Тесты по грамматике английского языка
тест по английскому языку
Настоящее простое. Прошедшее простое. Конструкция "there is/are". Активный и пассивный залог. Словообразование.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1.Тесты по теме «Времена английского глагола» ,«Прилагательные»
( Лосева Т.Г.) стр.3-5
2.Тесты по теме « Досуг,любимые увлечения»
Грамматика: Настоящее Простое,Прошедшее Простое
( Чулочникова О.Г.) стр.6-8
3.Тесты по теме « Активный и пассивный залог»
( Зубахина О А.) стр.9-12
4.Тесты по теме « Дом,квартира»
Грамматика: Оборот “ There is/are”со значением имеется,находится.
( Листопадова Л.Б.) стр.13-15
5.Тесты по теме « Словообразование»
( Горева Е.А.) стр.16-18
Grammar: Present Simple
Past Simple
1.Fill in the missing forms.
вставать.подниматься | rise | risen | |
значить | meant | ||
catch | caught | ||
рассказывать | told | ||
feel | felt | ||
forgot | forgotten | ||
найти | find | ||
shake | shaken | ||
летать | fly | ||
grow | grew |
2.Choose the right verb form.
1.____________ the Sun _____________?
a) Did,rose
b) Have,risen
c) Are,rise
d) Has,risen
2.When__________ you born?
a) do
b) did
c) were
d) are
3.When__________ you _____________ to collect stamps?
a) did,begin
b) does, begin
c) has, began
d) will, begun
4.What does this word ______________ ?
a) means
b) mean
c) meant
d) meaning
3.Complete the sentences.
Example: My uncle bought a new badge yesterday. ( to buy)
1.My mother ____________ anything. ( never, to collect)
2.The Sun ____________ at 6 in summer. ( to rise)
3.Her cousin ___________ to become a ballet dancer. ( to decide)
4.I _________ to collect coins three years ago. ( to begin)
5.You ____________ on the stage. ( never, to perform)
6.Henry __________ an important role in school life. ( to play)
4.Choose the right word.
Example: Your money is on the table. (is/ are)
1.These are my clothes! Don’t take _____________ ! (them,it)
2.____________ these your shorts? ( is/ are )
3.The potatoes ___________ in the fridge. ( is/ are)
4. Your advice ____________ very good. ( is / are)
5.My _____________ are white and clean. ( tooth / teeth )
6.The news __________ wrong. ( are /is )
5. Translate into English. Use Present Simple or Past Simple.
Example: Я была счастлива навестить вас. – (to be happy ) – I was happy to visit you.
1.Я очень устала. ( to be tired ) - ______________________________________
2.Мой брат родился в 1997 году. ( to be born ) - _________________________
3.Они гордятся своим сыном. ( to be proud of ) - _________________________
4.Мой дедушка увлекался коллекционированием марок. ( to be fond of ) - ____________________
The Place We Live in
Grammar : There is / There are
1.Complete the sentences with There is / There are and translate them into Russian.
Example : There is a sitting room in my house. - В моем доме есть гостиная.
1.__________ nine nice dresses in my wardrobe. - _____________________
2.________ a small sink in your kitchen. - ____________________________
3.________ many trees in our garden. - _______________________________
4._______ a river behind Mary’s house. - ____________________________
5._______ a study in my flat. - _____________________________________
6._______ a lot of cups in the cupboard. - ____________________________
7. _______ no sweets in the fridge. - ________________________________
2.Make up sentences.
Example : by my bed, there, is, a lamp. - There is a lamp by my bed.
1.a bed, there, is, in your bedroom? - _________________________
2.in the fridge, some cheese, is, there. - _________________________
3.next to your house, is, what, there ? - _________________________
4.on the chair, there, are, my kittens. - __________________________
5.in front of my fridge, is, there, what ? - ________________________
6.two lamps, are, there, on the table. - __________________________
7.next to the table, there, a cooker, is. - __________________________
3.Make up questions to the sentence.
Example : There are five rooms in my house, aren’t there?
Are there five rooms in my house? - Yes, there are.
Are there five or six rooms in my house?
How many rooms are there in my house?
1.There is a small garden behind our house.
There is a small garden behind our house, ____________________________ ?
________________________________ ? - Yes there is.
___________________________ or a big ___________________________ ?
What _________________________________________________________ ?
2.There are two chairs in the corner of your room.
There are two chairs in the corner of your room, ________________________ ?
________________________________ ? - Yes there are.
_______________ or armchairs ___________________________________ ?
How many _____________________________________________________ ?
4.Guess the words.
1.You can see your eyes and your ears in the m_____r.
2.There are nice white c______ns on the window.
3.You can sit down in the comfortable a_______r.
4.I can’t open the door because I haven’t got a k______y.
5.My mother cooks our meals in the k___________n.
6.I go to the b_________m to wash my face and hands.
7.We take off our coats and boots in the h_________l.
5.Match the words and complete the sentences.
get on the door
at the age by heart
lock of eight
in front of of the room
in the middle with her
learn it the house
go upstairs
1.The poem was very long so I couldn’t _____________________________ .
2.Mary isn’t a good girl and we can’t _______________________________ .
3.Don’t forget to __________________________ ! We won’t be back soon.
4.______________________________ and make your bedroom!
5._____________________________ pupils usually know how to read and write.
6.There is a horse ___________________ . You can see it well.
7.Why is the table________________ ? - We are having a party this evening.
6.Complete the sentences with the right prepositions.
[ at, from, by, behind, in front of ]
1.My father goes to work ____________ car .
2.Why are you shouting _______ me?
3.Is there a fireplace _________ your living room?
4.My car is ___________ the house. You can’t see it.
1.Напиши недостающие слова
1.business – a ……..
2……. – a sportsman
3.police – a …..
4.fire – a ……
5.to work – a …..
6. ….. - a teacher
7……. - a writer
8.to manage – a …..
9. to sing – a …..
10…… - a dancer
2.С помощью приставок un-, in-, im-, напиши противоположное по значению слово.
1.friendly - …
2.real - …
3.usual - …
4.famous - …
5.happy - …
6.pleasant - …
7.possible - …
8.lucky - …
9.polite - …
10.formal - …
3.Добавьте суффикс - tion – к каждому глаголу и переведите новые слова на русский язык.
4.Образуйте от данных прилагательных при помощи суффикса – y прилагательные. Затем используйте их в предложениях.
1.The day was … and cold.
2.It wasn’t … and it wasn’t …. The weather was … . The cakes that Mother cooked were very …
4.The water in seas and oceans is …
5.The toys on the New Year tree were …
6.We laughed because the story was …
7.the children were very…
5.Вставьте данные прилагательные в пропуски.
Sleepy, rainy, windy, snowy, milky
1.When the night comes and it’s time to go to bed ,we are…
2.When we have wind all day long we say that the day is…
3.When the snow is coming down and we cannot see well, it is…
4.People take umbrellas with them if they think the day will be…
5.If something is white and looks like milk, it is...
6.Образуйте от существительных,данных в скобках прилагательные с суффиксом - ly .
1.He greeted me with a (friend) smile.
2.What (beast) weather.
3.Do you call that (man) behaviour?
4.He was watching the playing children with a (father) smile.
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