Конструкция There is / there are
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Приминение конструкции There is / there are в английском языке
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Образование утвердительных предложений Утвердительное предложение, которое начинается с обстоятельства места ( где? ),в английском языке начинается с конструкции There is или There are . There is + В комнате ребёнок .- There is a child in the room. There are + В комнате дети .- There are children in the room .
Если английское предложение начинается с конструкции There is или There are на русский язык такое предложение следует переводить начиная с конца. There are four books in the bag . – В сумке четыре книги . Если в предложении несколько подлежащих, то выбор формы глагола ( is или are ) определяется тем подлежащим, которое стоит первым. There is a pen , two books and a pencil in the bag . There are two books , a pen and a pencil in the bag.
Образование отрицательных предложений There is a flower in the vase. no There are cats on the roof. no
Образование общих вопросов There is a book on the table. Is there a book on the table ? There are children in the room . Are there children in the room ?
Is there a book on the table ? Are there children in the room ? Yes, there is . / No, there is n’t. Yes, there are . / No, there are n’t.
Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного слова what. What + is there on the table ? + Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного слова How many. How many books are there on the table ? + + +
Ex. 1. Use the right form (there is / are ). 1.There ____ a big park in our city. 2.There _____ three roses in the vase. 3.There ____ a pencil in the box. 4.There _____ a fox in the zoo. 5.There ____ two birds on the tree. is is is are are
Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative. There is a dictionary on the shelf. 2. There is a tree in the garden. 3. There are seven books in the bag. 4. There is a chair in her room. 5. There are ten plates in the cupboard. no no no no no
Ex. 3. Make questions and answer them. 1.There is a book on your table. 2.There is a fish on teacher’s table. 3.There are ten pupils in the classroom. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
Ex. 4 . Look at the picture and ask your classmate: Is there… ? Are there… ? What is there… ?
Ex. 5. Make sentences from these words. the hall little white 1. bread on the There no is table . 2. a cloud in sky the Is there ? 3. There a is piano in .
Ex. 6. What is there in the room?
Ex. 7. Find mistakes and correct them. There are a sofa in the room and two little lamps on the wall. 2. There is no a little brown coffee-table in our room. 3. What there is on the floor? 4. How many children is there in the yard? 5. There are two bedrooms, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen in the flat. is are OK
The lesson is over. Goodbye
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