Упражнение для развития навыков аудирования spotlight 5 класс, модуль 3
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Куприянова Татьяна Владимировна
Упражнение для развития навыков аудирования spotlight 5 класс, модуль "Мой дом, моя крепость" стр.47,упр.6


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Предварительный просмотр:

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

Man: For sale. A wonderful villa in Majorca for

only Ј875,000.

The villa has got ____ floors and five _______.

These are all on the first and ______ floors. There

are also three huge, modern _______ on the

same floors.

Just outside the main reception room on the

_______  _____ there is a swimming pool. This is

10m by 15m so there is plenty of space for all

the ______ to have a good time. The villa itself

stands in a beautiful _____ full of flowers and

trees with fantastic views over the Mediterranean.

If you would like more information or would like

to visit the villa, _____ send an email to Pedro,

that’s p-e-d-r-o at house.com.au. We would be

pleased to show you around.

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