Формирование иноязычного мышления системой принципов оптимизации технологии "Развития критического мышления" (авторская разработка с примером системы упражнений)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Медолович Виктория Анатольевна

Из опыта преподавания. Систематическое применение этих принципов на практике позволяет перевести преподавание английского языка на более углублённый уровень, который перестаёт вызывать трудности у учащихся, формируя прочную языковую компетентность.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

«Современные проблемы и направления развития иноязычного образования» учителя английского языка МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №11 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов» Медолович Виктории Анатольевны Формирование иноязычного мышления с истемой принципов оптимизации технологии «Развития критического мышления» г. Железногорск 2017 год

Слайд 2

новообразование в структуре личности

Слайд 3

создание новообразований в сознании и личности обучающегося Результат совершенствования педагогического мастерства, внедрения инновационных технологий

Слайд 4

Актуальность инновационных образовательных продуктов внедрение ФГОС подготовка к ЕГЭ

Слайд 6

Специфика предмета иностранный язык

Слайд 7

I. Этап снятия языковых трудностей (первичная семантизация ) Active Vocabulary Make sure you know the meaning of the words and word combinations below: to consume vt . a consumer consumerism the consumption culture a consumer society severe environmental changes to be in debt ◊ the haves and have-nots to receive aid debt repayment to service one`s debt to pay off a debt to put no value on morality to put value on profit the industrialized West to exploit workers the homeless the refugees the exploited the starving to prosper prosperous to collapse to respond to the needs of consumers to hold strong views on some issues share prices interest rates to soar to benefit from the advantages of a prosperous society to drain to be/feel drained (of strength) labour -saving devices to hassle for the latest electronic gadgets congested to be too concerned about oneself expansion benevolent benevolence greed(y) poverty to deprive smb . of smth . to be deprived of deprivation to feed the whole economic system mere( ly ) to keep circulating to go bust to go out of business manufacturers retailers to go into stalemate to relent relentless( ly ) a concept of a chronic yearning for more to yearn for doing smth .

Слайд 8

II . Активизация лексического навыка Exercise I Match up the pairs of synonyms, use them in sentences of your own: to appeal to consume to prosper to collapse severe an issue the have-nots to satiate congested to hassle to purchase to benefit from to be drained (of strengths) to be (un)conscious of smth . concerned to soar to deprive smb . of smth . merely to go bust by coincidence 1. to take away from 2. the poor 3. to attract, to move the feelings 4. stern, extreme 5. to use up 6. to fly/to rise high 7. to be (un)aware of 8. to do well 9. to fall down 10. a point 11. anxious 12. to satisfy fully or too much 13. overcrowded 14. kind, helpful 15. by chance 16. to buy 17. to irritate 18. to take (full) advantage of 19. simply 20. exhausted

Слайд 9

III. Перенос активизируемого л ексического навыка в условно-речевую деятельность Exercise II Develop the ideas giving some arguments in favour of your opinion that might as well contradict the ideas offered: The scenes of a peaceful countryside appeal mostly to benevolent and good-natured people. Life in congested cities drains their dwellers of strengths and musters their desire to get settled in a quieter place. No matter what severe hardships people may go through, kindness always relents their hearts. The impact of modern commercialized pop culture is deeply negative as it makes us oblivious to our national roots. People concerned only about their well-being are very hard to deal with. A constant yearning for more food causes not only obesity but also a general collapse of a human`s mental and spiritual sphere. The concept of globalization was made up by transnational corporations as, by coincidence, it serves only their interests. The only desire that should never be satiated is the desire for knowledge. If there were not any have-nots, there wouldn`t be any haves either. To deprive a person of his hopes, means to deprive him of his future. If people were always conscious of the impact of their words, they would mostly keep silence. If social life goes into stalemate, it may only mean that we are in for a great shake-up.

Слайд 10

IV . Комплексная лексико-грамматическая активизация грамматического материала Exercise III a ) Read and repeat. b) Use the structures in sentences or situations of your own. 1. We have no time for anything other than work, which is ironic given the number of labour -saving devices in our lives. Borrowing isn`t much better than begging, which is true to life taking into account average interest rates . 2. Unless money keeps circulating, the economy collapses. Unless we keep buying houses, clothes, cars, the whole system goes into stalemate. 3. The kids are always hassling for the latest electronic gadgets. You are always buying the things that you don`t really need. 4. If times were truly good, then we would all feel optimistic about the future. If third world countries didn`t have to gather cash crops, they could feed their own people.

Слайд 11

V . Финальная активизация лексического навыка ( ex.IV -V ) Exercise IV Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the active vocabulary. The poor are unlikely to take advantage of globalization. If people stop buying and using up what they have bought , the economy will come to a standstill and, finally, fall down . The Europeans are optimistic because they are rich and successful . Companies do their best to satisfy the requirements of the buyers . The writer is absolutely convinced of it. It`s typical of share prices and taxes to rise high up . Quite a lot of things we do mechanically . It is next to impossible to make much money if you are too concerned about morality. The economy is where we live day in and day out, buying what we need for life . Not all the people can take full advantage of a rich society. Quite often we feel exhausted . The kids get irritated if they don`t have the newest IT devices . Big cities are overpopulated and overcrowded nowadays. The problem is that we think too much only about ourselves and don`t think about future generations. “Economic expansion” isn`t helpful to the poor .

Слайд 12

Exercise V Choose the proper word (aware – conscious – oblivious) a) Intuition is based on the knowledge that we are not _________ of. b) People become easily __________ to the problems of the others. c) They were __________ of being shadowed. d) If you were __________ of the hurricane`s consequences, you wouldn`t be smiling. e) Unreliability lies in being __________ to the requests of the others. f) How, On Earth, can he be __________ of being looked at if he is blind? (to drain – to feed – to deprive) a) Sufferings and moral pain __________ people of strength __________ them of any hope for the better. b) Strange as it may seem, but economic system ____ mostly __________ by the have-nots. c) Lack of rains and extremely hot weather __________ the vegetation of water. d) It is definitely a positive sign if your child`s curiosity cannot be __________ by anybody or anything. e) The region was __________ of its resources by wars and epidemic diseases. (satiety – starvation – deprivation) a) Lots of appetizing, excellent food brought him pleasant __________ that had already been forgotten by long and horrible years of __________ and __________ .b) Laziness, lack of physical activity and habitual pleasant __________ cause obesity and high blood pressure. c) Moral __________ is characterized by obvious lack of bright emotions and sensations. d) Many young girls seem to believe that __________ will give them desired slenderness and beauty. (benevolent – relentless – severe) a) No one knows why but business laws are quite __________ to the have-nots. b) __________ school requirement allowed us to achieve unprecedented level of knowledge. c) Their __________ smiles made me feel at ease. d) __________ time turns us into weak and old people. e) Only kind __________ people can create warm and friendly atmosphere. f) A loving father didn`t want to spoil his children and was nearly always __________ with them.

Слайд 13

Выявленные противоречия сложный, объёмный материал, который учащиеся не могут структурировать самостоятельно ограниченное программой количество часов

Слайд 14

Снятие противоречия - в принципе подачи материала - принцип «упорядоченной вселенной» a)Fill in the text with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. b)Comment on the title of the essay. Is the message of the essay similar to that one of the article? Which ideas do they seem to share? On Willing Slavery by V.Medolovich Are we really free 1. _____ our choice 2. _____ products and services that we cannot do 3. _____ living 4. _____ a daily basis? Are we truly 5. _____ need 6. _____ all the things we keep 7. _____ purchasing or has a sense 8. _____ need 9. _____ them been masterfully aroused 10. _____ us 11. _____ some mischievous and exceedingly avaricious powers? Let`s imagine we are, and a chronic yearning 12._____ more is entirely 13._____ a natural origin. It is absolutely natural to buy 20 pairs 14. _____ shoes 15. _____ season, heaps 16. _____ suits, shirts, dresses and skirts just 17. _____ the fear 18. _____ having nothing to put 19. _____. The idea 20. _____ wearing the same outfit two days running is ridiculous and unacceptable. The one caught red-handed having the same dress 21. _____ is mercilessly branded 22. _____ a degraded person 23. _____ shallow views and utterly primitive spiritual mechanism. Another obvious proof 24. _____ your high potential and extraordinary coolness is the fact that you are 25._____ debt. The more you owe 26. _____ the banks, the cooler you are. No matter that it will take you a lifetime to pay 27. _____ your debts, all your friends and colleagues are aware 28. _____ your coolness, strong will and determination. You insist 29. _____ your right to benefit 30. _____ all the advantages 31. _____ a prosperous society and you do benefit 32. _____ them. In case a life-long paying-33._____ your debts is not enough to make you feel optimistic 34._____ your future, then I suggest taking a shrewd and meditative look 35._____ your kid. Is he always hassling 36._____ the newest electronic gadgets? Does he have any time left 37._____ anything else but computer games? I hope, he doesn`t as it is undisputedly a positive sign 38._____ his rapid intellectual development enhanced 39._____ his keen interest 40._____ the latest IT achievements. Congratulations! You are not a parent 41._____ a backward child that won`t keep 42._____ family traditions. Your family is a solid prop 43._____ a global economy well-known and admired both 44._____ its justice and humanity. You won`t let kindly manufacturers go 45._____ _____ business 46._____ cutting 47._____ your expenses. Benevolent retailers` market is unlikely to ever go 48._____ stalemate. You pride yourself 49._____ keeping pace 50._____ time, which means having its newly manufactured items. No matter that companies and banks make vast personal profits 51._____ your debts, you owe 52._____ them an unpayable debt 53._____ gratitude 54._____ your easy and thoroughly enjoyable earthly existence permeated 55._____ the sensations of ultimate happiness and absolute freedom!

Слайд 15

принцип активизации навыка через его применение в различных видах речевой деятельности Fill in the gaps with the required extracts: А. Then Avarice came stealing their meek and pliable soul. B . You can`t keep your treasures or pleasures the instant you get to your tomb. C. The people are granted to cover the third world unpayable debt. D. Controlling all people`s desires and making them terribly old. E. And discover the world that you`ve lost, F. Played by laws of the market that chooses easy victims – to rob them andt ame . G. You repeat what is “in” parrot-fashion, spreading willful and cunning deceit. Long ago, long before Christ time people used to be as a Whole, 1.__________________________ _______________________ . But before that, remember, - they served their mighty God That watching humans` surrender would send them both gifts and floods. Remember, they used to count the stars in the heaven`s abyss Engulfed by the startling sensation of Wonder and Beauty …and Peace! Alive were the whispering forests, aloof kept abandoned swamp moors And piercing skies of young autumn filled them with a pain of remorse. ……………………………..

Слайд 17

принцип : « Non scholae sed vitae discimus »

Слайд 18

«Мы учимся не для школы, а для жизни»

Слайд 19

С истема принципов оптимизации применения ТРКМ принцип учёта специфики учебного предмета «иностранный язык» с обязательным этапом снятия языковых трудностей; принцип «упорядоченной вселенной» , применяемый к одному или нескольким крупным языковым разделам; принцип активизации навыка через его применение в различных видах речевой деятельности; принцип « Non scholae sed vitae discimus » (мы учим не для школы, а для жизни) , формирующий у учащихся активную жизненную позицию, при которой иностранный язык выступает как инструмент познания мира, что в итоге позволяет добиться главной цели – формирования иноязычного мышления.

Слайд 20


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