The Thames (Темза)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Задание к тексту "The Thames" из учебника Spotlight VIII
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Предварительный просмотр:
I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.
- The Thames is the longest river in England.
- The Thames flows in England.
- The Thames was the main highway in England.
- Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
- Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.
II Answer the questions.
- How often does the rowing event take place?
- Why was London protected in times of war?
- When did the Thames become the busiest way?
- Who wrote about this river in his books?
- What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?
I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.
- The Thames is the longest river in England.
- The Thames flows in England.
- The Thames was the main highway in England.
- Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
- Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.
II Answer the questions.
- How often does the rowing event take place?
- Why was London protected in times of war?
- When did the Thames become the busiest way?
- Who wrote about this river in his books?
- What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?
I Read the sentences and mark them True, False or Doesn’t say.
- The Thames is the longest river in England.
- The Thames flows in England.
- The Thames was the main highway in England.
- Tower Bridge lets ships through once a year.
- Charles Dickens spent all his life near the River Thames.
II Answer the questions.
- How often does the rowing event take place?
- Why was London protected in times of war?
- When did the Thames become the busiest way?
- Who wrote about this river in his books?
- What is the most famous bridge of the Thames?
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