контрольный тест по модулю 5 Спотлайт 6
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Рогова Эля Николаевна

Задания теста по модулю 5 учебника Спотлайт 6 позволят оценить уровень освоения обучающимися учебного материала модуля.


Предварительный просмотр:

Test 5 (module 5)                         1 variant

1Fill in the correct word.

wealth, decorate, wish, wreath, display, pumpkin, celebrate, luck, streamers

  1. I made a ….                         .pie and toffee apples for the party.
  2. People watch a fireworks……                           on Guy Fawkes Day.
  3. In Britain they make….                                    .on May Day.
  4. Look! The kids are throwing…..                       !

2 .Fill in make or do

1. …………  ..a cake

2. ……………homework

3. …………….a phone call

4. ……………….tea

5. ……………..the gardening

6. ……………..a special dish

7. ………….…the shopping

8. …………….the decorations

9. …………....the washing up

10. …………..the dusting

3. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

a. are\ they\ what\ cooking\ the party\for?     _________________________________________

b. wearing\she\ a witch costume\ isn’t          ___________________________________________

c. Susan\for\decorating\the room\is\the holiday   ___________________________________________

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous

e.g. David is (to be) blowing the horn.

1. ……………… people in the street…………..(to watch) a parade?

2. I.…………...(not\listen) to music. I.……………..(to watch) a concert on TV.

3.Where.………….you.……………...(to go)?

4. They.………………….(to play) “pin the tail on the donkey”.

5.Tom and Andrew.……………….(to blow) the horns.

5. Read the e-mail. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)

Dear Martin and Samantha,

We are having a great time in Scotland. We are sitting in a café near the sea. Steve is reading a magazine and I’m writing this e-mail to you. But Linda is really bored here, she is sitting in her room and watching TV.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cool!

Linda is really missing London.

See you soon.

Steve, Ann and Linda.

  1. Steve, Ann and Linda are on holiday in Spain. ____
  2. Steve and Ann are sitting in a café. ____
  3. Linda is swimming in the sea. ____
  4. Linda is enjoying the rest. _____
  5. Steve is reading a magazine.
  6. Ann is sending e-mails. _____
  7. They usually go to Scotland. _____
  8. They like swimming in Spain.. _____
  9. They go for walks to the beach. ______
  10. The weather is not very warm. _____
  11. Linda is happy there. ____

6Underline the correct word.

1. The party is great. Why don’t you join over\in?

2. May I ask you to help me to clean under\up?

3. Come… before\over and help yourself!

4. The party is nearly over\around.

5. Mum is talking on\in her mobile phone now.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 5 (module 5)                2  variant

1Fill in the correct word.

wealth, decorate, wish, wreath, display, pumpkin, celebrate, luck, streamers

  1. We…..                   New Year’s Day on the 1st January.
  2. People…..                      each other Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  3. We also hope a new year will bring……               and good…..
  4. Pupils…..                      their classroom with balloons and wallpapers.

2 .Fill in make or do

1. …………..a cake

2. ……………homework

3. …………….a phone call

4. ……………….tea

5. ……………..the gardening

6. ……………..a special dish

7. ………….…the shopping

8. …………….the decorations

9. …………....the washing up

10. …………..the dusting

3. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

d. what\dish\making\she\special\is?            _________________________________________

e. why\he\taking\ is\pictures?                   ________________________________________

f. I\making\a\call\am not\telephone\now   _________________________________________

g. taking\are\pictures\\they                   __________________________________________


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous

e.g. David is (to be) blowing the horn.

1.What ………….. the kids…………..        .(to do)?

2.Mel          …..                             (to make) a cake now.

3.Look! The clowns…..                     (to perform) tricks!

4.Listen! …. ……………..that your brother…..(to play) the drums?

5.Pupils………………...(not\decorate) the hall.

5. Read the e-mail. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)

Dear Martin and Samantha,

We are having a great time in Scotland. We are sitting in a café near the sea. Steve is reading a magazine and I’m writing this e-mail to you. But Linda is really bored here, she is sitting in her room and watching TV.

We usually go to Spain every summer but this year we wanted to see Scotland. We go for walks every day in the mountains. We don’t go swimming. It’s too cool!

Linda is really missing London.

See you soon.

Steve, Ann and Linda.

  1. Steve, Ann and Linda are on holiday in Spain. ____
  2. Steve and Ann are sitting in a café. ____
  3. Linda is swimming in the sea. ____
  4. Linda is enjoying the rest. _____
  5. Steve is reading a magazine.
  6. Ann is sending e-mails. _____
  7. They usually go to Scotland. _____
  8. They like swimming in Spain.. _____
  9. They go for walks to the beach. ______
  10. The weather is not very warm. _____
  11. Linda is happy there. ____

6Underline the correct word.

1. The party is great. Why don’t you join over\in?

2. May I ask you to help me to clean under\up?

3. Come… before\over and help yourself!

4. The party is nearly over\around.

5. Mum is talking on\in her mobile phone now.

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