Сценарий мероприятия "Путешествие в Шотландию"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)
Сценарий мероприятия
Данное материал представлен в виде разработки сценария мероприятия.
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Сценарий мероприятия
Клип гимн Шотландии.(2мин)
Стюардесса встречает.
Стюардесса: Ladies and gentleman, welcome on board British Airways Flight 21 with service from Moscow to Edinburgh.
Please, turn off all mobile phones and electronic devices.
Please fasten your seatbelts.
Please pay attention to this short safety on-board demonstration.(1 мин)
Видео(демонстрация)(3 мин)
The pilot is preparing to take off. Enjoy your flight!
Видео (взлетающий самолет)(1 мин)
Стюардесса:Ladies and gentlemen. We are currently flying at an altitude of 11,000 meters. Our flight time today will be approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. We’ll arrive in Edinburgh at about 10 a.m. You can unfasten your seatbelts. In 20 minutes you will be offered Scottish healthy drinks.
1 ведущий: Good morning, dear tourists. We are happy to greet you. Let us introduce ourselves, my name is John.
2 ведущий: And I’m Lidiia.
1 ведущий: We are tourist managers.
2 ведущий: We represent the tourist agency “Heart of Scotland tours”. We’d like to advertise the tour “The Best of Scotland in a day”
1 ведущий: Today our friends will help us. We have a lot of interesting information about this wonderful country and you will make a virtual trip to Scotland.
1 ведущий: Our flight has a surprise for you. The more information you remember the more chances you have to win a prize. The prize is the free dinner for two person in one of the most famous café of Edinburgh where the book “Harry Potter” was written.
2 ведущий: Some guide-books say: Who hasn’t seen Scotland doesn’t really know Great Britain. Let’s go to “The Best of Scotland in a Day”!
1 учащийся
Scotland is one of the most beautiful mountainous countries in the world. It has 3 main regions: the Border country, which is most close to England, the Lowlands and the Highlands- the most beautiful part of the country. Scottish mountains are very popular among tourists. The capital is Edinburgh.
The head of Scotland is the Queen Elizabeth the Second. This is our national flag. It consists of white cross on a blue background, it is called St. Andrew’s Cross. Scotland is well-known for its Loch Ness Monster, delicious haggis, traditional clothes kilt or tartan, wonderful music of bagpipes and traditional festivals. The emblem of the country is thistle. The main cities of the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. By the way, Scottish towns look very different from English towns. (1 мин)
2 ведущий: Of course, The most beautiful city is Edinburgh.
2 учащийся
Glad to meet you. I’m Artyom.
I would like to tell you about Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is one of Britain’s most attractive cities. It’s a city for people who like to walk.
You are never far from green parks, gardens and hills. It’s a busy modern city, but its history is everywhere. At the top of the highest hill is located Edinburgh Castle. It was the home of Scotland’s royal family until 1603 when King James the 6th of Scotland became the king of England and moved to London.
The road which begins at the castle and goes eastwards is called Royal Mile. At the other end of the Royal Mile is the Palace of Hollyroodhouse. The Royal Mile is the most famous road in Edinburgh. Off the Royal Mile you can explore old narrow streets on foot where you can find some interesting shops.(1 мин)
2 ведущий: Thank you. Many famous people were born in Scotland. One of them is Robert Burns.
3 учащийся
Hello. My name is Liza.
In the north of Scotland there is the Robert Burns Birthplace museum in Alloway, where he was born and grew up. Robert Burns was born in 1759. He was one of the greatest poet of Scotland.
His father, William Burns, was a small farmer. Robert and his brother helped their father to work on the farm. From his mother Robert learned Scottish folk-songs. Robert began to write poems when he was 15 years old. All his poems are full of life.
Today Burn’s work is known and loved by millions of people. (1 мин)
1 ведущий: Maybe, somebody can recite one of his poem?
4 учащийся
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth ;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green vallies below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
2 ведущий: Thank you, very much. It’s so beautiful poem, isn’t it?
1 ведущий: In Scotland there are many rivers and lakes.
5 учащийся
Hello everybody! Nice to meet you? I’m Vova.
Lakes are called “lochs” In the north there is a very famous lake – Lock Ness. It is not the largest lake in Britain, but it is thirty-five kilometers long. The water of the lake is dark and always very cold. And Lock Ness is full of fish. People say that Lock Ness monster lives there. It appears in the news from time of time. There are many stories about the water monster “Nessie”. Some people say that it is the “largest animal they have ever seen”. It has a giraffe-like neck, a very small head and a great dark grey body.
Nowadays, scientist can’t say exactly if the Lock Ness monster is a fact or fiction?
1 ведущий: Scotland is famous for it’s musical and dancing festivals. One of them is The Highland Games.
6 учащийся
Many Highland games take place all over Scotland every year. The games are always held on the first Saturday in September. Many athletes take part in the games. They compete in events like the hammer throw, shot put and the hill run. There also music and dancing competitions. Marching bands wear traditional clothing and play bagpipes. The most popular event of the day is the “tug of war” There is also a popular game for the strongest athletes - tossing the caber, which weights 60 kilos and is six meters long. These games are very popular in Highlands. (1 мин)
2 ведущий: Thank you very much. You see, Scotland is worth watching its wonderful views your own eyes, listening to music of bagpipes, trying traditional Scottish food. And now you have a little break for enjoying Scottish views again.
Видео, обзор красивых пейзажей Шотландии.
2 ведущий: Are you ready to win a prize?
1 ведущий: Let’s play the game “Questions and Answers.”
2 ведущий: Where is Scotland situated?
1 ведущий: Who is the head of Scotland?
2 ведущий: What is the national flag of Scotland?
1 ведущий: What is a kilt?
2 ведущий: What is the traditional musical instrument of the country?
1 ведущий: What is the emblem of Scotland?
2 ведущий: What city is the capital of Scotland?
1 ведущий: What is the population of the country?
2 ведущий: What is the main road in Edinburgh?
1 ведущий: When was Robert Burns born?
2 ведущий: What is one of the most famous lakes where monster lives?
1 ведущий: What was Edinburgh Castle in the past?
2 ведущий: When are usually the Highland Games held?
1 ведущий: What are the main cities in Scotland?
2 ведущий: Count how many flags do you have? We have a winner. You are very lucky. You can visit the café “Elephant House” and have a free dinner. Of course, invite one of your friends.
Do you like Scotland?
If you are interested in our tours you can Write our contact.
1 ведущий: Thank you very much for attention.
Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen. The pilot is preparing for landing.
Fasten your seatbelts, please.
(видео посадки самолета)
Thank you for flying British Airways. Enjoy your visiting Scotland!
I’d like to visit Edinburgh castle because I can do the shopping.
Loch Ness learn the history of Scotland.
Royal Mile listen to his poems.
Robert Burn’s museum watch Scottish sport events.
the Highland games make a photo of a Loch Ness Monster.
Hollyrood house listen the music of bagpipes.
Edinburgh watch beautiful views of the city.
listen to music of bagpipes.
discover new things about Scottish kings and queens.
I’d like to visit Edinburgh castle because I can do the shopping.
Loch Ness learn the history of Scotland.
Royal Mile listen to his poems.
Robert Burn’s museum watch Scottish sport events.
the Highland games make a photo of a Loch Ness Monster.
Hollyrood house listen the music of bagpipes.
Edinburgh watch beautiful views of the city.
listen to music of bagpipes.
discover new things about Scottish kings and queens.
I’d like to visit Edinburgh castle because I can do the shopping.
Loch Ness learn the history of Scotland.
Royal Mile listen to his poems.
Robert Burn’s museum watch Scottish sport events.
the Highland games make a photo of a Loch Ness Monster.
Hollyrood house listen the music of bagpipes.
Edinburgh watch beautiful views of the city.
listen to music of bagpipes.
discover new things about Scottish kings and queens.
I’d like to visit Edinburgh castle because I can do the shopping.
Loch Ness learn the history of Scotland.
Royal Mile listen to his poems.
Robert Burn’s museum watch Scottish sport events.
the Highland games make a photo of a Loch Ness Monster.
Hollyrood house listen the music of bagpipes.
Edinburgh watch beautiful views of the city.
listen to music of bagpipes.
discover new things about Scottish kings and queens.
I’d like to visit Edinburgh castle because I can do the shopping.
Loch Ness learn the history of Scotland.
Royal Mile listen to his poems.
Robert Burn’s museum watch Scottish sport events.
the Highland games make a photo of a Loch Ness Monster.
Hollyrood house listen the music of bagpipes.
Edinburgh watch beautiful views of the city.
listen to music of bagpipes.
discover new things about Scottish kings and queens.
! (Уходит. Фоновая музыка замолкает.)
2. Завершение мероприятия.
Менеджер по туризму прощается с туристами.
I hope you liked “London Sightseeing Tour”. Thank you very much for attention! Goodbye! (На фоне инструментальной музыки.) (финальный Слайд №94)
We’re going through the city, oh yeah.
We’re going through the city, oh yeah.
We’re going through the city,
We’re going through the city,
We’re going through the city, oh yeah.
its a belter – Отлично (или мило)
We’re stopping at the station, oh yeah.
We’re stopping at the station, oh yeah.
We’re stopping at the station,
We’re stopping at the station,
We’re stopping at the station, oh yeah.
- Dinnae – Нет
- Wit, Eh? – Что
- Coo, dug – Корова, собака
- Baw – Мяч
In ma hoose, at ma bit – В моем доме
It's a belter, top quality, its smashin – Это очень хорошо
- You fancy a cuppa – Хотите чашечку чая/кофе?
- Wits oan the box – Что по телевизору?
Ah want a bag of crisps – Я хотел бы пачку картофельных чипсов
- What you on the day? – Какие у вас планы на сегодня?
- Craic the day? Hows/whats the craic? – Что ты делаешь сегодня?
- Aye – Да
- Nah, Nae, Naw – Нет
- Alright?, Awright? – Как ты?/Привет
- Nowt, Nuttin, HEEHAW – Ничего
- Например, wee ( маленький), aye (да), nah (нет), ken (знать), youse (вы), greet (плакать), kirk (церковь), breeks (брюки), lassie (девочка), bairn (ребенок), flit (постоянная смена места жительства), bonny (красивый), chap (стучать), bide (ждать) и pinkie (мизинец).
- «How not?» вместо «Why not?», «I’m away to my bed» вместо «I’m going to bed», «I fear that it will rain» вместо «I think it’s unlikely that it will rain».
- Вот ещё некоторые слова и выражения:
- Nee – новый.
- Cherio – пока.
- I’m lookin’ for a wee halp – мне нужна помощь.
- Howiye lads? – как дела, парни?
- barry — великолепный
- blutered — пьяный
- Boggin’ — Отвратительный, отталкивающий
- bonnie — Хорошенькая, милая
- braw — хороший
- chuffed — Гордый вплоть до самодовольства
- cloot — ткань
- Down South — Англия. Букв.вниз к югу
- gadgee — личность, персона
- gassed — сломанный
- gurne — Хмуриться, дуться. Соответственно gurnie — хмурый (челове
- mannie — мужчина
- murnie — Mur-nee — Wasn’t — Не был (-о, -а, -и)
- poppy — деньги
- pus — рот
- rubbered — пьяный
- radge — помешаный или сумасшедший
- scran — еда, пища
- shunky — туалет
- sleekit — Хитрый, лукавый, коварный
- tad — Небольшое количество чего-либо
- tattie — картошка
- wheesht — Резкая команда(приказ) успокоится. (типа Цыц!)
- wifey — Женщина. Буквально — жёнушка.
- Stewardess: Thanks a lot. These are your prizes. Ladies and gentlemen. The pilot is preparing for landing. When we are in the airport in Edinburgh the tourists group from Ardatov will be met by a guide.
- Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen. This is the pilot speaking. We are about to touch down in Edinburgh. It’s 10 a.m. The temperature outside is 15 degrees above zero. Thank you for flying British Airways. Enjoy your rest! Bye!
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