Reported Speech
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Малюгина Светлана Юрьевна

Прямая и косвеная речь в английском языке


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Direct speech Indirect speech Reported speech She says: “I want to buy a dress . ” She says (that) she wants to buy a dress .

Слайд 3

She said : “I want to buy a dress . ” Past tense She said she wanted to buy a dress .

Слайд 4

TENSE CHANGES Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect

Слайд 5

am/is -> are -> do/does -> have/has -> shall -> will -> can -> may -> must -> was were did had would could should might had to

Слайд 6

Modal Verbs can I can swim under water for two minutes. must All tickets must be bought in advance. may I may call you. could He said (that) he could swim under water for two minutes. had to He said (that) all tickets had to be bought in advance . might He said (that) he might call me.

Слайд 7

Time expressions often change today that day tonight that night yesterday the day before tomorrow the next day a week ago a week before last year/month the year/month before next day the next day

Слайд 8

next year the following year this evening that evening now than this that these those here there

Слайд 9

Pronouns changing Лицо Личные местоимения Именительный падеж Кто? Что? Объектный падеж Кого? Что? Кому? Единственное число 1 I me 2 you you 3 he /she /it her / him / it Множественное число 1 we us 2 you you 3 they them

Слайд 10

She told me……. She said to me……. She said me…….

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

When we change direct questions to reported questions, the verb form often goes back one tense, pronouns change, and time expressions often change. Reported questions Example: “ Did you see the football match yesterday?” She asked me if I had seen football match the day before.

Слайд 13

We don’t use question marks in reported speech. 2. Normal word order is used in reported questions. SUBJECT + VERB Example: “ How old is she?”, he asked. He asked how old she was. Reported questions

Слайд 14

We don’t use do/does/did in reported questions. 2. We use the words - if / whether Example: He asked: “ Do you speak English?”. He asked if I spoke English. Reported questions They asked: "Did it snowed yesterday?”. They asked if it had snowed the day before.

Слайд 15

He asked his friend: “ Do you like sport?”. He asked his friend if he liked sport. Reported questions Teacher asked her pupil: “Do you have a homework?”. Teacher asked her pupil if he/she had her/his homework.

Слайд 16

WH-Questions “ Where did you go?”, Christopher asked Lucy. Christopher asked Lucy where she had gone. “ What do you like?” She asked me what I liked. “ What are you doing?” She asked me what I was doing.

Слайд 17

Read the questions and turn them in the indirect form: 1.Oleg asked John: “Have you got a radio?” 2.Ira asked her sister: “Do you like watching TV?” 3 .Teacher asked pupils: “Will young people prefer reading CD books to reading printed ones? ” 4 .Tom asked Mike: “How did you get here?” 5 .Alice asked Megan: “Why were your sister sad yesterday?” 6 .She asked: “Has your brother found a job?” 7 .He asked Pete: “Will you go to the seaside next year?”

Слайд 18


Слайд 19

COMMANDS Для передачи в косвенной речи предложений в повелительном наклонении используются глаголы: Ask, advise, order, remind, teach, tell, warn в Present Simple или Past Simple. My sister often says: ”Help me”. – My sister often asks me to help her.

Слайд 20

Read the sentences and turn them in the indirect form: My sister often says: “Help me”. The doctor says: “Give up fast food”. The teacher said: “Answer my questions”. The woman said: “Don’t speak so loudly”. He said: “Win the game”. She said: “Stop talking” . The pupil said: “Tell us about Christmas in England”. My mother said: “Don’t play computer games”. She said: “Explain the meaning of the word”

Слайд 21

Алгоритм перевода предложений из прямой речи в косвенную. Определи тип предложения вкосвенной речи(повествовательное предложение,общий (альтернативный )вопрос , специальный вопрос,повелительное наклонение + -). Выбери средство связи главной и придаточной частей (союзы that, if, вопросительное слово, бессоюзная связь). Определи, какое время ты используешь в главной части.

Слайд 22

Определи, какое время ты используешь в главной части. Если это прошедшее время, примени в придаточной части согласование времён. Если это настоящее, будущее время, оставь в придаточной части то время, которое употреблено в прямой речи

Слайд 23

Переведи предложение в косвенную речь, не забывая О прямом порядке слов в придаточной части; О соответствии лиц (обращай внимание на все формы местоимений); О группе слов, которые нужно заменитьэквивалентами при согласовании времён О прямом порядке в придаточной части; О соответствии лиц(обращай внимание на все формы местоимений)

Слайд 24

Good Luck!

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