контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Батуева Екатерина Бальжинимаевна
Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку ученика (цы) 7 класса


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Полугодовая  контрольная  работа  по  английскому  языку  ученика (цы)  7  класса

_________________________________________   дата:                                   аспект:  грамматика


№ 1. Make the right choice:                                                                                          (1 балл)

1. Susan agrees to help about the house when she__ free.

16. The girl _____ her photos is a professional model.

a) is

b) will be

c) was

a) showing

b) showed

2. Philip ___up early when he has holidays next month.

17. She said that we _____ go on holidays ____ day.

a) will get

b) gets

c) got

a) will go/ next

b) would go / the following

3. If the climate _____,  many species will become extinct.

18. The policeman asked us ______ silence while we were in the police office.

a) won’t change

b) doesn't change

a) keep

b) to keep

c) had kept

4. They ____ in Murmansk for seven years but they are moving to Sochi tomorrow.

19. I ______ how often she used the washing-machine because her clothes had always looked as new.

a) have lived

b) have been living

a) wonder

b) am wondering

c) wondered

5. People ____ animals’ natural habitats for ages.

20. All the people know that water ____ at 100oC.

a) have destroyed

b) have been destroying

a) freeze

b) freezes

c) froze

6. ________the truth for a long time?

21. We wanted to know ___ Kate ____ the car.

a) Has Bob known

b) Has Bob been knowing

a) when/has broken

b) if / has broken

c) if/had broken

7. _____ pet is a small four-month-old kitten.

22. St. Petersburg is famous for ____ monuments.

a) My

b) Mine

c) Me

a) its

b) it’s

8. This is my address. Can I have _____?

23. I can’t find Baker Street, ___ not easy.

a) you

b) your

c) yours

a) its

b) it’s

9. Don’t hurt _____, Mike.

24. I know the Neva river, ____ in Saint Petersburg.

a) yourself

b) yourselves

a) its

b) it’s

10. Factories and plants often _____ their waste into lakes and rivers.

25. The Hermitage is the largest art gallery in the world,

 ___ collections are fantastic.

a) are poured

b) pour

a) its

b) it’s

11. Poisoned fish _____ by people, which is dangerous.

26. - I don’t have a sister. - _______, I’m the only child.

a) may be eaten

b) must be eaten

a) So do I

b) Neither do I

12. Nuclear  pollution _______ at once.

27. - We  can ski well. - ____, we’ve been skiing for 15 years.

a) can seen

b) can’t be seen

a) So can we

b) Neither do we

13. This book is very _______.

28. - She didn’t go there last summer. - ____, I was ill.

a) boring

b) bored

a) So did I

b) Neither did I

14. The fair ______ yesterday was  very interesting.

29. What ___ rainy day  we have today!

a) opening

b) opened

a) a

b) the

c) -

15. Not all people _____ French are from France.

30. What ____ fresh water, let’s drink it!

a) speaking

b) spoken

a) a

b) the

c) -


№2. Use the appropriate form of the adjective to complete the sentences:            (1 балл)

  1. The ____________________ (far) mountain seems ___________________ (small).
  2. Your old chair is __________________________ (comfortable) than the new one.
  3. My _____________________ (old) brother has always helped me to do my home work.
  4. Can you tell me the way to the _________________________ (near) shop, please?
  5. My  marks  are ___________________________(good) than my brother’s.
  6. Roger’s answer was _____________________ (bad) than his classmate’s.
  7. We  left without ___________________ (far) delay.


№3. Complete the sentences using passive voice:                                                       (1 балл)

1. Cold weather  (expect)  ___________________________________  in this region next winter.

2. A lot of buildings  (ruin)  ________________________________________________ by the storm last week.

3. What language  (speak) ________________________________________________  in New Zealand?

4. This patient  (cure) ____________________________________________  by a very young doctor last year.

5. All the meals  (include)  ______________________________________  in the cost every time we stay here.

6. Fragile flowers  (not, plant) __________________________________________next year as the climate is very rough here.



№4. Rewrite these sentences using reported speech:                                                (2 балла)

  1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program today.”


  1. The weatherman said: “The weather will change tomorrow.”


  1. Dan asked: “Did you expect such results, Dan?”


  1. Sarah said: “Many country houses were damaged after the fire yesterday.”


  1. He told her: “Don’t  throw stones into the dog.”


  1. Betty asked Mary: “Bring the plates from the kitchen, please.”


  1. Mother  wondered: “What are you doing now, Mary?”



№5. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb:                          (2 балла)

Poor  Kid

Mary  opened  her eyes. For some time she ____________________________________(lie) in her bed.

The girl  ______________________(stare) at the wall trying to hear some sounds. She was trying to hear some sounds. She______________________(listen) but could hear nothing. Nothing___________________(happen) in the house, it was perfectly still.

She _____________________(never know) it to be so silent.  Mary wanted to see her mom or her nurse. But  they both ___________________ (die) from cholera (холера). The girl ______________________ (think) that the new nurse ____________________________________(come) soon. She hoped the new one __________________________________(be) more intelligent.

“I’m  sure  somebody _________________(come) soon,” she said. “If they ________________________ (not turn) up, what  ____________I ____________(do)? And I’m hungry, I ____________________ (not eat) for so long!” Suddenly the door opened. The  man who entered was the officer she ______________________(meet) before. When  he __________________ (see)  the little girl, he almost sprung  his back. “Mary, what _________you ___________________(do) here?” he cried. Mary looked at him and answered: “ I fell asleep when everybody had cholera. I __________________(wake up) just now. Where is everybody? Why didn’t they come?” “Poor kid”, said the officer, “there’s nobody left to come.”






подпись учителя

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3





№ 4

№ 5







1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 a, 7 a, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b, 11 a, 12 b, 13 a, 14 b 15 a, 16 a, 17 b, 18 b, 19 c,20 b, 21 c, 22 a, 23 b, 24 b, 25 a, 26 b, 27 a, 28 b, 29 a, 30 c


  1. Farthest, smaller
  2. More comfortable
  3. Elder
  4. Nearest
  5. Better
  6. Worse
  7. Farther


  1. Is expected
  2. Were ruined
  3. Is spoken
  4. Was cured
  5. Are included
  6. Won’t be planted


  1. Fred told that he had invented a new computer program that day.
  2. The weatherman told that the weather would change the next day.
  3. Dan asked Dan if he had expected such results.
  4. Sarah informed that many country houses had been damaged after the fire the day before.
  5. He asked her not to throw stones into the dog.
  6. Betty asked Mary to bring the plates from the kitchen.
  7. Mother asked Mary what she was doing then.


Was lying, was staring, was listening, was happening, had known, died, thought, would come, would be, will come, do not turn up, shall I do, have not eaten, had met, saw, are you doing, have waken

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