The Thames (Темза)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Задание к тексту "The Thames" из учебника Spotlight VIII


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Предварительный просмотр:

I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.

  1. The Thames is the longest river in England.
  2. The Thames flows in England.
  3. The Thames was the main highway in England.
  4. Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
  5. Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.

II Answer the questions.

  1. How often does the rowing event take place?
  2. Why was London protected in times of war?
  3. When did the Thames become the busiest way?
  4. Who wrote about this river in his books?
  5. What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?

I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.

  1. The Thames is the longest river in England.
  2. The Thames flows in England.
  3. The Thames was the main highway in England.
  4. Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
  5. Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.

II Answer the questions.

  1. How often does the rowing event take place?
  2. Why was London protected in times of war?
  3. When did the Thames become the busiest way?
  4. Who wrote about this river in his books?
  5. What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?

I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.

  1. The Thames is the longest river in England.
  2. The Thames flows in England.
  3. The Thames was the main highway in England.
  4. Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
  5. Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.

II Answer the questions.

  1. How often does the rowing event take place?
  2. Why was London protected in times of war?
  3. When did the Thames become the busiest way?
  4. Who wrote about this river in his books?
  5. What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?

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