Сценарий мероприятия "Spring is wonderful season"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)
Сценарий внеурочного мероприятия "Spring is wonderful season" для 7 класса
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Предварительный просмотр:
Spring is a wonderful season
(Весна – прекрасная пора)
Extracurricular activity scenario
Audience: 5th grade students, A1 English level
Aim: to develop speaking, reading and listening skills
General objective: by the end of the class the students will remember different lexical units on the topic
Specific objectives:
- to organize revising of the vocabulary on the topic "Spring"
- training of listening and speaking skills
- training of spelling and reading skills
- revising the numerals from 1 to 5.
- maintaining interest in the study of English
Visual aids: blackboard, handouts
Ход мероприятия:
Spring is a wonderful season. Nature is in bloom. Sun is shining, birds are singing, green grass and beautiful flowers are everywhere.
Can you smell fresh air? Can you see a very new beginning? It’s amazing!
Well, guys, do you like spring?
What do you like it for? / What do you dislike it for?
Well, and as for us, we do like spring. That’s a really wonderful season!
So, as you have already guessed, the theme of our event today is Spring. Поняли, какая тема мероприятия? (ответ) Весна, правильно, молодцы.
Today we are going to play for a little. Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see your tasks.
Ребята, на доске перед вами игровое поле. Под каждой цифрой находиться задание.
So you are to say a number one by one, in English, of course. And we will give you a task, which is under that number.
Do you understand, how it works? Lisa, for example, will say: “five”, and I will give the task for all the group. We will do it all together. And than a next student will say another number. And we will act the same way. Got it?
After every completed task I will give you a piece of a picture. После каждого выполненного задания я буду давать вам часть картинки. Потом мы сложим картинку из собранных кусочков и увидим, что там изображено.
And now let’s start! Who is going to be first?
Задание под цифрой 1
«Spelling Bee»
Подготовка: раздаточный материал со словами
Well, that’s the game «Spelling Bee». I will give you several words. And you will spell it one by one. By the way, what does it mean “to spell” ? Произнести по буквам. For example “cat” – c-a-t
And I will write the words on the blackboard. If you make a mistake, you will fall out of the game. Если вы делаете ошибку, то вы из игры выбываете. Будьте внимательны! Каждое слово из списка должно быть озвучено только 1 раз. Зачёркивайте те слова, которые уже прозвучали. Just cross them in your papers.
Let’s start from Lisa.
- No, I suppose you are wrong. How should we pronounce this letter?
- Unfortunately, you fall out of the game. К сожалению, вы выбываете из игры
- No, there is a mistake here. Let’s correct it
- Are you sure in this spelling?
Список слов:
spring sun grass wind weather cat snow April May March holiday season fresh plant leaves tree nest bird bulbs love umbrella cold smile flower cloud
Задание под цифрой 2
Teacher: You see the words in the papers. You have to make sentences using them. You have two minutes to do this task.
На доске:
1. is air the fresh in spring.
2. spring the flourishing in are flowers.
3. bulbs we in spring planted.
4. grow in spring leaves trees new
5. nests in their make the birds spring.
Задание под цифрой 3
Number 3 is crocodile
Now at will ( по желанию) one student come up to me and I propound one word to him and he shows this word. But without pronouncing it.
You are to guess this word. And say it in English.
Well , who wants to be first?
OK ,come up to me ( я загадываю слово )
- солнце (sun)
- цветок( flower)
- дерево( tree)
- любовь( love)
- зонтик ( umbrella)
- улыбка( smile)
Задание под цифрой 4
Now I'll give each of you a piece of paper. You need to write your name in the upper right corner. Вам необходимо написать свое имя в правом верхнем углу. Look attentively at the task sheet. In words letters are mixed and you need to write it correctly. Буквы в словах перепутаны, поставьте их в правильном порядке. You have 3 minutes to accomplish it. На выполнение задания у вас есть три минуты Then I will collect from you these sheets. Good luck!
3 minutes
And so, three minutes are over. Put your pens on the table and work sheets on the edge of the table. Отложите свои ручки, а листочки положите на край стола. I’ll take it. Well, that's all, thanks
Now I am ready to tell you who won the competition. Vlad (?) is the winner!
Задание под цифрой 5
“Find the extra”
There are several words in the papers. Among these words there is one extra word. (лишнее) You have to find this word. So let’s read the first line. Vlad, will you read it? (читает). And what is extra?
- fog,rain, snow, spring,sun(spring);
- tea,coffee,water,juice,ice-cream(ice-cream);
- apple,Strawberry, blueberry, BlackBerry, currant(apple); autumm,spring,winter,summer,,december(december);
- cucumber, tomato, carrot, grass, onion(grass)
now you have 5 pieces of a picture. Can you place it in the right way? You have a minute to do it
who is in the picture?
a bird
And do you know how we call this bird in Russian? Как по-русски называется эта птица?
Ребята, эта маленькая птичка называется соловей. Соловьи – перелётные птицы. То есть зимуют они в тёплых краях. А именно: в Африке. Можете себе представить?
Соловьи известны тем, что они прекрасные певцы. И даже английский вариант слова «соловей» звучит очень красиво и мелодично. «a Nightingale». And now let us listen to Nightingale’s song
(слушаем пение соловья)
How do you like it? Is it nice? (отвечают)
Соловьи прилетают и приносят с собой весну. And now we would like to present you a piece of spring.
Хотим подарить вам вот такие закладки с соловьем, ведь песни соловья – это символ весны. Ну и символ нашего сегодняшнего мероприятия, конечно.
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