Разработка урока чтения по теме: "Wedding in the forest".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Сизякина Елена Сергеевна

Урок позволяет совершенствовать навыки чтения путем работы с текстом «Wedding in the forest”, лексические навыки путем изучения языкового материала текста, повторять грамматический материал по теме «Complex object».


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

Класс:  6 «Б», 6         «А»                                                

Учитель: Сизякина Елена Сергеевна

Тема: «Wedding in the forest».

Цель: развивать навыки чтения, навыки работы с текстом, развивать лексические навыки, закрепить грамматические навыки по теме «Complex object».



  1. Совершенствовать навыки чтения путем работы с текстом «Wedding in the forest”.
  2. Совершенствовать лексические навыки путем изучения языкового материала текста «Wedding in the forest”.
  3. Повторить грамматический материал по теме «Complex object».

Воспитательные: прививать интерес к культуре и истории Великобритании, воспитывать уважение к традициям иноязычных стран.

Развивающие:  развивать память, образное и логическое мышление учащихся.

Форма урока: комбинированный урок.

Методы: фронтальный устный опрос, упражнения,  работа с книгой.

Приемы: одобрение, предъявление требований, вовлечение в интересную деятельность, иллюстрирование изучаемого материала.

Оформление: меловое оформление доски, иллюстрации.

План урока:


Целеполагание и актуализация.

Основная часть.

Подведение итогов.


Stand up! Stand still! Good morning (afternoon), boys and girls! Sit down, please. My name is Elena Sergyevna. Let’s start our lesson now.

Целеполагание и актуализация.

Nobody knows if such a man as Robin Hood really lived. All we know of him comes from ballads. The ballads say that there was a man in the 12-13th centuries called Robin Hood who lived in Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham. Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor people.

And today we shall read a story about Robin Hood’s act of bravery. The title of the story is «Wedding in the forest». Let’s read the text, translate it and answer the questions.

Ход урока.
1. Фонетическая зарядка.

There a lot of new words in the text. Let’s learn them. I offer you to repeat these words after me and translate them.

Robin Hood_________________________________________________

Minstrel  ___________________________________________________


Minstrel’s harp_______________________________________________



Sheriff of Nottingham__________________________________________



Wedding day_________________________________________________

True love____________________________________________________





On horseback____________________________________________________


To pull out_______________________________________________________



At the sight________________________________________________________
        Friar______________________________________________________________        Richard the Lionheart________________________________________________

Sherwood Forest____________________________________________________


King Henry________________________________________________________

Prince John________________________________________________________

2. Речевая разминка.

Before reading the text you should answer my questions.

  1. Who was Robin Hood?
  2. Who was Robin Hood’s enemy?
  3. Why was Robin Hood an outlaw?
  4. What skills did he possess?
  5. Why did common people like Robin Hood?

  1. Работа с текстом.

 Read the text and answer my questions (задание для 6 «А» и 6 «Б» классов.

  1. Read please the first passage.

Отсканировано 13.01.2013 16-49_000.jpg

Answer these questions.

Who was brought to Robin Hood one morning? (Young man with a minstrel’s harp was brought to Robin Hood.)

  1. Let’s read the next text. Let’s act out this dialogue.

        «I have no money”, said Alan, “but I will be your devoted servant if Ellen can be my wife.”Отсканировано 13.01.2013 16-49_000.jpg

        “A minstrel to sing songs of the brave adventures of my merry men is just what we need”, said Robin.

Answer these questions.

  1. What did Alan-a-Dale tell Robin Hood about his life? ( He told that his heart was broken because father of Ellen wanted her to marry a rich old knight. )
  2. What        musical instrument could Alan-a-Dale play? (Alan could play harp)
  3. What could Alan-a-Dale give Robin Hood for his help? (Alan promised to sing songs of brave adventures of Robin’s men)
  4. Explain why Alan-a-Dale was sad when he came to Robin Hood. (Alan was said because he couldn’t marry his true love)
  5. Explain why Ellen’s father found a rich old knight for her as a husband. (Ellen’s father owed money to the Sherriff and he had to find a rich husband)
  6. Explain why Alan-a-Dale didn’t fight for the maiden he loved. (The knight was too old for Alan to fight )

  1. Read, please the author’s words.

        Ellen’s wedding to the old knight was to take place that very day at a church about 5 miles away. Quickly and carefully Robin told the men his plan. Then he borrowed Alan’s harp and hurried to the church. There he found the bishop, told him that he was a minstrel and was allowed to play at the wedding. Soon they saw a picturesque procession on horseback coming near the church. First came the knight so old and weak that he could hardly sit on his horse. Then came his men smartly dressed in new and shining clothes. Then, riding at her father’s side, came a beautiful young girl. And what a striking contrast she was to the old knight! There were tears in her blue eyes, but she didn’t hang her head modestly she held her head high and looked straight before her. The party stopped opposite the church in the middle of the busy square.

Answer my questions please.

  1. Where was Ellen’s wedding to take place? (Ellen’s wedding was to take place at a church)
  2. What procession did Robin see near the church? (He saw smartly dressed men of an old knight on horseback coming near church, he saw a young beautiful girl riding at her father’s side)
  3. Explain why Robin borrowed Alan’s harp. (Robin took his harp to present himself as a mistrel)
  4. Explain why there were tears in Ellen’s eyes when she was riding to the church. (Ellen loved Allan-a-Dale. He was her true love)
  1. Let’s act out this dialogue.

“Why don’t we start the music?” asked the bishop turning to Robin.

“That I will”, said Robin, but instead of playing the harp, he pulled out his horn and blew three times. Immediately, 24 archers, headed by Alan-a-Dale, came running up. Alan handed Robin his bow.

        At the sight of Alan, the fair Ellen had got rosy red and then became very pale. The rest of the company stood silent, waiting to see what was going to happen. Even the bishop was so struck that he couldn’t speak, and Robin’s voice rang loud and clear as he turned to speak to Ellen.

        “ Here is Alan-a-Dale, your true love”, he said, “and I am here with these good men of mine to make sure that you and he are married”.

        All people who had come to see the wedding entered the church. Only the old knight and his men and Ellen’s father stood outside. And Robin’s men watched over them. Friar Tuck read the service. Everybody understood what a great moment it was.

Answer my questions, please.

  1. What did Robin do when the bishop asked him to start the music? (He pulled out his horn and blew three times)
  2. Who read the service at Ellen’s wedding? (Friar Tuck read the service)
  3. Explain why Robin pulled out his horn and blew three times. (He called his band with his horn)
  4. Explain why Ellen became rosy red and then pale at the sight of Alan. (She didn’t expect to see him at the wedding)
  5. Explain why Robin’s men watched over Ellen’s father and the old knight during the wedding. (Her father and the knight didn’t want Ellen to marry Alan)

  1. Let’s work with the last part of the text.

        When the wedding was over, the whole раrtу went happily back to Sherwood Forest. That night the forest heard sweet music as the band gathered around the fire after the wedding mеаl to sing and to listen to Alan-a-Dale's harp. Аlаn had much to tell them about what was going оn in the world outside Sherwood Forest. Most of the mеn did not еvеn know that Кing Henry had died and had been buried.

        "When good Richard the Lionheart bесаmе king," said Alan, "we thought that аll would go better for оur people. But now he is away, and things are worse than ever. Prince John, his wicked brother, is ruling in Richard's place, and people say he wants to get his brother's throne. Не loves only mоnеу and power."

        "Мау the Lionheart return quickly," said Robin. "Не is а good king. I think he will forgive us when he knows that we are loуаl to him and have tried to help his suffering реорlе."

        Не said по more for he did not want to bring а sad note into the wedding celebration, but his heart ached for аll the good реорlе of the land.

Answer my questions, please.

  1. What did Alan-a-Dale tell the band after the wedding when they gathered around the fire? (Аlаn had much to tell them about what was going оn in the world outside Sherwood Forest. Most of the mеn did not еvеn know that Кing Henry had died and had been buried.)
  2. What did Robin Hood think of Richard the Lionheart? ( He thought that he was a good king)
  3. Explain why Robin’s men knew little about what was going on in the world. (They lived in the forest and didn’t communicate with other people.)
  4.  Explain why in Robin’s opinion things were worse than ever in England. (He was very kind person and he saw lots of suffering poor people but he understood that it was impossible to change it)

(задание для 6 «А» класса) Add more details. (task 4 at page 57).

  1. Alan-a-Dale was a sad young man.
  2.  Ellen’s father did not want her to marry Alan.
  3. Robin thought of a clever plan to help Alan.
  4. Elen and Alan got married.
  5. After the wedding Robin’s men listened to Alan’s harp and to his stories.
  6. Robin’s men did not like the way England was ruled.

(задание для 6 «Б» класса) Prove that: (task 5 at page 58)

  1. Robin was a fair and clever man.
  2. Robin and his men were brave people.
  3. Alan-a-Dale was a real knight.
  4. Ellen was a good daughter.
  5. Ellen’s father understood his daughter’s happiness in his own way.
  6. Alan-a-Dale could play the harp, sing songs and tell stories very well.
  7. Prince John was a wicked ruler.

(задание для 6 «А», 6 «Б» классов) Put the sentences in the right order: (task 2 at page 57)

  1. Robin borrowed Alan’s harp and hurried to the church. (4)
  2. Friar Tuck read the service.(7)
  3. Robin Hood’s men noticed a young man in the forest. (1)
  4. Robin’s heart ached for all the good people of the land. (9)
  5. Robin Hood decided to help Alan-a-Dale. (3)
  6. After the wedding the whole party went to Sherwood Forest.(8)
  7. A picturesque procession came to the church.(5)
  8. Robin said Richard the Lionheart was a good king.
  9. Alan-a-Dale told Robin Hood the story of his life.(2)
  10.  Robin pulled out his horn and blew three times. (6)

Повторение грамматического материала. Complex object. Сложное дополнение.

        Это конструкция, состоящая из существительного в общем падеже (noun in a common case) или местоимения в объектном падеже (pronoun in an objective case) и инфинитива. Напомним, как выглядят местоимения в объектном падеже:

I – me

you – you

he – him

she – her

it – it

we – us

they – them

I want you to help me.

Частица To употребляется после глаголов :



would like

и после пассивных конструкций:

 to be allowed  to do smth

to be made to do smth

Частица To не употребляется после глаголов:


make (somebody do something)




hear                 feel

(задание для 6 «А», 6 «Б» классов) Let’s train to use complex object now.

  1. Нужна ли здесь частица to?

The Sheriff wants Ellen …  marry someone rich (to)

Alan-a-Dale wouldn’t like Ellen … marry an old knight. (to)

Ellen’s father made her … marry an old knight. (-)

Robin expected Alan … fight for maiden. (to)

Alan-a-Dale  wanted Robin Hood … help him (to)

Robin Hood would like Alan …sing songs of the brave adventures of Robin’s men. (to)

A minstrel was allowed … play at the wedding (to)

Ellen wasn’t allowed … marry Alan. (to)

Friar Tuck was made … read the service. (to)

Robin make friar Tuck … read the service (-)

Robin expected the Lionheart … return quickly (to)

People didn’t want prince John …become a king (to)

Robert did not want … bring a sad note into the wedding celebration. (to)

Everybody heard Alan … play sweet music. (-)

Everybody saw an old knight … hardly sit on his horse. (-)

  1. Закончите предложение, употребляя сложное дополнение.

«Bring  me a book”, said my brother to me. My brother wanted me to bring him a book.

“Fight for Ellen”,  said Robin Hood to Alan.  -   Robin Hood wanted…

“Sing songs of the brave adventures of my merry men”, said Robin to Alan.  – Robin Hood wanted…

“Start the music”, said the bishop to Robin. The bishop wanted…

Подведение итогов.  Thank you for attention. Our lesson is over.

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