Мероприятие "Ход КВНа"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
Данная разработка может быть использована как во внеурочной деятельности, так и во внеурочное время
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Ход КВНа
The first competition
T: We shall see how you can read different countries and languages. Your task is to read the words in transcriptions and say if it is a country or a language.
Task №1 | Task №2 |
Portugal, Japanese, Italian, Hungary, Arabic, Greek | Chinese, Spain, Bulgarian, Norway, Dutch, French |
Данные слова даются в транскрипции, каждый член команды читает по слову и говорит страна это или язык и за правильный ответ получает балл
The second competition
T: You can see the word “Misunderstanding” on the blackboard. Make up as many words from it as possible. You have only three minutes. The team that will make up more words wins.
Примерные слова:
Understand, ear, date, sun, dentist, dress, dream, rain, read, ten, time, star, red, sea, great, tree, train, meat, seat etc.
За каждое придуманное слово - балл
The fourth competition
“Using signals”
T: I would like to see how you know Grammar Tenses. I’ll give you the cards with signal words that can be used in some tenses and you should make up sentences with them.
The card №1 | The card №2 |
Already, now, every day, yesterday, next week | At the moment, often, two days ago, tomorrow, just |
За каждое верное предложение – 2 балла
The fifth competition “Quiz”
T: Well, the rules of the quiz are the following. Each team should choose a sector from the first part and a sector from the second part. For each right answer you’ll get three points. If your answer is wrong the other team may answer the same question. Take turns in choosing the sectors. Are the rules clear?
Part I
Задания для сектора “Countries”
Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals? (The UK)
Which of English-speaking countries has practically every kind of climate? (The USA)
What country is famous for its flora and fauna? (Australia)
The flag of which country is called “Star and Stripes”? (The USA)
Which country is situated between two parts of the other country? (Canada)
Which country is famous for the bird kiwi? (New Zealand)
Задания для сектора “Cities”
What is the capital of the United States of America? (Washington)
What city is famous as a city of casinos? (Las Vegas)
What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)
Where can you visit the Tower? (London)
In what city were the Olympic Games 2000 held? (Sydney)
What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
Part II
Задания для сектора “People”
Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
Who was the first president of the United States of America: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington? (George Washington)
What nationality ate the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack London? (Americans)
What is the mane of the Queen of the United Kingdom? (Elisabeth II)
Задания для сектора “Facts”
What is the national symbol of Canada? The bald eagle, the maple tree or the magnolia tree? (The maple tree)
What are the colours of Irish flag: orange, green ad white; red, white and blue or red and white? (Orange, green, white)
What is one of the Australia’s most famous and best-loved animals: the penguin, the eagle or the koala? (The koala)
What currency is used in New Zealand: the New Zealand pound, the New Zealand shilling or the New Zealand dollar? (The New Zealand dollar)
Команды представляются друг другу, объясняют название команды и девиз.
1. “Crazy Monsters”, “Nameless ”
2. “Two Heads Better”, “Better Late Than Never”
Каждому капитану по очереди задают по 5 вопросов. Это своего рода блиц-конкурс. При этом учитывается не только правильность ответов, но и скорость, с которой даются ответы.
Вопросы первому капитану:
- What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack)
- What is the national Scottish costume called? (kilt)
- What is the nickname of a guest who comes on New Year’s morning first? (First Foot)
- What’s the colour of London taxies? (black)
- Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London? (Admiral Nelson)
Вопросы второму капитану:
- Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)
- What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbours’ door on Halloween? (“Trick or Treat?”)
- What’s the colour of double-deckers in London? (red)
- What is the nickname of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
- What person in London has the address 10, Downing Street? (British Prime Minister)
Команды получают два вида карточек, на которых представлены как английские пословицы и идиомы, так и их русские эквиваленты. Сначала одна команда по порядку зачитывает английские пословицы, а в это время другая команда должна найти русский эквивалент каждой из них. Затем – наоборот. За каждый правильный ответ – 1 очко. Выигрывает та команда, которая наберет больше очков.
Better late than never лучше поздно, чем никогда
East or West – home is best в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
My home is my castle мой дом – моя крепость
Live and learn век живи – век учись
All’s well that ends well всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Curiosity killed the cat любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали
As red as a cherry кровь с молоком
As hungry as a hunter голоден как волк
Rome was not built in a day Москва не сразу строилась
Каждая команда получает по 2 карточки. Необходимо вставить английские буквы, чтобы получились английские прилагательные, русские эквиваленты которых находятся тут же.
Quiz: “Do you know English-speaking countries?”
1. What are the colours of the British flag?
a) blue, red and white b) blue and red c) blue and white
2. How many pence are there in one pound?
a) 100 b) 90 c) 10
3. What do the English often put in their tea?
a) jam b) milk c) lemon
4. Which holiday is on December 25?
a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas
5. Where can you always see ravens in London?
a) near the Thames b) near the Houses of Parliament c) near the Tower of London
6. In what city were the famous “Beatles” born?
a) London b) Glasgow c) Liverpool
7. What place was built by King Arthur and the wizard Merlin?
a) Stonehenge b) The Tower of London c) Camelot
(Key: 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. c)
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