3 класс, Учимся описывать человека
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация составлена к уроку 54 по учебнику "EnjoyEnglish" Биболетова М.З.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Let’s read, please Head, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, knee, toe, foot face, eye, ear, nose, tooth, hair, mouth . Name, please
Answer my questions: What do you eat with? What do you think with? What do you walk with? What do you see with? What do you write with?
Agree or disagree I've got one nose – Yes, I’ve got one nose. I’ve got three ears – No, I haven’t. I haven’t got three ears. I’ve got two ears. I’ve got five arms. I’ve got two eyes. I’ve got four feet. I’ve got one head. I’ve got three legs.
Послушай и скажи, о ком мама Роуз рассказывает Well , he is small but strong. He is not fat. His eyes are kind and brown. He has big ears. He has a small nose. His hands and feet are small. He is happy and funny. He writes poems and fairy tales. Tiny
Have / has got = have / has – имею, имеешь, имеет, имеем, имеете, имеют. 1 л . I have got 2 л . You have got 3 л . He has got She has got It has got 1 л . We have got 2 л . You have got 3 л . They have got Describe a picture (во всех лицах)
Learn the grammar rule Чтобы образовать отрицательную фразу, достаточно поставить частицу not между have / has и got . It has no t got a big nose Чтобы образовать вопрос , надо подлежащее и глагол have/has поменять местами . Has the dog got a long nose? Have the cows got big tails ?
Посмотри на портреты учеников и опиши их, используя слова short/long nose green/brown/blue eyes Big/small ears merry/funny face dark/yellow hair short/long arms He has got =He’s got
Check yourself and read He has got a short nose. He has got blue eyes. He has got big ears. He has got a marry face. He has got dark hair. He has got long arms. He has got a long nose. He has got brown eyes. He has got small ears. He has got a funny face. He has got dark hair. He has got short arms . He has got a short nose. He has got brown eyes. He has got small ears. He has got a merry face. He has got dark hair. He has got short arms .
Read this story I have got a lot of toys. But I like Betsy and my Teddy bear. Betsy is my doll. Betsy has green eyes, pink mouth and a small nose. My doll’s hair is long and yellow. Betsy has a green shirt, blue jeans and a green hat on ( на Бетси надета …). I have got a blue doll’s house for Betsy. I have got a nice teddy bear. My teddy bear has black eyes and a red mouth. I like to play with my toys .
Answer the questions What toys has the girl got? Who is Betsy? What colour has Betsy? Is her mouth pink? Is her nose long? What can you say about Betsy’s hair? What has Betsy on? Has Teddy bear black eyes and a red mouth? Does the girl like to play with her toys?
Let’s rest!
Помоги инопланетянину рассказать о новых друзьях. Используй образец. Tiny has brown eyes. Tiny has big ears Jim has strong arms and legs. Jill has kind eyes. Martin has white teeth. Billy has small hands and feet. Tiny’s eyes are brown. Tiny’s ears are big. Jim’s arms and legs are strong. Jill’s eyes are kind. Martin’s teeth are white. Billy’s feet and hands are small.
Complete the sentences Example: A hand has five fingers. 1) A foot has five______ . 2)We have one head, one ________, one ______ and one _______. 3)We have two eyes, two _____, two ______, two_______, two ___________. 4)A man has a thirty-two _______. toes mouth nose neck ears legs arms shoulders teeth
Listen, repeat and read [e] – h e lp, l e g, h ea d, b e d, forg e t, t e ll [ aɪ ] – n i ce, n i ne, m y , e y e, t i me [ i :] – cl ea n, pl ea se, r ea d, t ee th, f ee t, kn ee [ɔ] – cl o ck, w a nt, g o t, b o x, w a sh
Let’s repeat our poem! Ten little fingers, Ten little toes , Two little ears And one little nose . Two little eyes, They shine so bright. One little mouth To say “Good bye !”
Let’s learn new words it’s time – время to go to bed - идти ложиться спать put – класть, ставить It’s time to go to school. It’s time to draw.
Read the text. Answer these questions: a) When (what time) do Rose and Andrew go to bed? b) What does mum want to tell ( рассказать ) Rose and Andrew?
Let’s repeat Who What What colour Where Why When Which How How many How much Кто Что, какой Какого цвета Где, куда Почему, зачем Когда Какой, который из Как Сколько (для исчисляемых) Сколько (для неисчисляемых)
Read and answer Who is your friend? What is your favourite sport? Where do you live? Why do you go to school? When do you ride a bike? Which books do you like? How old are you? How many sisters have you got? How much money do you have?
Придумай свой вопрос о Тайни . What is Tiny’s favourite season? ______ does he live? _____ is his birthday? ______ does he like? ______ does he go to bed? ______ fairy tales has he got? Where When What When Which
Homework Ex.5, p.100, student’s book Ex.3, p.64, workbook Правило – have/has, p. 99
Thank you for your work! The lesson is over. Good bye. See you tomorrow.
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