________________. | ||
24. | Brian is a very __________________ boy and the best student in his class. | ||
Задание 4
В заданиях 25-32 выберите правильный ответ.
25. | Peter __________ playing tennis. It's his hobby! | ||
| |
26. | I like ___________ films because they usually take place in space. | ||
a) adventure | b) drama | c) science-fiction | |
27. | That’s the boy__________ father is a teacher. | ||
| |
28. | Mary and Tom ________ their house at 8 am yesterday. | ||
| |
29. | He___________ lunch at the moment. | ||
| |
30. | The book ________ you are reading is very good. | ||
| |
31. | I ______________ to pay the bills last month. | ||
| |
32. | Look at the sky! It __________ a beautiful day. | ||
Dialog A.
- Hello.
- Hello, can I help you?
- Yes, I think so. We have to make an essay about the history of our town. I thought there will probably be some interesting material here.
- Yes, if you are doing a research we have some absolutely unique sources in here, Like old brochures, newspapers and magazines. They are in the archive, but you can use them to a request.
- Can I borrow them for a day or two to work at home?
- Absolutely not! They are to use here only!
Dialog B.
- Busy?
- Not really. Just browsing internet for the information. We’re organizing a historical party at school and I need anything related to the history of our town.
- I don’t think you can find anything really interesting on web. But if we go upstairs to gram’s room.
- Why?
- When I was small she shoved me mother’s collections of news clippings, old photos, letters and postcards. She kept all of it in her chest of draws. And I’m sure the collection is still there.
- Why didn’t you mentioned this archive ever before? I’m going to look at it right now. It sounds very interesting!
Dialog C.
- Excuse me, where can I collect my parcel. Here is a notification.
- I’m sorry, but I don’t think you can collect it.
- Why?
- The parcel came in March. Have you seen the date on the stand there? It’s May already! We don’t give parcels here for longer than a month.
- Have you sent it back to the library? There are materials I ordered from them; I need them for my research.
- I’m sorry. But those are the rules.
Dialog D.
- This is the oldest part of our town. Some buildings, the old post office and the railway station dated by the 18th century. And you can see that they are build in the traditional colonial style.
- Are they in use now? I mean they are only the historical museums now, aren’t they?
- No, the buildings are in good operating order. And provides offices for customers. Right in front of the post office you can see a photo exposition. It gives a good idea of how this street looked like a 100 years ago. Let’s go there and have a look at it.
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