Connecting with nature
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Данный конспект занятий можно использовать для занятий внеурочной деятельности обучающихся 5-9 классов. Данное занятие расширяет кругозор учащихся, помогает прислушаться к природе и бережно относиться к ней, знакомиться с японским написанием поэзии хайку. Можно также использовать в различных спектрах занятий о природе, помогает обучающимся выразить свои чувства в течение поездки на природу и наблюдение за различными явлениями природы. 


Предварительный просмотр:

Connecting with nature

(The English lesson for students 5-9 forms)


This lesson is aimed at connecting with nature and designed for any learner.

Learners go somewhere outside, for the trip, excursion or any place in the nature,

Sit under a tree or near a stream. Ask them to be quiet for 10 minutes and listen

to the sounds of nature.

Give them sheets of paper. Ask them to write about their feeling or what they have heard. Let them just express themselves.

Give your students a list of adjectives and ask them to choose the ones which are the most reflect their feelings. Ask students to share their feelings if they want.

Ask questions for discussions:

        How often do you listen to the sounds of nature?

        What sounds do you usually like to listen to and why? Or the sounds they like

And draw any lines or imaginative picture they make in their minds and the color

 they associate it with. Ask them to explain their choice.

For example: “I hear a wind and it makes me relax as it takes away my thoughts, makes me fly and dance. I feel myself as light as a bird. I associate this sound with

blue color of water, and it always makes me calm, quiet and relaxed”

Ask students how else they can express these sounds in music, poems , pictures..

The students can take their time and write poem or a story if they want, musical

Sounds, or a song or make a collage. Let this be a home assignment.

Haiku Poem:        Sound of Nature

                              Soft and quiet

                              Greeting, hugging, cheering

                              Lovely Orchestra

Note: The same lesson could be done when watching the sunrise during the trip.

Learners could be asked to express their feelings and then draw a picture imagining that they wake up one day and the sun does not rise. They can draw

a picture of the world without a sun or divided a list in half and compare the

world with a sun and without it.  Discuss  the different pictures together.


This lesson prepared English teacher

Akhkalinskaya Alevtina

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