Урок с использованием дистанционных технологий Spotlight8 Module 6a
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Клюшник Алёна Ивановна

Первый урок по теме путешествия в модуле 6 учебника для 8 классов Spotlight. Данный урок состоит из нескольких этапов, и включается в себя warm-up, чтение, письмо, практику устной речи и повторение лексики по теме путешествия.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

* весь мир у твоих ног The world is your oyster* - used to tell someone that they can achieve whatever they want and go wherever they fancy.

Слайд 2

Ч то ты думаешь насчёт путешествий? Важно ли путешествовать и почему (напиши 2-4 распространенных предложения по этой теме)? Now, describe this photo, remember to mention the place, people and what they are doing.

Слайд 3

Most travellers know that learning a new language can make a holiday more fun . But what about frontside , lipslide , kickflip ? What sort of language is this? It's the international language of the skateboarding world, and a language that teens like Greg Mitchell from New York know well. It has helped him to explore different places around the world and meet local people in different countries . Greg knows he's lucky to have parents who have always travelled with him. He's made videos of his trips since he was young . With the help of his mum, who's a film-maker, Greg has made videos that share an experience of skateboarding and surfing with the rest of the world. Greg loves travelling and enjoys the feeling of adventure that goes with it . He doesn't think you should travel with a lot of luggage, and says the most important thing is to feel comfortable wherever you are. His favourite place to sleep is in a hammock, even if he's at home in New York! Of course , like the rest of us, there are some things Greg has to travel with. In his case, it's a skateboard or surfboard, a video camera and a notebook. Does Greg sometimes go on holiday at the last minute? No way ! Planning a trip is really important. Before every trip, he makes a list of where he wants to go sightseeing and why. He learns about the culture, food, music and scenery. He thinks that's the best way to enjoy somewhere . Back at home. Greg rides his skateboard to school. He never takes the same route, and always listens to a different song on his iPod. He likes to see the different things that are happening around him. "Life is fascinating, no matter where you live”, he says. “You just have to look at it the right way”.

Слайд 4

Read the text again. Answer the questions(in your notebook). 1. 2 . 3 .

Слайд 5

Study these holiday activities, add your ideas to this list (at least 5 activities) Which of these activities do you enjoy doing? Write some sentences in your notebook(NB) Example: While on holiday, I really enjoy eating out with my friends. Where would you like to travel? What would you like to do there? Choose 2-3 places(cities/countries) and write your answers.

Слайд 6

Finishing the lesson… Let’s check your travel vocabulary, name: P.s. you can do this task orally.

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