Английские неологизмы
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (11 класс)
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Секция: Иностранных языков
Тема: English neologisms in youth slang.
Мареева Ирина Дмитриевна
МОУ «Запрудненская гимназия»
Сучкова Наталья Владимировна
Учитель английского языка
р.п. Запрудня
A neologism is a word or a turn of speech denoting objects or concepts that have recently appeared in the language, as well as for a more precise and concise designation.
Note: IT specialist, account,deadline,spoiler, bot,authentication.
Most of the neologisms appeared on the Internet, which is natural because it is through the Internet that users can communicate with representatives of other countries, which is the reason for borrowing. Also, due to the rationalization of the time spent on writing the next comment, chat participants create, merge or transform long words into more accurate and shorter ones. Slang is an important part of the everyday speech of teenagers, which makes the vocabulary lively, more adolescent, decorates the language. That's why I chose youth slang as the object of my research.
The slang of preschoolers, teenagers, students and youth uses all the techniques of the English language, the most influential language in the world. Thus, the subject of my research will be English borrowings in the youth slang of Russian teenagers.
Slang, being one of the non-standard language variants, is quite popular, and the study of this colorful alternative vocabulary has long been of great interest to many linguists. The purpose of my research is to study the influence of the English language on the formation of youth slang.
The main objectives of my research were:
* define the word "slang” ;
* explore methods of creating slang;
* find English loanwords in Russian;
* make a list of English loanwords in Russian youth slang and analyze them.
I put forward the following hypothesis: teenagers often use English words, which make up most of the Russian youth slang. English has a great influence on the creation of youth slang.
- Slang.Youth slang
According to BSE (GREAT SOVIET ENCYCLOPEDIA )is a universal encyclopedia, that went out in the USSR), slang is “expressive and emotionally colored vocabulary of spoken language, deviating from the accepted literary language norms. It is widespread mainly among school students, students, military, young workers”.
Youth slang is a type of group jargon used in the speech of young people, characterized by active use, openness, penetration into the speech of other segments of the population. As for the youth slang in Russia, we can say that a bigger part of youth slang in Russia was created on the basic of English or international roots.
2. How is slang formed?
The most typical methods of formation of slangisms:
- direct foreign borrowings: weekend, money, spam, dres code;
- hybrid borrowings, that is, words formed by joining the foreign root of the Russian suffix, prefix or ending. In this case, often slightly change the value of the foreign words of the source, for example, to drift (to drift), agritest (to angry), renditta (friend);
- exoticism, that is, words that characterize the specific national customs of other peoples and are used in describing the non-Russian reality. A distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example, chips (chips), hot dog (hot-dog), cheeseburger (cheeseburger), hip hop (hip hop);
- foreign language inclusions, which usually have lexical equivalents, but are stylistically different and fixed in a particular sphere of communication as an expressive means, giving speech a special expression: OK, wow( wow);
- truncation of words: computer-comp; windchester-wind; doctor-Doc; windose-wind; - repetition of short words, identical or similar sounding: so-so (so-so), day-to-day (daily) in
- acronyms and abbreviations, especially those actively used in Internet slang: ROFL( rolling on floor laughing), BTW (by the way), B4 (before), AKA (also known as), 4gt (forgot), sum1 (someone), LOL (laughing out loud), G2g (got to go), Imho (in my humble opinion), justkin (just kidding) idk (I dont know), IDKWTD (I don't know what to do), WIGO (What is going on?) ASAT (as simple as that).
3. English neologisms in Russian youth slang.
In Russian there is a distribution of youth slang, such as the jargon of young students, the jargon of soldiers and sailors of fixed-term service, the jargon of informal youth associations, the jargon of young people united by common interests. I have made a list of the most wildly spread slang words, which were borrowed from English language. They are:
-COMMENT ("comment")
-LIKE ("like")
-ROFL ("rofl"-joke)
-OMG ("omg"– Adore!)
- BLAB (blablabla) ("blablabla" - empty talk, chatter)
-UNREAL ("Unreal" is something amazing, awesome, impressive)
-PROPS (Respect - showing respect, recognition)
-DISS (to speak in someone's address is disrespectful, dismissive, insulting)
-DIG (in modern informal jargon — "catch a buzz", "dragged")
-ALLRIGHT? (the expression means "Hello, how are you?")
-BLATANT (Something obvious, obvious)
-BLIMEY (exclamation of surprise, amazement. According to one version, the distorted "Blindme!" Dazzle me! May I be blinded!)
-SOD'SLAW ("The Law of Meanness")
-CHUFFED (extremely pleased with something, tochuff - 1) puffing; 2) encouraging, inspiring)
-CRAM (diligently prepare for the exam in a short time, cram)
-FAFF (when someone leaves the case for later)
-KIP(BrE: a short sleep (which the Americans referred to as nap)
-EASYPEASY (as the kids call something very simple)
-CHEERIO (friendly "goodbye")
-SHIPPER (imagine, to dream of a romance between two people)
-LAKSHERI (Luxury English word that means something prestigious, the most abrupt)
-CDA (CDA - a sense of self-importance, pride, arrogance, conceit)
-BIRCH (bench means that everything will be very well that the situation is currently under control and with time everything will be better)
-COLLABORATION (kolaboracja is when competitors that produce single)
-FLEX (dance to the swinging beat, music)
-THE FAN (the fan means something done for fun, by the frenzy, not serious)
-OTP (OneTruePairing, — one true pairing. A love couple of any characters from whom they are fanatical)
-HYPE (hype, hype)
-CHILL (chill - relax, do nothing)
-SHAME (shame, nonsense or something unfashionable, it came from prison jargon, where to get drunk – to disgrace yourself)
-SWIPE (swipe - to slide your finger across the screen.From the English toswype - to carry out, without tearing off, to slide)
-CASH (cash - cash, money)
-PM (PRIVATEMESSAGE) – (private message, BOS)
-SUPER (super)
-TO KEEP (kipish)
-CASH (cash)
-PARTY (party)
-HI, HALLO (hi, hello)
-TO REPOST (reposts)
-REAL, REALLY (real, real)
-PEOPLE (people)
-FRIEND (friends)
-REASON (reason)
-BIRTHDAY (holiday)
4. The result of interview.
I interviewed teenagers of our school. In our research I asked 3 questions:
Do you use youth slang in everyday life?
More than seventy seven percent of the teenagers, who took part in the interview, answered that they use English loans in their everyday life. And only two per cent of the teenagers said that they don’t use slag at all.
Why do you use youth slang?
Five per cent of adolescents replied that they use slang in their speech in order to “Stand out from the crowd”. Seventy percent of teenagers answered that using slang is just their habit. More than seventeen per cent of adolescents think that using slang helps to create a friendly atmosphere. And nobody supposes that it is fashionable.
What word do you use more often in your speech?
More than forty five percent of respondents answered that they often use in their lexicon the word LOL, the second place was given to the word “Like” and we have also seen than the word “ROFL” is becoming popular among the teenagers. Also many teenagers name the other words, which they use in their everyday life.
Having analyzed the answers of our interview, we made a conclusion that the English loans play one of the important roles in creating Russian youth slang.
Youth use slang very often. And it is their second language .They want to add some emotions to a sentence or phrase. And even if people don’t use slang, in most cases they understand the meaning of the slang words.
Slang is a universal fact of culture. Nowadays slang is used in different areas.
Youth slang is a coded language designed to exclude adults. It also shows what teenagers are concerned about. Nowadays many slang words are borrowed from English language. In my study I made a conclusion that teenagers use a lot of English loans in their speech and I made a list of only a small part of English borrowings, which became an integral part of the Russian youth slang. Having analyzed these words and interviewed the teenagers, I concluded that English loans play one of the important roles in creating Russian youth slang.
Youth use slang very often. And it is their second language .They want to add some emotions to a sentence or phrase. And even if people don’t use slang, in most cases they understand the meaning of the slang words. Thus, my hypothesis was proved and I achieved my aim and all the tasks.
List of literature
- https://scicenter.online/russkiy-yazyik-scicenter/periodyi-razvitiya-slenga-russkom-69834.html
- http://komiwiki.syktsu.ru/index.php/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B8_%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B0
- https://ktonanovenkogo.ru/voprosy-i-otvety/sleng-chto-ehto-takoe-molodezhnyj.html
- https://www.ruspeach.com/learning/13483/
- https://www.englishdom.com/blog/30-samyx-interesnyx-neologizmov-poslednix-let/
- https://infourok.ru/o-neologizmah-angloyazichnogo-proishozhdeniya-2527824.html
- http://английскийдлярусских.рф/angliiskaia-grammatika-izuchat-onlain-vse-temy/angliiskie-neologizmy-i-sokrashcheniia-s-perevodom-na-russkii-yazik/
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