Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку "Своя Игра"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку "Youк own game" для старших школьник.
Вопросы разделены на разные темы, основанные на материале, который был изучен учащимися ранее.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
London Plants Mark Twain Australia Historical persons 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100
20 . What is the center of London? Х
40. Who was the architect of Saint Paul`s Cathedral? Х
60. When was the Great Fire? Х
80 .What does the legend about the ravens in the Tower say? Х
100 . There are 2 letters “E.R.” on the front of Yeomen Warders` tunic. What do they mean? Х
20 .A plant which is a symbol of Australia? Х
40. A plant which is a paint at the same time? Х
60 .A flower which is the symbol of the French Revolution? Х
8 0.The evergreen plant with small red berries ,which is one of Christmas symbols? Х
100. This is the national flower and the emblem of Japan. Х
20. What was his real name? Х
40. Where was he born? Х
60. What 2 books do children all over the world like most of all? Х
80. In what month was Mark Twain born? Х
100 .What does his pen-name mean? Х
20. What is Urulu ? Х
40. The oldest city in Australia? Х
60. What does “Canberra” mean? Х
80 .What is the name of the world’s coral reef? Х
100. What does Australia mean? Х
20. The English author known as the Queen of Crime? Х
40. He wrote Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland . Х
60. The French cardinal , politician, whose name is mentioned in the novel “3 musketeers”? Х
80. The queen of the ancient world, whose name was given to one of the world miracles? Х
100 . When did Queen Anne become Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland? Х
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
flowers animals UK Famous people 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50
10.what flower is the national emblem of England ? Х
20.This flower looks like a hedgehog. What flower is it ? Х
30.This flower remembers everything. What flower is it ? Х
40.The nectar of this flower makes people drunk. What is it? Х
50.This plant is the national emblem of Scotland. What plant is it? Х
10.A striped horse . Х
20. A bird which doesn’t fly and lives in Antarctica. What is it? Х
30. A snake with spectacles? Х
40. An animal which is a half-precious stone. Х
50. What is the cleverest animal nowadays? Х
10. The mysterious lake in the UK ? Х
20. How is the flag of the UK called? Х
30. What is the most democratical place in Hyde Park? Х
40. How many times has London been the capital of the Olympic Games? Х
50.What is the capital of the UK ? Х
30.The French cardinal, politician whose name was mentioned in the novel “Three musketeers”. Х
40 . She was the only woman who became the Prime Minister. Х
50. The writer who wrote more than sixty detective novels. Х
20. He was an astronomer, an architect and an engineer. But we remember him as the greatest artist in the world . Х
50.Why did Isaac Newton no resave Nobel Prize ? Х
10.What bird is the symbol of the USA ? Х
20.What is the longest river of the USA ? Х
30.What state has the smallest populatio n ? Х
10. By the age of 32 ,he knew that he was going to deaf. Deeply depressed he had to give up playing ,but he was able to go on composing because a he could hear the music in his head . Х
50.Why did Isaac Newton no resave Nobel Prize ? Х
Предварительный просмотр:
10 – What flower is the national emblem of England& (a red rose)
20 – This flower looks like a hedgehog. What flower is it? (cactus)
30 – This flower remembers everything. What flower is it? (forget-me-not)
40 – The nectar of this flower makes people drunk. What is it? (poppy)
50 – This plant is the national emblem of Scotland. What plant is it& (thistle)
10 – A striped horse. (zebra)
20 – A bird which doesn’t fly and lives in Antarctica. What is it? (penguin)
30 – A snake with spectacles? (zebra)
40 – An animal which is a half-precious stone. (a coral)
50 – What is the cleverest animal nowadays? (dolphin)
10 – The mysterious lake in the UK? (Loch Ness)
20 – How is the flag of the UK called? (Union Jack)
30 – What is the most democratical place in Hyde Park? (Speaker’s Corner)
40 – How many times has London been the capital of the Olympicgames& (3 times – 1908, 1948, 2012)
50 – What is the capital of the UK? (London)
10 – By the age of 32 ,he knew that he was going to deaf. Deeply depressed he had to give up playing ,but he was able to go on composing because a he could hear the music in his head. (Beethoven)
20 - He was an astronomer, an architect and an engineer. But we remember him as the greatest artist in the world. (Leonardo de Vinci)
30 - The French cardinal, politician whose name was mentioned in the novel “Three musketeers”.
( Richelieu)
40 – She was the only woman who became the Prime Minister. (Margaret Tetcher)
50 – The writer who wrote more than sixty detective novels. (Agatha Christie)
20 – What is the center of London? (Trafalgar Square)
40 – Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)
60 – When was the Great Fire? (1666)
80 – What does the legend about the ravens in the Tower say? (When they leave it, the Tower Will fall)
100 – There are two letters “E. R.” on the front of Yeomen Worder’s tunic. What do they mean? (Elizabeth Regina)
20 – A plant which is a symbol of Australia? (Golden Acacia)
40 – A plant which is a paint at the same time? (Henna)
60 – A flower which is the symbol of the French Revolution? (Carnation)
80 – The evergreen plant with small red berries, which is one of Christmas symbols? (holly)
100 – This is the national flower and the emblem of Japan. (chrysanthemum)
20 – What was his real name? (Samuel Langhorne Clements)
40 – Where was he born? (Florida, USA, Missouri)
60 – When did he die? (21.04.1910)
80 – In what month was Mark Twain born? (30, November, 1835)
100 – What does his pen-name mean? (the mark of two (2 fathoms of sea))
20 – What is Urulu? (The Rock)
40 – The oldest city in Australia? (Sidney)
60 – What does “Canberra” mean? (Meeting place)
80 – What is the name of the world’s longest coral reef? (Great Barrier Reef)
100 – What does Australia mean? (Terra Australis Incognita)
20 – The English author known as the Queen of Crime? (Agatha Cristie)
40- He wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol)
60 – The French cardinal, politician, whose name is mentioned in the novel “Three musketeers”. (Richelieu)
80 – The queen of the ancient world, whose name was given to one of the world miracles? (Semiarid)
100 – When did Queen Anne become Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland? (8 March 1702)
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