тесты к рвзделам 1,2 О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева,К.Баранова "Rainbow Engish" 4 класс
тест по английскому языку

Гусева Елена Ивановна

Тесты по разделам 1 , 2  по учебнику английского языка 4 класс "Rainbow English",  авторы О.Афанасьева, И.Михеева, К.Баранова


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test 2 (Unit 2) 4 класс

I. Определите, какое высказывание прозвучало.

1.  a) James is having breakfast.

     b) James has breakfast.

2.  a) Mike takes a shower.

     b) Mike is taking a shower.

3.  a) My friends come home.

     b) My friends are coming home.

4.  a) His father is washing the car.

     b) His father washes the car.

5.  a) My mother is finishing the book.

    b) My mother finishes the book.

II.Закончи предложения, используя слова

Shower, time, lessons, plates, home

1. Pupils like interesting _______.

2. Our teacher always comes on ______.

3. Jane can’t speak to you now. She is taking a _____.

4. My sisters are often at h______ after school.

5. I am washing the _____ now.

III.Вставь в слова пропущенные буквы.

Me_t,  _fter,  swi_ming pool,  bre_kf_st,  b_gin,  ei_ht,  al_ays, dr_ve.

IV.Дополни предложения глаголами в настоящем продолженном времени.

1. It’s  4 p.m. She (play) the piano.

2. David (cook) lunch now.

3. My dad (drive) the car now.

4. It’s  10 a.m. We (write) the test.

5. It’s  6 p.m. I (do) my homework.

V.Составьте предложения.

1. plays, football, Jimmy, on Sunday, often

2. isn’t, the book, now, she, reading

3. get up, at seven o’clock, always, I.

4. you, now, are, watching TV?

5. having, we, English, now, are.

Test 2 (Unit 2) 4 класс

I. Определите, какое высказывание прозвучало.

1.  a) James is having breakfast.

     b) James has breakfast.

2.  a) Mike takes a shower.

     b) Mike is taking a shower.

3.  a) My friends come home.

     b) My friends are coming home.

4.  a) His father is washing the car.

     b) His father washes the car.

5.  a) My mother is finishing the book.

     b) My mother finishes the book.

II.Закончи предложения, используя слова

Shower, time, lessons, plates, home

1. Pupils like interesting _______.

2. Our teacher always comes on ______.

3. Jane can’t speak to you now. She is taking a _____.

4. My sisters are often at h______ after school.

5. I am washing the _____ now.

III.Вставь в слова пропущенные буквы.

Me_t,  _fter,  swi_ming pool,  bre_kf_st,  b_gin,  ei_ht,  al_ays, dr_ve.

IV.Дополни предложения глаголами в настоящем продолженном времени.

1. It’s  4 p.m. She (play) the piano.

2. David (cook) lunch now.

3. My dad (drive) the car now.

4. It’s  10 a.m. We (write) the test.

5. It’s  6 p.m. I (do) my homework.

V.Составьте предложения.

1. plays, football, Jimmy, on Sunday, often

2. isn’t, the book, now, she, reading

3.  get up, at seven o’clock, always, I.

4. you, now, are, watching TV?

5.  having, we, English, now, are.

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit I        V-I

1.Прослушай аудиозапись, определи, какое высказывание прозвучало, и обведи соответствующую букву.

1. a) Ben sometimes skates in winter
b) Ben sometimes skis in winter.
2. a) My brother often watches television in the evening.
b) My brothers often watch television in the evening.
3. a) Tom and Alice are their grandparents
b) Tom and Alice are her grandparents.
4. a) His cousin likes to play the piano in the evening.
b) His cousins like to play the piano in the evening.

2.Распредели слова в таблицу.

Cold, shop, name, clock, plate, cherry, plane, bell, rose, pen, phone, shelf, doll, game, not, boat



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3..Напиши вопросительные предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

  1. does/your friend/live/where?
  2. you/why/do/animals/like?
  3. when/children/do/to school/go?

4..Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши по-русски, что они означают.

1)his brother’s television; 2) my cousin’s parents;3) our pupil’s book; 4) boys’ games; 5) men’s work; 6)children’s piano.

5..Напиши словосочетания в притяжательном падеже.

1)the cat/milk; 2) my cousin/ bike; 3) Mr White/ pupils; 4) my sisters/dog; 5) her daughters/pets.

6.Закончи текст, используя слова и словосочетания из рамки

Play video games,   mother's name,    family,    always,                father's name,      watch interesting programmes,        cousins

Hi, my name is Paul.  I am from Scotland. I have a big 1____. My 2_____ is Bob Larson. He is a doctor. My 3_____ is Mary Larson. She is a doctor too. I have two 4_____ , Alec and Clair. They live in London. We 5 _____ visit them in summer. We 6____ and 7____ on TV.

Unit I        V-I

1.Прослушай аудиозапись, определи, какое высказывание прозвучало, и обведи соответствующую букву.

1. a) Ben sometimes skates in winter
b) Ben sometimes skis in winter.
2. a) My brother often watches television in the evening.
b) My brothers often watch television in the evening.
3. a) Tom and Alice are their grandparents
b) Tom and Alice are her grandparents.
4. a) His cousin likes to play the piano in the evening.
b) His cousins like to play the piano in the evening.

2.Распредели слова в таблицу.

Cold, shop, name, clock, plate, cherry, plane, bell, rose, pen, phone, shelf, doll, game, not, boat



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3..Напиши вопросительные предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

  1. does/your friend/live/where?
  2. you/why/do/animals/like?
  3. when/children/do/to school/go?

4..Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши по-русски, что они означают.

1)his brother’s television; 2) my cousin’s parents;3) our pupil’s book; 4) boys’ games; 5) men’s work; 6)children’s piano.

5..Напиши словосочетания в притяжательном падеже.

1)the cat/milk; 2) my cousin/ bike; 3) Mr White/ pupils; 4) my sisters/dog; 5) her daughters/pets.

6.Закончи текст, используя слова и словосочетания из рамки

Play video games,   mother's name,    family,    always,                father's name,      watch interesting programmes,        cousins

Hi, my name is Paul.  I am from Scotland. I have a big 1____. My 2_____ is Bob Larson. He is a doctor. My 3_____ is Mary Larson. She is a doctor too. I have two 4_____ , Alec and Clair. They live in London. We 5 _____ visit them in summer. We 6____ and 7____ on TV.

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