Spotlight 8 module 6. Подготовка к контрольной работе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Spotlight 8 module 6
- Fill in: said or told:
- He ..........that he was at home.
- me "I've been to Mexio".
- "I'm leaving on Friday", she ..........
2. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech.
- "I go on holiday in spring", said he.
- "I'm going on an excursion n ow", she said.
- "We have been on a picnic today", said they.
- Polly said, "We don't go on voyage every year."
- Cathy said to us,"I didn't do photography last year."
- My brother asked his friends, "Who is going to join us?'
- "When will he answer our questions?, she asked me.
- "Where did you spend last summer?" our teacher asked us.
- "Do you like the place where you live?", my friend asked me.
- "Are you going to rewrite your report?"he asked me.
3. Report what Mrs Lane told her daughter:
- Don't open the door to anyone!
- Phone me if there is an emergency!
- Send the twins to bed at 9 o'clock!
- Fill in: said or told:
- He "I get up early."
- "I've not done my homework", me
- "I 'm getting to the airport", she ..........
2. Complete the sentences in Reported Speech.
- "There is no point in asking Tom", said he.
- "I'm getting used to working outdoors", she said to us.
- "My cousin managed to pass all the exams last month", said they.
- Sue said to us, "I had difficulty in writing this review yesterday ."
- Linda said to Mary, "I've invited all my friends to my birthday party'
- "Where were you yesterday?, she asked me.
- "How many books have you read by 1st September?" our teacher asked us.
- "Is he going to school now?", mum asked me.
- "Did you manage to pass this exam last month?"he asked me.
3. Report what Mrs Lane told her daughter:
- Don't let the twins eat any sweets!
- Give the twins a bath before they go to bed!
- Close all windows!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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