Для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
Для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
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Решу ЕГЭ Вариант № 2027387
Задание 1
1. The speaker criticizes books on time management.
2. The speaker believes our schedule shouldn’t ignore personal wishes.
3. The speaker recommends balancing our weekly activities.
4. The speaker considers physiology in time management.
5. The speaker advocates concentration on each task.
6. The speaker recommends concentrating on one big aim at a time.
7. The speaker advises doing tasks in order of importance.
Говорящий | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Утверждение |
Задание 2
A) The tourist has visited England before.
B) There is a number of sightseeing attractions in Windsor besides Windsor Castle.
C) The tourist hopes to see the Queen in Windsor.
D) The Household Cavalry Museum occupies a part of Windsor Castle.
E) The tourist wants to see Windsor Great Park on a separate day.
F) The receptionist claims that most tourists need more than one day to spend in Windsor.
G) The tourist wants to buy postcards with the town views.
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Задание 3
Carl Fox says that he …
1) likes to travel.
2) works in a small agency.
3) wanted to work in a travel agency since he was 10 years old.
Задание 4
Which of the following is TRUE about Carl Fox’s reasons for wanting to work in a travel agency?
1) Travelling advantages the job offered.
2) His experience of working in resorts abroad.
3) His desire to travel to Spain for free.
Задание 5
Which of the following is NOT Carl’s responsibility?
1) Arranging accommodation.
2) Vaccinating the clients.
3) Offering holiday options.
Задание 6
Which of the following is Carl’s responsibility if his client is flying?
1) Meeting the client at the airport.
2) Providing the client with a taxi to the airport.
3) Informing the client about weather conditions in place of destination.
Задание 7
What kind of holiday do modern customers prefer to order nowadays, according to Carl?
1) A package tour.
2) A tour to a place Carl knows personally.
3) A specially designed tour.
Задание 8
According to Carl, what’s the best thing in providing personalized service?
1) Opportunity to learn about new routes.
2) Possibility to arrange a perfect holiday to a customer.
3) Inventing unusual itineraries.
Задание 9
Carl told a story about his client who …
1) wanted him to arrange an important meeting.
2) couldn’t choose a suitable flight.
3) confused the names of two cities.
Задание 10 № 1557
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Just in time
2. Just in case
3. Eventful life
4. A curious case
5. Reduced Expectations
6. Royal brother
7. Royal ancestor
8. Double trouble
A. I am a mother of identical, mirror-image boys — David and John. No one but me can tell them apart. I am constantly amazed at how close they are. Once when they were babies David was ill, but it was John who began crying wildly. I tried to calm John first since nothing was wrong with him. But he only cried louder. Finally I gave some medicine to David — who really was unwell. As soon as John sensed his brother felt better, he immediately settled to sleep.
B. The 12 year old was playing near the Platte River in North Bend, Nebraska. The river was high and as the boy stepped in, the current pushed his legs away. He floated off, spinning in the powerful current. At the last possible moment before the rapids, his yells were heard by his dog. It jumped in, reached the boy and towed him ashore. Another second and the boy would have been swept away to certain death.
C. Armgaard Karl Graves, referred to in press reports as ‘the Glasgow Spy’, was convicted in Scotland under the Official Secrets Act (1911) for spying on the British Navy. He spent years successfully creating an identity as an Australian doctor and in Scotland even conducted important clinical experiments. But he was eventually caught by a suspicious post office worker as he sent and received post under a variety of assumed names.
D. Zsa Zsa Gabor was born in Budapest on February 6th, 1917. Now in her 90s she has had a long and varied life. She was a beauty queen and singer before becoming a famous screen actress. She was married 8 times but only had one child with second husband, Conrad Hilton. Her last marriage to Frederic von Anhalt gave her the honorary title Prinzessin von Anhalt.
E. “Who do you think you are” is one of my favourite TV programs. Each episode researches the family history of a celebrity, back into the mists of time. In the UK there are good records of births, marriages and deaths going back hundreds of-years. One of the best episodes was on Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London. He was thrilled when he discovered he was directly related to King George II.
F. Paris Hilton is a famous socialite, media personality, actress, model and singer. In 2007 her grandfather Barron Hilton pledged 97% of his estate — a value of more than 2 billion US dollars — to a charitable foundation. Many now believe that Paris and the other grandchildren have had their potential inheritance sharply reduced. Others have commented that this news was unlikely to change her future life style.
G. Andy always travels well equipped for any potential possibility. He has a sewing repair kit and a small medical kit with aspirin. These are, I suppose, perfectly sensible. But what about a ball of string, tape measure, masking tape, Swiss army penknife, disposable cutlery, disinfectant, dry bags and an inflatable back rest? Andy says you never know what might happen and it’s always best to be prepared.
Текст | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовок |
Задание 11
Promoting language learning
The European Union (EU) is committed to supporting the rights of its citizens to personal and professional mobility, and their ability to communicate with each other. It does so by A_____________________ to promote the teaching and learning of European languages. These programmes have at least one thing in common: they cover cross-border projects involving partners from two, and often three or more, EU countries.
The EU programmes are designed to complement the national education policies of member countries. Each government is responsible for its own national education policy, B_____________________. What the EU programmes do is to create links between countries and regions via joint projects, C_____________________.
Since 2007 the main programmes have been put under the overall umbrella of the EU’s lifelong learning programme. All languages are eligible for support under this programme: official languages, regional, minority and migrant languages, D_____________________. There are national information centres in each country, E_____________________.
The cultural programmes of the EU also promote linguistic and cultural diversity in a number of ways. The “Media” programme funds the dubbing and subtitling of European films for F _____________________. The “Culture” programme builds cross-cultural bridges by supporting the translation of modern authors into other EU languages.
1. and the languages of the EU’s major trading partners
2. which includes language teaching and learning
3. cinemas and television in other EU countries
4. which enhance the impact of language teaching and learning
5. funding a number of educational programmes
6. and encouraging people to learn new languages
7. where details about the application procedures are given
Пропуск | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Часть предложения |
3 блок чтения
Do you believe in climate change?
This may seem like an odd question for a climate scientist to ask, but it is one I am constantly asked now. The typical discussion starts: "I know that the climate is changing, but hasn't it always changed through natural cycles?" Then they will often give an example, such as the medieval warm period to prove their point.
Those asking the question include a wide range of people I meet in the pub, friends, politicians and, increasingly, even some of those active in sustainable development and the renewable energy businesses. What I find interesting is that I have known many of these people for a long time and they never asked me this before.
Recent studies show that public acceptance of the scientific evidence for man-made climate change has decreased. However, the change is not that great. The difference I find in talking to people is that they feel better able to express their doubts.
This is very hard for scientists to understand. The scientific evidence that humanity is having an effect on the climate is overwhelming and increasing every year. Yet public perception of this is confused. People modify their beliefs about uncomfortable truth, they may have become bored of constantly hearing about climate change; or external factors such as the financial crisis may have played a role.
Around three years ago, I raised the issue of the way that science can be misused. In some cases scare stories in the media were over-hyping climate change, and I think we are paying the price for this now with a reaction the other way. I was concerned then that science is not always presented objectively by the media. What I don't think any of us appreciated at the time was the depth of disconnect between the scientific process and the public.
Which brings me to the question, should you believe in climate change? The first point to make is that it's not something you should believe or not believe in -this is a matter of science and therefore of evidence - and there's a lot of it out there. On an issue this important, I think people should look at that evidence and make their own mind up. We are often very influenced by our own personal experience. After a couple of cold winters in the UK, the common question was: "Has climate change stopped?" despite that fact that many other regions of the world were experiencing record warm temperatures. And 2010 was one of the warmest years on record. For real evidence of climate change, we have to look at the bigger picture.
You can see research by the Met Office that shows the evidence of man-made warming is even stronger than it was when the last report was published. A whole range of different datasets and independent analyses show the world is warming. There is a broad consensus that over the last half-century, warming has been rapid, and man-made greenhouse gas emissions are very likely to be the cause.
Ultimately, as the planet continues to warm, the issue of whether you believe in climate change will become more and more irrelevant. We will all experience the impacts of climate change in some way, so the evidence will be there in plain sight.
The more appropriate questions for today are how will our climate change and how can we prepare for those changes? That's why it's important that climate scientists continue their work, and continue sharing their evidence and research so people can stay up to date - and make up their own minds.
Задание 12 № 2278
Paragraph 1 says that people ...
1) tend to ask strange questions about climate change.
2) think that the climate is not changing.
3) doubt that climate change is man-made.
4) believe that in medieval times climate was harsh.
Задание 13 № 2279
According to recent studies of public attitude to climate change, more and more people ...
1) refuse to accept the scientific proof of warming.
2) think that scientists are wrong about climate warming.
3) have stopped trusting climate science.
4) know that there is no clear evidence of climate change.
Задание 14 № 2280
What is meant by «uncomfortable truth» in paragraph 4?
1) World financial crisis.
2) Scientific reports on climate.
3) Evidence of man-made climate change.
4) People's personal beliefs.
Задание 15 № 2281
What does «this» in paragraph 5 refer to?
1) The historical impact of climate change.
2) Negative public attitude to climate change.
3) The way the climate change used to be presented.
4) Scientific evidence of climate change.
Задание 16 № 2282
The author gives the example of cold winters in the UK to point out that...
1) there is evidence that the climate change has stopped finally.
2) people draw conclusions based on their own experience rather than scientific evidence.
3) the weather in Britain has always been unpredictable.
4) the Met Office doesn't make public the evidence it collected.
Задание 17 № 2283
How does the author feel about the evidence of climate change?
1) It's not enough yet.
2) It's irrelevant so far.
3) It's not very convincing.
4) It soon would become conclusive.
Задание 18 № 2284
The author wants climate scientists to continue their work because ...
1) people need to know how to get ready for changes.
2) they have not shared their findings with the public.
3) society demands more research in this field.
4) people don't want to make up their own minds.
3 блок грамматики
A Storyteller
In my early 20s, after a year and a half in England, and four months in France, I returned to the United States and got a job at a camp in northern Virginia. My 32 ______ that summer was Dan from Mississippi, and I am from Rhode Island. We worked together with a group of boys from 12 to 14 years old. I've always been a bit untidy, but Dan was 33 ______ and clean, even after a night in the woods with our campers. We could not have been more different, but we got on because we shared the same 34 ______ of humor.
At the end of the summer, a few of us went to 35 ______ a cave in West Virginia and got stuck in the cave for the night. It wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds. The park rangers had told us to stay there if anything happened. They knew where we were going, and when we should have been back. Dan hurt his right foot badly. So we had to 36 ______ the night in the cave. Food and water were not a problem, but we turned off our lights to save power. In the distance, we could hear the sound of running water.
To 37 ______ the time, we told stories. That night in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I remembered more and more. I was not alone—the cave, the blue light and the flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us.
When the rangers came the next morning, we didn’t want to 38 ______ . ‘Can’t we just tell a few more stories?’ In the cave, that night, I became a storyteller.
Задание 32 № 77
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) friend
2) teammate
3) partner
4) opponent
Задание 33 № 78
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) clear
2) neat
3) exact
4) careful
Задание 34 № 79
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) feeling
2) emotion
3) reason
4) sense
Задание 35 № 80
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) explore
2) analyze
3) teach
4) learn
Задание 36 № 81
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) lead
2) spend
3) hold
4) waste
Задание 37 № 82
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) keep
2) waste
3) spare
4) pass
Задание 38 № 83
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) escape
2) leave
3) retreat
4) retire
Задание 39 № 11009
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Joan:
From: Friend@mail.uk |
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru |
Subject: Welcome |
… When I forget to take an umbrella in summer, it always rains. What’s the weather like in summer where you live? What do you usually do when it rains? How do you protect yourself from bad weather? I bought new shoes two days ago, but now I think I should take them back to the store ... |
Write an email to Joan.
In your message
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her new shoes
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
Задание 40
40.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on the sources of information teenagers in Zetland use most often. You have found some data on the subject — the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.
Sources of information | Number of teenagers (%) |
Web browsers | 38 |
Peers | 26 |
Family | 17 |
Television | 13 |
Periodicals | 6 |
Write 200−250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;
— select and report 2−3 facts;
— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;
— outline a problem that can arise with ways of getting information and suggest a way of solving it;
— conclude by giving your opinion on the best way of getting information.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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