Тесты по Великобритании и США
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Test 1 The Land and the People
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. The head of the country is
a) Prime-minister
b) a king or a queen
c) Parliament
2. The British like
a) to wear their national dress
b) to discuss private life
c) quiet polite behavior
3. The UK is situated on
a) the south-western coast of Europe
b) the west coast of Europe
c) the north-western coast of Europe
4. The UK is separated from the continent
a) by the Irish Sea
b) by the Atlantic Ocean
c) by the English Channel
5. The population of the UK is
a) over 57 mln people
b) over 70 mln people
c) over 50 mln people
6. The easiest way to guess the class of a person is
a) to count his money
b) to listen to his speech
c) to see his living place
7. The symbol of peace in Great Britain is
a) a red rose
b) a shamrock
c) a poppy
8. The national bird of the UK is
a) a sparrow
b) a robin
c) a starling
9. The highest mountain in the UK is
a) Ben Cheviot
b) Ben Loch
c) Ben Nevis
10. The longest river in the UK is
a) the Severn
b) the Thames
c) the Spey
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. The UK-
2. The Union Jack -
3. Belfast -
4. Cardiff -
5. Edinburgh -
III. Match the word and the description
1. Wales a) It has a warm, wet climate, green brilliant grass. Much of the land is farming country. It is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea.
2. Northern Ireland b) It is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. Most farmers keep sheep. Deer live in the forests here.
3. England c) It has pretty valleys. But it has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of this part are very musical.
4. Scotland d) Some areas of it are very crowded, especially the southeast of it. Fishing is an important industry in the northeast of it. The most important river flows here.
- Test 2 Government
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. British newspapers can be divided into
a) two groups
b) three groups
c) four groups
2. The newspaper printed on pink papers is
a) The Times
b) The Financial Times
c) the Sunday Times
3. "The Times" was founded
a) in the 18th century
b) in the 19th century
c) in the 20th century
4. Broadcasting in the UK is controlled by
a) the government
b) the Queen
c) the BBC
5. Monarchy exists in Britain for more than
a) 500 years
b) a thousand years
c) 2000 years
6. The Queen is
a) a formal head of the country
b) a real head of the UK
c) a political head of it
7. The Queen must agree to
a) every new law
b) every government decision
c) every date of Parliament meetings
8. The government is
a) a judicial power
b) a legislative power
c) an executive power
9. The lawmaking power of the UK is
a) Parliament
b) Queen
c) Government
10. Parliamentary elections must be held every
a) 5 years
b) 4 years
c) 3 years
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. The BBC-
2. The MP -
3. The Open University -
4. a woolsack -
III. Match the word and the description
1. the House of Commons a) This chamber of Parliament is made up of 650 elected members. It is presided over by speaker. It plays the major role in lawmaking.
2. a quality newspaper b) This chamber of Parliament has more than 1000 members, although only about 250 take an active part in the work. Members of it are not elected, they have the right of inheritance.
3. the House of Lords c) This newspaper is serious and covers home and foreign news. .
4. a popular newspaper d) This newspaper likes shocking, personal stories, sport.
- Test 3 Education
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. Schools in Britain provide
a) careers guidance
b) free education
c) state curriculum
2. British educational system has
a) two stages of education
b) three stages of education
c) four stages of education
3. Comprehensive school
a) is selective
b) gives all children the same opportunity in education
c) provides the entering the university
4. Public schools educate
a) the ruling class
b) the middle class
c) the working class of the country
5. The academic year in Britain's universities is divided into
a) 2 terms
b) 3 terms
c) 4 terms
6. The compulsory education in the UK is
a) from 5 to 18
b) from 6 to 16
c) from 5 to 16
7. Harrow is
a) a boarding public school for boys
b) a secondary school for all children
c) a boarding public school for girls
8. The task of Harrow is
a) to give general education to ruling class
b) to give advanced education to all children
c) to give a high level of education to ruling class
9. Nowadays there are about
a) 9000 students in Oxford
b) 10000 students in Oxford
c) 12000 students in Oxford
10. Thousand of people arrive in Cambridge
a) to buy the English Dictionary
b) to take part in the festival of folk music
c) to get help in the Word and language Service
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. Oxbridge -
2. the Boy Scouts -
3. Junior school -
4. Infant school -
5. The Oxford word and language Service
III. Match the word and the description
1. public school a) It was introduced in 1965. The idea of it is to give all children of whatever background the same opportunity in education.
2. comprehensive school b) It comes after secondary school and lasts for 2 years. You can get the courses you want there.
3. sixth form college c) It is intended for people who study in their own free time by watching TV and listening to the radio. It doesn't give formal qualifications.
4. the open University d) It gives a high level of education and provides a successful future. The discipline is very strict.
- Test 4 Holidays and Customs
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. In England it isn't a bank holiday
a) Easter
b) Good Friday
c) Easter Monday
2. On May Day people decorate with ribbons
a) a tree
b) a house
c) a pole
3 .People try to eat an apple from a bowl with water without using their hands
a) on Halloween
b) on New Year's Day
c) on Summer Bank Holiday
4. On Christmas almost every housewife cooks
a) an apple pie
b) a berry cake
c) a holiday pudding
5. This is the most important festival of the year in Great Britain
a) Easter
b) Red Nose Day
c) Christmas
6. On Hogmanay the Scots wait for
a) a dark woman
b) a dark man
c) a dark child
7. At midnight on December 31st people sing ForAult Lang Syne written by
a) W.Shakespeare
b) R.Burns
c) Lord Byron
8. On Guy Fawkes' Night children collect money for
a) burning a dummy
b) charity
c) buying fireworks
9. Easter bunny
a) supposedly brings eggs and sweets in a basket ,
b) sings Easter songs with children
c) honors the awakening of new life in nature.
10. People in Britain believe a black cat crossing your way will bring you
a) good luck
b) bad luck
c) much money
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. carols -
2. Punch and Judy -
3. Comic Relief-
4 Guy Fawkes -
III. Match the word and the description
1. Hogmanay a) It is a big festival on which people do stupid things for collecting charity money
2. Christmas b) People celebrate this festival to honor the awakening of new life. There are many things selected to be symbols of new life.
3. Red Nose Day c) It is an important festival in Scotland celebrated by holding hands in a large circle and singing. A piece of coal and white bread bring you good luck.
4. Easter d) On this festival people sing special songs collecting money for charity. It is the most favorite family holiday, a religious and a bank holiday at the same time.
- Test 5 Sport
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. At English schools children learn how to play
a) football
b) golf
c) cricket
2. There are all kinds of it in England
a) racing
b) tennis
c) wrestling
3. "That is not cricket" means
a) that's not polite
b) that's not fair
c) that's not clever
4. The most famous boat race in England is between
a) professional sportsmen from all over the world
b) boat teams from London
c) students from Oxford and Cambridge
5. The London Marathon
a) is an international competition for professional runners only
b) can be called a charity event, street festival and a competition in one
c) selects professional sportsmen.
6. The fun runners try to empress the public with
a) silly costumes
b) world records
c) the high level of fitness.
7. Working-class sports in Great Britain are
a) wrestling, snooker, darts
b) wrestling, snooker, golf
c) wrestling, snooker, horse-racing
8. In a cricket team there are
a) 5 players
b) 11 players
c) 10 players
9. The British queen enjoys
a) lawn tennis
b) golf
c) racing
10. The British
a) don't care about sports
b) are crazy about sports
c) go in for sport time to time
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. Wimbledon-
2. Wembley-
3. Derby-
III. Match the word and the description
1. soccer a) The most popular English summer game, played on a green field, very slow and long by two teams of 11 players each.
2. rugby b) One of the most popular English games, played from late August until the beginning of May on a large green field with a round ball, by two teams of 11 players each.
3. cricket c) It is played with an egg-shaped ball, which may be carried and thrown, by two teams of 15 players each.
- The UK Quiz ‘Do you know the UK?’
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. The UK is
a) a parliamentary monarchy
b) a constitutional republic
c) a constitutional monarchy
d) a parliamentary republic
2. This chamber in Parliament is elected
a) the House of Commons
b) the House of Lords
3. The legislative branch of the British Government is called
a) Court
b) Congress
c) Parliament
4. British women usually get married at the age
a) of 24
b) of 18
c) of 30
5. The British bring up their children
a) to be dependent
b) to be independent
c) to be rich
6. Britain's national drink is
a) whiskey
b) coca-cola
c) coffee
d) tea
7. The kilt is
a) a shirt
b) a skirt
c) a pair of trousers
8. The main function of the queen is
a) to rule the country
b) to speak on TV on Christmas
c) to represent Britain
d) to agree to every new law
9. The most authoritative newspaper in the country is
a) The Financial Times
b) The Times
c) The Daily Telegraph
d) The Sunday Times
10. Compulsory schooling in England lasts from the age
a) of 5 to 16
b) of 5 to 18
c) of 6 to 16
d) of 6 to 18
11. Great Britain was the first country
a) to create a society to protect animals
b) to create a class system
c) to create jeans
d) to create monarchy
2. What is it?
1. The Union Jack is
a) the coat of arms
b) the national hymn
c) the flag of the UK
d) the union of 4 parts of the country
2. The Open University
a) teaches students using computers
b) allows to study at home by TV and radio
c) is the most famous Uni in London
3. "Fleet Street" is
a) the press
b) a district in London
c) a market
d) a newspaper
4. The woolsack is
a) national clothes
b) a famous sheep farm
c) a kind of sheep
d) a special seat in Parliament
5. Ben Nevis is
a) a mountain
b) a famous footballer
c) a sort of wine
d) a big port
6. Harrow is
a) an English river
b) a sort of food
c) a public school
d) a traditional Scottish musical instrument
7. Christopher Wren was
a) an architect
b) a writer
c) a Prime-minister
d) an inventor
3. Match
1. The parts of the UK and their capitals
1) England a) Cardiff
2) Scotland b) London
3) Wales c) Belfast
4) Northern Ireland d) Edinburgh
2. The parts of the UK and their national symbols
1) England a) a thistle
2) Scotland b) a shamrock
3) Wales c) a red rose
4) Northern Ireland d) a daffodil
3. The name and a possible place of its origin
1) Wales a) R. Stevenson
2) England b) P. McCartney
3) Northern Ireland c) Gary Pritchard
4. The holiday and its symbol
1) Guy Fawkes's night a) first footing
2) Hogmanay b) a dummy
3) Christmas c) stockings at the fireplace
4) May Day d) a pumpkin
5) Easter e) a pole with ribbons
6) Halloween f) a rabbit
5. The place and a kind of sports
1) Wimbledon a) horse-racing
2) Wembley b) lawn tennis
3) Derby c) association football
6. The place and the sight of it
1) Cambridge a) ravens
2) Oxford Uni b) Poets Corner
3) Buckingham Palace c) a big festival of folk music
4) the Tower d) changing the guard
5) Westminster Abbey e) Word and Language Service
- Test 6 Geography of the USA
I. Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. The USA borders
a) on Canada and Mexico
b) on Canada, Mexico and Russia
c) on Canada, Mexico and Cuba
2. The USA is made up of
a) 49 states
b) 50 states
c) 51 states
3. The highest peak is
a) Mount McKinley
b) Mount Cordillera
c) Mount Sierra Nevada
4. The head of the country is
a) the Congress
b) the Prime-minister
c) the President
5. Washington became the capital of the USA
a) in 1790
b) in 1799
c) in 1800
6. Washington
a) is a city of skyscrapers
b) has no skyscrapers at all
c) has some skyscrapers in the centre
7. In America there are many
a) Indian place names
b) African place names
c) European place names
8. The American dream is
a) to start with nothing and make a fortune
b) to live in peace with all nations in the world
c) to be a patriot of the country
9. The first Europeans bought Manhattan from the American Indians
a) for a few glass necklaces
b) for 20 000 dollars
c) for some horses
10. The Metropolitan in New York is
a) a famous opera house
b) the city most popular concert hall
c) a favorite jazz nightclub
11. New York has got
a) 3 boroughs
b) 4 boroughs
c) 5 boroughs
II. Explain the word (what is it?)
1. The Great Lakes -
2. "Stars and Stripes" -
3. DC -
4. "melting pot" -
5. "Big Apple" -
- Test 7 History of the USA
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. The Declaration of Independence was written by
a) G. Washington
b) A. Lincoln
c) T. Jefferson
2. The first settlers landed
a) on the East coast
b) on the West coast
c) on the South coast
3. The Indians met the colonists and
a) didn't help them in their work
b) learnt the settlers to plant corn
c) brought them presents and jewellery
4. The life of the first settlers was strongly influenced by
a) their environment
b) the British government
c) the Indians
5. The Statue of Liberty holds a tablet with
a) the date of founding New York city
b) the day of adoption the American constitution
с) the day of Independence
6. The first president G. Washington was inaugurated in
a) 1720
b) 1800
c) 1789
7. The slavery was abolished when the president of the LISA was
a) A. Lincoln
b) T. Jefferson
c) G. Washington
8. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus
a) in 1482
b) in 1264
c) in 1492
9. Columbus spent his last days in
a) honor and respect
b) disappointment and neglect
c) wealth and well-being
10. The new continent was called the land of Amerigo, who explored the coasts of
a) South America
b) North America
c) Canadа
II. What is it? Give the definition
1) "The Mayflower"-
2) "The Santa Maria"-
3) The New World –
III. Match the personal name and the description
1) A. Vespucci
2) C. Columbus
3) A. Lincoln
4) G. Washington
- Test 8 American Holidays
I. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. The USA is rich in holidays because of
a) a huge territory of the country
b) a great number of people
c) different cultures of people all over the world
2. The most important American holiday is
a) Christmas
b) Independence Day
c) President's Day
3. The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated
a) in 1620
b) in 1621
c) in 1721
4. On President's Day children can get from the President
a) a booklet about the history of the White House
b) a packet with the Declaration of Independence
c) a Statue of Liberty souvenir
5. Labour Day marks
a) the beginning of autumn
b) the beginning of summer
c) the beginning of spring
6. This holiday honors the nation's armed Services killed in wartime
a) Memorial Day
b) Independence Day
c) Thanksgiving Day
7. The origin of Halloween celebration is connected with
a) greeting cards
b) colorful eggs
c) evil spirits
8. He hides the eggs to make children hunt for them
a) Santa Claus
b) St. Valentine
c) Easter Rabbit
9. Children enjoy singing carols on
a) Halloween
b) Christmas
c) April Fool's day
10. Chinese New Year is widely supported
a) in New York
b) in Washington
c) in Los Angeles
II. What is it? Give the definition
1. Jack-o-Lantern -
2. carols -
3. a valentine card -
- The USA Quiz ‘Do you know the USA?’
1. Choose the correct answer for each question
1. The American flag is called
a) Union Jack
b) Big Banner
c) Stars and Stripes
2. The nickname of New York is
a) the Big Apple
b) the City of opportunity
c) Empire
3. The American nation is called
a) a diamond ring
b) a busy community
c) a melting pot
4. The largest city of the USA is
a) Los Angeles
b) Chicago
c) New York
5. The Declaration of Independence was adopted in
a) 1800
b) 1876
c) 1776
6. The USA borders on
a) Canada and Mexico
b) Canada, Mexico and Cuba
c) Canada and Cuba
7. The legislative branch of the USA is called
a) Court
b) Congress
c) Parliament
8. The Pilgrims fathers arrived in 1620 in
a) Massachusetts
b) Virginia
c) Maryland
9. New York was founded in 1613 by Dutch and called
a) New Amsterdam
b) New Jersey
c) New Hampshire
10. At the bottom of the Statue of Liberty there is a museum devoted to
a) the life of the native people
b) the culture of the American people
c) the history of immigration
11. 13 stripes on the American flag represent
a) 13 first states
b) 13 biggest cities of the USA
c) 13 years of the War for Independence
12. The school year in the USA starts the day after
a) President's Day
b) Memorial Day
c) Labour Day
13. Americans choose a new president every
a) 5 years
b) 4 years
c) 3 years
2. What is it?
1. The Capitol is
a) the home of the US president
b) the home of the US Congress
c) the home of the Supreme Court
2. Manhattan is
a) a centre of New York
b) a separate state
c) an American city
3. 'Santa Maria' is
a) a ship of Christopher Columbus
b) the highest peak of the USA
c) a monument in the centre of Washington
4. The White House is
a) the home of the American lawmaking system
b) the President's residence
c) the most popular museum in Washington
5. Broadway is
a) a financial heart of New York
b) a famous shopping centre
c) a symbol of American theatre
6. Martin Luther King was
a) a famous American fighter for civil rights
b) a famous American writer and poet
c) a famous American singer
7. Jack-o-Lantern is
a) a name of a greeting card
b) Halloween's symbol cut from a pumpkin
c) an Indian festival
8. Prom is
a) a special huge party at the end of the last year of high school
b) a special school party at the beginning of the school year
c) a religious holiday celebrated by African-Americans
9. The common phrase 'See you later' means
a) an invitation for a visit
b) a new meeting
c) a way to say 'Good bye'
10. Rodeo is
a) a place where cowboys live
b) a competition in which cowboys show their skills
c) an entertainment for tourists
11. 'Mayflower' is
a) a ship on which board the Pilgrims came
b) a symbol of Washington D.C.
c) a settlement built by the first settlers
- Контрольная работа №1
Вариант №1
1. Where is the UK situated?
2. For how many years does monarchy exist in Britain?
3. On which holiday do British children leave a long sock at the fireplace?
4. How many stages does the British educational system consist of?
5. Which schools are included in primary education in Britain?
6. What kind of a state is the UK?
7. Who is the head of the USA?
8. By whom was the American Declaration of Independence written?
9. What is the US White House?
10. How big is the population of the USA?
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант №2
1. Who is the head of UK?
2. How often are British parliamentary elections held?
3. Who supposedly brings eggs and sweets in a basket for children on Easter?
4. Which secondary school in the UK gives all children the same opportunities in education?
5. What is the nickname of the British flag?
6. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of?
7. What countries does the USA border on?
8. Which American president abolished the slavery?
9. What is the US Capitol?
10. How many states is the USA made up?
- Контрольная работа №2
Вариант №1
- By what is the UK separated from the continent?
- Which chamber of the British Parliament plays the major role in lawmaking?
- What kind of a state is the UK?
- For what do British children collect money on Guy Fawkes' Night?
- At what age do British children begin their compulsory education?
- Which are the two biggest youth organizations in Great Britain?
- Who rules the USA?
- When was America discovered by Christopher Columbus?
- What is Broadway in New York famous for?
10. What is the capital of the USA?
Контрольная работа №2
Вариант №2
1. How big is the population of the UK?
2. Which chamber of the British Parliament has the true power?
3. What is the most favourite British family holiday, a religious and a bank holiday at the same time?
4. Which schools in the UK educate the ruling class?
5. What does the abbreviation ''MP'' mean?
6. What is the official name of Britain as a state?
7. How many states is the USA made up?
8. Who was the first president of the USA?
9. How often do Americans elect a new president?
10. What is the US White House?
- Контрольная работа №3
Вариант №1
1. What is the name of the longest river in the UK?
2. What is the lawmaking power in the UK?
3. What do the British people decorate with ribbons on May Day?
4. How many terms is the academic year in Britain's universities divided into?
5. Which are the two biggest youth organizations in Great Britain?
6. Who rules the UK in fact?
7. What is the biggest city in the USA?
8. What is the symbol of the American freedom?
9. On what holiday in the USA do children sing carols?
10. What countries does the USA border on?
Контрольная работа №3
Вариант №2
1. What is the official name of Britain as a state?
2. Which chamber of the British Parliament is elected?
3. For whom do the Scots wait on Hogmanay?
4. How long does the compulsory education in the UK last?
5. Which British holiday is celebrated in November by burning a dummy?
6. Who is the head of UK?
7. How is the American flag called?
8. What is the lawmaking power in the USA?
9. What is the symbol of Halloween?
10. Who rules the USA?
- Контрольная работа №4
Вариант №1
- How many parts does the UK include?
- Which chamber of the British Parliament is not elected?
- What is the most favourite British family holiday?
- Which university in Britain is intended for people who study in their own free time by watching TV and listening to the radio?
- What is the official name of Britain as a state?
- How long does the compulsory education in the UK last?
- What is the capital of the USA?
- What do 13 stripes on the American flag represent?
- Who supposedly brings eggs and sweets in a basket for children on Easter?
10. When was America discovered by Christopher Columbus?
Контрольная работа №4
Вариант №2
- By what 4 main nationalities is the UK inhabited?
- How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of?
- How are Christmas songs called?
- What types of secondary schools exist in Britain?
- What kind of a state is the UK?
- What is the nickname of the British flag?
- What countries does the USA border on?
- How is the American flag called?
- What do most people write on St.Valentine's Day?
10. What is the symbol of the American freedom?
- Keys
Test 1 The Land and the People
1. 1b 2c 3c 4c 5a 6b 7c 8b 9c 10a
2. 1. The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2. The Union Jack is the flag of Great Britain.
3. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
4. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
5. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
3. 1c 2a 3d 4b
Test 2 Government
1. 1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6a 7a 8c 9a 10a
2. 1. The BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation.
2. The MP is a Member of Parliament.
3. The Open University teaches people who study in their free time by watching TV and listening to the radio. It doesn't give any formal qualification.
4. A woolsack is a special seat for the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords, a red pillow filled with wool.
3. 1a 2c 3b 4d
Test 3 Education
1. 1a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9c 10b
2. 1. Oxbridge is a collective name for two main universities of the UK - Oxford and Cambridge.
2. The Boy Scouts is a youth organization for boys from 8 to 18.
3. Junior school is a stage of primary school for children from 7 to 11.
4. Infant school a stage of primary school for children from 5 to 7.
5. The Oxford word and language Service helps people with the questions connected with the English language.
3. 1d 2a 3b 4с
Test 4 Holidays and Customs
1. 1a 2c 3a 4c 5c 6b 7b 8c 9a 10a
2. 1. Carols are special Christmas songs.
2. Punch and Judy are British national puppets.
3. Comic Relief is an organization which prepares the celebration of Red Nose Day.
4. Guy Fawkes was a man who wanted to blow up the Parliament in 1605, but was arrested and hanged.
3. 1c 2d 3a 4b
Test 5 Sport
1. 1c 2a 3b 4c 5b 6a 7a 8b 9c 10b
2. 1. Wimbledon is a place for holding Lawn Tennis Championships.
2. Wembley is a stadium for taking place international football matches (the Cup Finals).
3. Derby is the most famous flat race in Britain.
3. 1b 2c 3a
The UK Quiz ‘Do you know the UK?’
1. 1c 2a 3c 4c 5b 6d 7b 8c 9b 10a 11a
2. 1c 2b 3a 4d 5a 6c 7a
3. 1. 1b 2d 3a 4c
2. 1c 2a 3d 4b
3. 1c 2a 3b
4. 1b 2a 3c 4e 5f 6d
5. 1b 2c 3a
6. 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b
Тест 6 Geography of the USA
1.1b 2b 3a 4c 5c 6b 7c 8a 9a 10a 11c
2. 1. The Great Lakes form the territory between the USA and Canada including 5 lakes.
2. "Stars and Stripes" is the flag of the USA.
3. DC is a District of Columbia, a special place for the US capital Washington.
4. "Melting pot" is a name for the American population, because people of different races and nationalities make it up.
5. "Big Apple" is a nickname of New York.
Тест 7 History of the USA
1. 1c 2a 3b 4a 5c 6c 7a 8c 9b 10a
2. 1. "The Mayflower" is a ship, on which board the first settlers reached the East coast of North America.
2. "The Santa Maria" is a ship, on which board Christopher Columbus reached America.
3. The New World is a name for North and South America.
3. 1d 2c 3a 4b
Тест 8 American Holidays
1. 1c 2b 3b 4a 5a 6a 7c 8c 9b 10a
2. 1. Jack-o-Lantern is a lantern out of pumpkins with a candle inside.
2. Carols are special Christmas songs.
3. A valentine card is a special greeting card on St. Valentine's Day.
The USA Quiz ‘Do you know the USA?’
1. 1c 2a 3c 4c 5c 6a 7b 8a 9a 10c 11a 12c 13b
2. 1b 2a 3a 4b 5c 6a 7b 8a 9c 10b 11a
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