Контрольная работа по модулю 9 к УМК "Спотлайт" 6 класс.
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Контрольная работа по модулю 9 к УМК "Спотлайт" 6 класс. Данная работа  содержит задания по чтению и грамматике. Будет полезена для мониторинга знаний после изучения модуля 9УМК "Спотлайт 6".


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Предварительный просмотр:

_____________________________________________________  6____                            ________________________

 Read the sentences and circle (True) or (False).


2     Read the passage below and then complete the tasks

What is a Barbie?

                 Summer is all about great weather, good company and great food. There is nothing quite like enjoying a good meal with a cold drink, listening to music with friends and feeling the grass in between your toes while you soak up some sun. Bank holidays in the United Kingdom generally fall on a Monday, which means that everyone gets to enjoy a three-day relaxing weekend.
               In the summer, if the weather is warm and the sun is shining, friends and family gather and have what the British and Australians call a "Barbie", a short form of the word barbeque, in their backyard, park or on the beach. Children get the chance to run around and play while the adults cook the food, drink and have a good chat. There is no doubt that meat and chicken that is cooked on a grill with charcoal outside, tastes much better than meat that is cooked in a traditional cooker or oven. The aroma itself is mouth-watering and is much healthier too. On the menu you will find grilled steak, chicken legs, chops, hamburgers and bangers. A seasonal salad, potato salads, corn and coleslaw are the nations favourite side dishes that go well with a barbeque. Trifle, cheesecake and fruit salads are popular foods for summer  barbecue gatherings.

2.1  Answer the following in full sentences:

1. What is a barbie?_____________________________________________________________

2. Where do people have a barbie?________________________________________________

3. What do people cook on a barbeque?___________________________________________________

4. What are the traditional side dishes? _____________________________________________________

5. What do people usually have for dessert?__________________________________________________
2.2  Circle (True) or (False). And then correct all mistakes:

1. Bank holidays usually fall on a Friday.        True      False    
2. Barbeques only happen in gardens.            True      False    

3. Children have a fun time.                              True      False    
4. Barbeques are healthier than ovens.          True      False    

5. Chicken is only used on a barbeque.           True      False    

3.  **Reread the text on page   91.         Read the sentences and say if they are true or false.

  • Sandwich bars are very popular in Britain because they save people’s time.               True      False    
  • Sandwich bars serve only a takeaway meal.                                                                        True      False    
  • Every Sunday British people go to a restaurant.                                                                  True      False    
  • Although British food is popular, other cuisines are popular as well.                              True      False    
  • People like to add some spice to fish and chips because they are usually underdone.  True      False    
  • Pie and mash shops sell traditional British dish – fish and chips.                                       True      False    

Choose the correct word.

  1. Please have some/ few/ much of these chocolates. I know you like them.
  2. Have you got much/ many/some coffee?
  3. There isn't some /any /many water in the bottle.
  4. Have we got some/ any/ a lot of milk?
  5. There was a few/ a little/ much food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
  6. Is there many/ much/ a little cake?
  7. There isn’t a little/ much/ many chicken.
  8. There’re a lot of/ few/ a little carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
  9. There aren’t much/ many/ some tomatoes.


  1. On Mondays, I _________________________ in the swimming-pool with my friends (swim)
  2. Stop singing! I __________________________________ my lessons (do)
  3. I ________________________ Sue at the pub yesterday. (meet)
  4. The children didn`t_____________________________ to school yesterday. (come)
  5. We ________________________ at home last night. (be)
  6. He sometimes _________________________ to the cinema (go)

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