Spotlight 9 Контрольная работа по модулю 2
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Spotlight 9 Контрольная работа по модулю 2
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Spotlight 9 Module 2 Test 2
- Аудирование.
Вы услышите с высказывания пяти разных людей, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Подберите к каждому высказыванию соответствующую его содержанию рубрику из списка 1–6. Используйте каждую рубрику из списка только один раз. В списке есть одна лишняя рубрика. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. Having a large family.
2. Family business.
3. Family tradition.
4. Family problems and conflicts.
5. Family legend.
6. Missing family very much.
Говорящий | A | B | C | D | E |
Утверждение |
- Чтение.
- Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.
1. What should you remember to stay safe using the Metro?
2. Which is the longest Metro train route?
3. When did the Moscow Metro start working?
4. What are the advantages of the Metro compared to other means of transport?
5. How fast does the Metro system grow?
6. What are the inconveniences of using the Metro?
7. What materials were used to decorate the Metro stations?
A. The idea of an efficient transportation system in Moscow dates back to the time of Russian Empire. However, it was not developed into a construction plan due to World War I and the Civil War. The government of the Soviet Union got back to the idea in the 1920s, and in 1935 the Moscow Metro accepted its first passengers. The opening ceremony took place on May 15th, at 7am. The city celebrated the event with parades, concerts and performances.
B. The population of Moscow is around 12 million people. There are also a lot of people who come to the capital on business, excursions or to change plane or train, as Moscow is the main transportation centre. If there was no underground transport, it would be impossible to avoid a traffic standstill in the city. In fact, the Metro is very punctual. There are no traffic jams underground and, when taking the Metro, the passengers save time and nerves.
C. Lots of the city passengers prefer the Metro to cars and buses in spite of some discomfort caused by too many people. The problem is that the stations, the passages between them, and the railway cars get really overcrowded in rush hours. Sometimes there are lines to enter the Metro, though, fortunately, the waiting time is quite short.
D. When you travel on the Moscow Metro, long magnificent staircases get you downstairs and upstairs. They run fast and you need to be really careful to step on and off them in time. To avoid accidents, never cross the waiting line at the station until the coming train stops completely. Remember that you should never lean on the doors of the railway cars when the car is in motion — it can be really dangerous.
E. Apart from being an efficient means of transport, the Moscow Metro is a very ambitious architectural and art project. The stations look radiant and brilliant due to marble, bronze, steel, milk glass and other luxurious interior materials. The best architects, such as L. Polyakov, K. Ruzhkov, A. Medvedev and others, worked on it. The chief lighting engineer was Abram Damsky, who cleverly used the light to highlight the beauty of the stations.
F. The first line of the Moscow Metro was 11 km long and included 13 stations. Now there more than 230 stations, most of which are underground, but there are also surface-level and elevated stations. The project that is currently in progress suggests that about 150 km of new lines are to be opened within ten years, between 2012 and 2022.
- Определите, соответствуют ли высказывания ниже содержанию данного текста. Отметьте их как верные (T), неверные (F), не сказано (NS).
A great fight still goes on. The question is: should students wear school uniform? As with most things, there are two sides to the debate. Some people say that all schools should introduce uniforms. Others are sure that school uniforms are old-fashioned. However, both arguments have experts on their side. There is no clear answer. Let's look at the pros and cons of it.
Many experts believe that students who wear school uniforms study much better than those who don't. This is because you don't have to worry about what you are wearing each day. As a result your attention improves and you learn to concentrate better on your studies. Wearing a uniform in calming colours makes you feel more serious and responsible.
School uniforms, however, are not always cheap for parents, especially if there are two or more children in a family and they all go to school. Parents can't buy any skirt or trousers they want. They can't shop in the sales either. What is more, many schools have several uniforms such as an everyday uniform, a formal uniform for special events and a uniform for P.E. classes.
Finally, there's comfort. Lots of students complain that they feel uncomfortable when they wear uniforms in class. Some children have sensitive skin and like to wear 100% cotton clothes. Uniforms are often made from synthetics, such as polyester which is harmful for a child's skin, especially if the child spends the whole day at school.
- There are different opinions about school uniform.
- A school uniform can improve students' marks.
- Grey is the best colour for a school uniform.
- Uniforms can be expensive for parents.
III. Лексика и грамматика .
1) Вставьте подходящий предлог.
1.What do you make …. his new girl-friend?
2.Your handwriting is terrible. I can’t make…. a word.
3.Don’t be …. a hurry. We have a lot of time.
4.He was just ….. the corner of the street when he saw that car.
5.After the war a lot of buildings were ….. ruins.
6.Have you made …. the whole story yourself?
2) Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму герундия или инфинитива (с частицей to или без нее)
1. I really look forward to (have) two weeks off work.
2. Can you (lend) me some money? I’m broke.
3. I can’t stand people (tease) the weak.
4. Her parents will never let her (travel) alone.
5. The task is too difficult (do) it.
IV.Вы получили письмо от Кэти, своего друга по переписке. Напишите ей ответ, ответьте на три ее вопроса. Требуемый объем вашего сообщения 100-120 слов. Не забывайте о правилах написания личного письма! Соблюдайте структуру и правила пунктуации.
From: |
To: |
Subject: Dear friend |
...My mum insists that I have too much free time. She says that taking up a hobby, learning a new language or any other new skill would broaden my horizons … ... What do you usually do at weekends? What after-class activities can you do in your school? What new language would you like to learn and why?... |
IV.Вы получили письмо от Кэти, своего друга по переписке. Напишите ей ответ, ответьте на три ее вопроса. Требуемый объем вашего сообщения 100-120 слов. Не забывайте о правилах написания личного письма! Соблюдайте структуру и правила пунктуации.
From: |
To: |
Subject: Dear friend |
...My mum insists that I have too much free time. She says that taking up a hobby, learning a new language or any other new skill would broaden my horizons … ... What do you usually do at weekends? What after-class activities can you do in your school? What new language would you like to learn and why?... |
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