Сценарий сказки Angelina
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Dreams come true
Данный сценарий рассчитан на обучающихся старшего возраста. В мини-спектакль включены стихи, песни, танцы, что дает обучающимся возможность раскрыть свой потенциал, а также способствует положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
- Angelina
- Stepmother
- Sissy
- Lusy
- Godmother
- a Postman
- Jury
- Norrator
This is a very old fairy tale that was first told many centuries ago and still lives, … and everybody tells it in a different way.
This is the story of Cinderella. Oh, excuse me, please not Cinderella, but Angelina!
She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. Her father has got a second wife now, and she is Angelina’s stepmother. She is a horrible woman. She has got two daughters- Sissy and Lusy. They are Angelina’s stepsisters.
Angelina, what are you doing? You’re not working! Work, girl, work. Make the breakfast. I’m hungry. I want my toast, jam, cheese and a cup of tea.
Angelina: Yes, stepmother.
Stepmother: My daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast, too.
(Sissy enters)
Angelina: Good morning, sister.
Sissy: Good morning, Mummy, dear.
Stepmother: And how are you today, Sissy, dear?
Sissy: Terrible, terrible.
Stepmother: Oh, dear.
(Lusy enters)
Angelina: Good morning, sister.
Stepmother: Oh, good morning, my child.
Lusy: Morning.
Stepmother: And how are you today?
Lusy: Terrible.
Stepmother: Oh, dear, you too?
Lusy: Oh, my head…, my teeth…, oooh….
Sissy: Hmmmmp! Angelina! Where is my breakfast?! I am hungry and thirsty. I want two eggs, pudding, cookies, two cups of tea with milk, and sugar and six pieces of toast -
Lusy: I want a cup of coffee… Oh, my head…
Sissy: -- with cheese—
Lusy: Coffee. Black. No sugar. I want my breakfast now, Angelina. Oh… my teeth…oh…
Sissy: --and an apple.
Angelina: Yes, sister.
Yes, sister.
(Postman knocks)
Postman: May I come in?
All together: Yes, you may, come here, please!
Postman: Here is an invitation card to you! You are invited to the song contest!
Stepmother: We’ll go to the song contest. What shall we wear, I wonder? We haven’t got new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the contest.
Sissy: And me too. I want a beautiful blue skirt and I want a blue hat and white shoes.
Lusy: And me too. I want a beautiful blue skirt, blue shoes and a white hat.
Angelina: And me, too. I can’t wear these old clothes. I want some new clothes.
Sissy: YOU??
Angelina: Yes, me…
Stepmother: You can’t go to the contest.
Sissy: NO, you can’t go to the contest.
Lusy: NO, you can’t go to the contest.
Postman: Oh, yes, she can! Look here. The invitation card says: “To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters”. So, she can go to the contest.
Stepmother: Oh, no she can’t.
Postman: Oh, yes, she can.
Sissy and Lusy: Oh, no, she can’t.
Stepmother: Oh, yes, she can.
Sissy and Lusy: What?
Stepmother: Yes, she can go to the contest. Of course she can. Thank you, postman. You have a very busy day today. Good bye, postman. Angelina, you can go to the contest. But first there’s some work for you to do: make beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make dinner, wash my clothes…
Lusy: Wash my clothes!
Sissy: And my clothes.
Lusy: Wash my dress!
Sissy: And my dress!
Lusy: My stockings!
Sissy: My socks!
Stepmother: And only then you can go to the contest.
Angelina: Oh, no! I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the contest now?
(everyone is leaving)
Angelina (sadly): They will go to the contest… Though no one in the world like to sing as I do...
While polishing the floor, I learned to dance, while suffering, I learned to think,
Listening to the cat`s purring, I learned to sing.
And no one knows about that….
It hurts, doesn`t it?
I want it so much that people notice what kind of person I am. But I want people to notice it themselves with no please and bother from my side because I am very proud.
Can it be true that it will never happen?
Can it be true that I will never have joy and happiness?
Indeed, it is very bad when the one who deserves to go to the song contest, never does.
One can fall ill because of that!
I want happiness to come to me!
(and she sings and dances)
Stepmother: So you are dancing!!! I`m rushed off my feet from weariness preparing for song contest but you are just dancing! I care about you much more than about my daughters. I haven`t given a single notice to them for months while I foster you all day long! Where is the gratitude? Where is the gratitude?
I know you wanted to run away to the song contest today.
Angelina: Only when everyone`s gone, mother, for no one will need me then.
Stepmother to her daughters: Do you know, my little girls, what was this good-for-nothing doing? She was dancing!!!
Sissy and Lusy: Dancing?
Lusy: Thoughtless about how tired I am preparing for the song contest!
Angelina: I`ve made some coffee to refresh you. I`ll bring it right now.
Sissy: She knows all the answers.
Lusy: She does everything to drive us crazy!
Stepmother: Angelina, you wanted to go to the song contest, I know. You may do so, my dear.
Angelina: Thank you!
Stepmother: Just put the rooms in order before you go, wash the windows, wash the floors, white the kitchen….
Angelina: But I will not finish even in a month…
Stepmother: Hurry up, my dear, hurry up!
( everyone is leaving except Angelina)
Angelina: I`m busy all the time because of my kindness. I slave away from morning deep into the night. Anyone can command me but no one wants to thank me. I hide my sorrow.
I sing instead of weeping. I even smile. What can I do now? Who can help me?
Godmother: Hello, granddaughter!
Angelina: Godmother!!! Dear, Godmother, you are always appear
Godmother: Yes, I like to do so!
Angelina: But last time you appeared out of the dark corner behind the fireplace. Today you come over the air.
Godmother: Yes, I am such an inventor, you still can`t get used to it.
You see, I` m very glad to see you.
Today you were offended 24 times of which for nothing ….24 times.
Today you deserved praise….333 times but they didn`t praise you even once.
I hate those who want to do nothing and adore those who work hard.
I adore you and hate your evil stepmother. I would like to turn her into a frog but this old woman has too many connections!
Let`s talk about you. Do you want to go to the song contest?
Angelina: Yes, mother, I want it very much, but I can`t.
Godmother: Don`t argue, you`ll go there.
Angelina: But I have so many things to do, Godmother.
Godmother: Today the friends will work instead of you.
Angelina: Thank you, thank you very much, my dear Godmother, you are so kind.
Godmother: Bye, Angelina. Have a good time!
Angelina becomes the winner of the contest!!!
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