British meals
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
Данная презентация создана для урока, чтобы объяснить как и что едят британцы, о вкусовых традициях и предпочтениях.
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Hello students!
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Today we are going to speak about meals in great Britain. On this lesson you will know what British ppl eat for their breakfasts lunches and dinners. You will learn new dishes and new words.
Name, what is your favorite food?
Name, what have you had for breakfast today?
Name, how many times do you eat a day?
Before the start, I ask you to write down new words in your copybooks because in the end of the lesson we are going to check you!
- so let’s start with the British breakfast
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Ppl in Britain usually have a breakfast between 7 and 9 at the morning
The typical breakfast in Britain is quite unhealthy but delicious.
Full English breakfast includes sausages, bacon, fried tomatoes, baked beans, eggs and toast with butter. As a drink British have a cup of tea with a milk
Name, do you like such breakfast?
Name, is your breakfast the same?
Also English ppl can have another type of breakfast which is much healthier
Look at the slide
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Porridge with fruit is one of the healthiest breakfast eaten in Britain. The most popular porridge is oatmeal /ˈəʊt.miːl/ l. Usually there is muesli /ˈmjuːzli/ for the breakfast.
As a drink they have a cup of tea with a milk of course
- So students, let read these words correctly (from the slides)
Tomatoes /təˈmɑː.təʊ/, baked ˈbeɪkt beans biːnz, sausages /ˈsɒs.ɪdʒ ɪz /, bacon /ˈbeɪ.kən, eggs eɡz, toast /təʊst, muesli /ˈmjuːzli/, porridge /ˈpɒr.ɪdʒ/, oatmeal /ˈəʊt.miːl/ delicious dɪˈlɪʃ.əs, unhealthy /ʌnˈhel.θi
So , Name, do you prefer 1st type of british breakfast or the second?
And you?
I prefer the the second type, because I love the oatmeal l! But sometimes I have on breakfast something unhealthy like the 1st one or something left over from yesterday’s dinner.
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Name, what do you like to eat for lunch?
Name, when do you usually have a lunch?
- So let’s go to the lunch. Lunch is a quick meal eaten in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). And the most popular british lunch is SANDWICH
For cooking sandwiches ppl use toasts or bread with some fillings.
What filling are the most popular in Russia ?
So let’s see what the most popular fillings for sandwiches in Britain:
there are some meat like (ham, chicken, bacon, tuna) also some vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes) also cheese and some souse like Mayonnaise /ˌmeɪ.əˈneɪz/.
- So students, let read these words correctly (from the slide)
Ham /hæm/, bacon /ˈbeɪ.kən/, chicken /ˈtʃɪk.ɪn/, tuna /ˈtʃuː.nə/, cheese /tʃiːz/, cucumber /ˈkjuː.kʌm.bər/, lettuce /ˈlet.ɪs/, tomato /təˈmɑː.təʊ/, mayonnaise /ˌmeɪ.əˈneɪz/
Name, tell us do you like sandwiches? What filling do you prefer?
And you, Name, What filling do you prefer?
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- In Britain children usually have a packed lunches at school. Packed lunch is a food that parents prepare for children at home to take it to school.
It includes sandwich , juice or water, crisps and some fruit. Children it packed lunches at school
Do you take a packed lunch from home usually?
Who takes a packed lunch from home?
What your packed lunch usually includes?
- After lunch in the afternoon between 3pm and 6pm british ppl can have a snack and afternoon tea.
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This meal is usually includes cup of tea with some treat like cake, biscuit, scones , crumpets (оладьи) or buns.
What it the scone, Name? look at the picture, who knows?
And what is a crumpet? And a bun?
- Let’s read these words correctly (from the slide)
cake /keɪk/ , biscuit /ˈbɪs.kɪt/ , scone /skɒn/ , crumpet /ˈkrʌm.pɪt/ , bun /bʌn
Do you usually eat snack, Name?
Name, tell us, what british snack do you like the most?
7 slide
- We are coming to the main meal in Britain -> the dinner. Or sometimes ppl call it supper.
Name, tell us what do you usually have for dinner at home?
Name, what time do you usually have a dinner?
The most popular dinner in the UK is the roast dinner,
So the most popular dish in Britain is of course roast beef. This dish includes roasted vegetables , Yorkshire pudding covered in gravy.
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The second dish is Fish & Chips. This is a fish with mushy peas and chips. Chips are not crisps!
Mushy peas are like толченый горох, мягкий горох
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And the last one is a shepherd's pie. This dish made from lamb, mashed potato, some vegetables and cheese. It is baked in the oven.
Lamb is a kind of meat, in Russian is ягненок
Name, what is a mashed potato in russian?
And Name, what is a to bake in russian?
- So we have read many new words and now Let’s read them correctly (from the slide)
to roast /rəʊst, pudding /ˈpʊd.ɪŋ/, beef /biːf/, gravy /ˈɡreɪ.vi/, chips, crisps, mushy peas piːz, lamb læm, mashed mæʃt potato, Oven ˈʌv.ən
Does anyone have the same dinner?
Who eats some of these dishes for dinner?
Name, what british dinner would like to eat? Roast beef, fish and chips or a pie?
And Name, what british dinner do You like the most?
Now let’s watch a small video about british family having meals
- Let’s read these words correctly (from the slide)
Take away (slitno) , treat , shopping list, dessert, ketchup,
- Now students let’s check how attentively you have listened to me.
You will take the new words in Russian and u have to remember them in English okay?
You can use your copybooks
фасоль | ветчина | булочка | |||||||
Тост c маслом | десерт | лепёшка | |||||||
бекон | Салат (листья) | печенье | |||||||
мюсли | тунец | Еда на вынос | |||||||
каша | огурец | оладьи | |||||||
овсянка | майонез | запекать | |||||||
чипсы | Жареная Картошка | блюдо | |||||||
Обед в школу | духовка | перекус | |||||||
пюре | Список покупок | угощение | |||||||
говядина | ягненок | Очень вкусный |
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