Разработка урока Choosing a career
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Разработка урока по теме "Выбор профессии" может быть полезна учителям английского языка при планировании эрока по этой теме
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Открытый урок по теме «Choosing a career “
Цели и задачи урока:
- Практическая: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся по теме «Проблема выбора профессии» через развитие и совершенствование умений чтения и говорения.
- Развивающая: развивать воображение, творческое и критическое мышление; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать.
I. Ситуативная обусловленность темы
Good morning, everybody. Today we are going to speak about a very important thing in your life about your future career. It’s not a simple matter to choose your future career. There are a lot of professions and it is not an easy thing to choose one which will suit you. Today we are going to speak about different professions.
II. Warm up.
- Look what I have brought for you: medicine chest, class register, CD, dictionary, hammer, screwdriver, scissors, comb, tape measure, thread.
- Let’s try to divide them into two groups.
Medicine chest hammer
Class register screwdriver
CD scissors
Dictionary comb
Tape measure
- What do all the things in each of the group have in common?
- What education do you need to use these things?
Fist group: To use these things we should have a university degree.
Second group: To use those things we should have a vocational training.
Teacher: So there are two ways to success. They are a vocational training and a university.
What should we take into account choosing a career?
Is it necessary to get higher education to be successful?
I hope, by the end of today’s lesson you will be able to answer these questions.
- Речевая зарядка:
- Give names to descriptions of these jobs.
- A person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them to the court .( a lawyer)
- A person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses / land for people (an estate agent)
- A person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in need (a social worker)
- A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, (a receptionist)
- A person trained to look after sick animals (a vet)
- A person whose job is to work with electricity (an electrician)
-A person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical or book (an editor)
A person who studies chemistry, a scientist who specializes in chemistry (a chemist)
A person who makes and sells medicines ( a chemist, a pharmacist)
A person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels (a travel agent).
- Complete the sentences and characterize the occupations mentioned
1.Linda says that teaching is a very … and … profession
2. Last year John gave up a really … business career and came to some remote area to become a farmer.
3. – You are not going to tell me that the life of an engineer is not as … as the life of an architect. – Well, I spend a lot of time travelling, sometimes five or six hours a day in my car. It’s very …
4 People who work as firemen should be brave as their job is very …
5. I have always thought that any job in the theatre is very …
6. People who work as accountants love numbers but I think that working with numbers is very …
7. Careers of fashion models are very … nowadays.
8. Can you agree that the job of photographers, writers and journalists are …?
9. Jobs of plumbers and carpenters can be characterized as …
Взаимопроверка выставление оценок. ( ключ на доске)
- Обучение монологической речи
Answer the following questions:
- What prospects can job offer?
- What can your choice of job be influenced by?
- What do these job require: a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a computer operator, an interpreter
- Who can help you to make a choice?
What profession would you recommend to a person who :
… is good at math,
…. is a creative person
… likes to work with people
… is good at languages
… is good at literature
- Have you decided what profession to choose?
- What qualities does it need?
- What can it give you?
Учащиеся готовят ответы на вопросы
- Language work.
Учащиеся представляют результаты своей работы
What did you like or dislike at the lesson? What was difficult for you? Why do we speak about jobs? Is it important for you?
Учащиеся сдают заполненные листки самооценки, высказывают своё мнение, отвечая на вопросы.
6).Подведение итогов.
Домашнее задание.
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