Бал-цветов "The Welsh garden"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Ход сценария:
1.Песня Александра Рыбака.
2.Презентация девочек цветов.
3.Танец «Вальс цветов» муз. Чайковского.
4.Презентация мальчиков-цветов.
5.Чтение стихотворений о цветах.
6. «Ирландский танец».
7.Игра «Уэльская рифма».
8. «Цветочные загадки».
9. «Танец с фонариками».
10.Пословицы и поговорки.
11.Песня «Never,never let you go».
12. Заключительная часть, награждение.
1.Дети входят в зал (звучит шотландская музыка).
2.Поют песню А.Рыбака «Сказка».
3.Фея сада: Welcome to our fairy Walsh Garden! We begin our ball! Our flowers have grown for you and prepared a wonderful concert! And we want to introduce you our fairy Walsh flowers!
Фея цветов: Добро пожаловать в наш сказочный Уэльский сад! Мы начинаем наш бал! Наши цветы выросли для Вас и приготовили прекрасный концерт! Мы хотим представить вам наши сказочные Уэльские цветы!
4.Презентация девочек-цветов «The flowers presentation”.
Snowdrop: I am the first appear in the our Walsh garden. I have a white or blue dress. My name is Susan Snowdrop.
Violet: And I come next I don’t like snow. I like warm days. My dress is violet. And I am Violet. I am growing in our Welsh Garden.
Lily of the Valley: My name is Lilly of the Valley. You all like my small white bells.
Primrose: I am Pam- Primrose. I can be white, yellow, red, pink and orange. I look like a star.
Daisy: You can see us everywhere in the fields, garden. The girls have my name. My name is Diana.
Hop: People use me to make bee. I am growing in our «Walsh garden». My name is Helly-hop. I am a beauty.
Morning glory: My name is Merry- Morning Glory. I am blue or purple. I open early in the morning. I tell you: « Good morning»!
Lily of the water: I am the most beautiful. I am snow-white. I am Lora. I live in the Scottish Lake- Loch Ness.
Carnation: I am Carry-Carnation. I am red, yellow and blue. I am a revolution flower.
Rose: I am Rose-Rita. I am red and beautiful. I am growing in our Walsh garden and all over the word.
Honeysuckle: My name is Margaret-Honeysuckle. I am red and white. I am sharp, but I need for us. I am growing not only Walsh garden but another countries and continents.
5. Фея сада: А сейчас танец цветов (звучит «Вальс цветов» под муз. Чайковского).
6. Презентация мальчиков- цветов.
Фея сада: And now the presentation of flower boys.
Tulip: I am a Tulip-tom. I am English and Holland flowers. I am growing on «Memorial day» in May(National Day in Great Britain).
Holly: I am Holly Hanry. I am red and sharp. I am bit you. But sometimes I am kind.
Dandelion: I am Edward –Dandelion. I am yellow and white. The wind is bringing away my umbrellas. I am medicine from different ills.
Cornflower: I am-Cornflower. I am blue. I am a spring and summer flower. A lot of people love me. I am prince of fields.
Daffodil: I am yellow and like the sun and like to dance in the wind. Please, guess who am i? Yes, I am. My name is Jack-Daffodil.
Buttercup: I am the last to come out in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. I am fairy handsome. My name is Brown Buttercup.
7. Reciting the flower poems (чтение стихотворений о цветах).
Фея сада: And now our Morning –Glory – Merry расскажет о своей подружке Forget-me –not, которую посадили в Американский сад и она очень скучает».
Upon the blooming meadow,
A flower may be seen,
It is blooms are blue as heaven,
It is leaves are fresh and green.
And it is shy and humble,
This flower of the meadow,
For all that it will whisper,
«Please, Forget –me –not».
Фея цветов: А про своего друга Лютика – Брауна расскажет Нарцисс Джек.
Little yellow buttercup,
Why do not you come up?
Spring is here, spring is there,
And my yellow buttercup is near.
Фея сада: And now Helly–Hop recities about her favorite season.
Фея цветов: А сейчас Хелли-Хоп - Хмель расскажет о своем любимом времени года.
Flowers are in the garden,
Butterflies are there,
Flying around the blossom,
Spring is everywhere.
Spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too,
Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils,
Now, I am coming through.
Фея сада: And Lily of the Water Lora likes this season too.
Водная лилия:
April brings the primrose sweet,
We see brings at our feet,
May brings flowers, joy and grass,
And the holiday for us.
Фея сада: And our beautiful buttercup Brown wants to recite about all flower girls.
We like flowers that are bright,
We like flowers that are blue,
We like flowers that are white,
We like red and yellow too.
Фея сада: And honeysuckle Margaret recites about all flower boys.
We like flowers that are white,
We like flowers with a nice smell,
We like flowers that are bright,
That blossom in garden so well.
8. Фея сада: Our flower girls prepare their favorite Irish dance for you.
9. Дети танцуют Ирландский танец.
10. Фея цветов: Our flowers like to joke. Let is listen to them!
The bird.
Grandmother: What has happened? Why are you crying, Bobby?
Bobby: I cleaned the bird cage and the bird disappeared.
Grandmother: With it did you clean a cage?
Bobby: With a vacuum clean.
The first day at school.
Mother: Bill, what have you learned today?
Billy: I have learned to write.
Mother: What did you write at the lessons?
Billy: I do not know. I have not learned to read yet.
Late for school.
Teacher: Why have you come.
Jenny: Late for school today? Because it was a sing . The sing said «School A – head. Go slow! »
11. Игра «Уэльская рифма».
Фея сада: Let is play « Walsh rhyming twin! You must collect leaves correctly! »
- Molly-Holly.
- Worry- Morning glory.
- Nose-Rose.
- Feel-Daffodil.
- Snowdrop-Hop.
- Wake up-Buttercup.
- Lion-Dandelion.
12 . Цветочные загадки –Flower riddles.
Фея сада: Our flowers know many riddles. Our flower boys prepare their riddles and our flower girls prepare theirs. Let is listen them
1. The flowers that can see on the waters of the lakes (water lily and honeysuckle)
2. The earliest spring flower (snowdrop)
3. The flower which never opens when then the sun is high in the sky(morning glory).
4. The flower of the Christmas season (holly).
5. What is the emblem of England? (red rose)
6. In winter and summer is the same color (a fur tree).
7. What flower is ringing (blue bell).
8. It is born in bread and it is not for food (corn flower).
9. Gold hair is hanging around the stick (hop).
10. The year finished, and winter began (December).
13.Танец с фонариками-The dance with torches (под песню «My heart will go on» из кинофильма «Титаник»)
14.В нашем саду есть много пословиц и поговорок.
1. June is the lightest month in the year.
2. Spring destroys winter and builds a new road.
3. November is the gate of winter.
4. Autumn says «Golden» and winter says: «As I want».
5. September smells by apples and October by cabbage.
6. September mild, October gold are followed by November.
7. If honeysuckle smells, it will be rain. Clouds are blue, it will be warm.
8. The thunderstorm in autumn it means a short winter.
9. The leaves fall quickly the winter will hard.
10. Winter fights with autumn in November.
11. We come home with a fur tree and it brings the blizzard.
15. Песня «Never, never let you go».
16. Под гимн Великобритании детей награждают учителя.
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