Разноуровневые задания по теме "Множественное число существительных"
тест по английскому языку
Разноуровневые задания по теме "Множественное число существительных"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 1. V 1.
1.Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.
A boy, a car, a thing, a room, a book, a hat, a stamp, a coat, a watch, a story, a hero, a piano.
2. Определите, являются ли следующие существительные исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми.
Idea, magazine, knowledge, picture, coffee, ocean, bread, sheep, fish, news.
3. Выберите нужное слово.
1) This is (an apple/apples)
2) These are (a tomato/tomatoes)
3) There is (books/ a book) on the table.
4) That is a clever (man/men)
4. Соотнесите слова.
1) mouse a) teeth
2) goose b) men
3) Sheep c) heroes
4) foot d) geese
5) tooth e) dresses
6) woman f) children
7) man g) sheep
7) child h) woman
9) a hero i) feet
10) a dress j) mice
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 1. V 2.
1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.
A toy, a fox, a dish, a place, a glass, a cherry, a bench, a pen, an apricot, an eye.
2. Определите, являются ли следующие существительные исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми.
Tea, pudding,
Oranges, potatoes, scones, sugar, water, a boy, chocolate, jam.
3. Выберите нужное слово.
1) There are (a pen/pens) on the able.
2) Is there (a café/cafes) near your school?
3) How many (a pupil/pupils) are there in your class.
4)It is my brother’s (computer/computers)
4. Выберите пары из данных слов.
Milk, tables, cat, woman, gardens, table, milk, cats, deer, wolves, fox, foxes, deer, wolf.
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 2. V 1.
1. Составь 2 колонки: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Переведи.
Tea, porridge, mice, game, fruit, oranges, hair, eyes, glass, dog.
2. Дайте множественное число существительных.
A mouse, a sheep, a swine, a fox, a shelf, a woman, a tooth, a crisis, a deer, a dress, a potato.
3. Измените предложения по образцу.
Образец: This is a fast train.- These are fast trains.
That is a clever man.- Those are clever men.
1)This is a pretty woman.-
2)This is a nice present.-
3)That is a wonderful park.-
4)That is the best actor of the heater.-
- Найдите лишнее слово.
Crises, wolves, deer, pigs, a deer, men, foxes, mice, feet, children.
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 2. V 2.
1. Составь 2 колонки: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Переведи.
Weather, meat, cat, information, horse, cereal, scones, cabbages, cornflakes, coffee, money.
2. Дайте множественное число существительных.
A pair, a letter, a girl, a see, a fish, a tomato, a zero, a roof, a woman, a basis.
3. Измените предложения по образцу.
Образeц: this-these, that-those, there is-there are.
- There is a fish in aquarium.
- There is a mistake in the text.
- That is the best pupil in our school.
- This is a thrilling film.
4. Найдите лишнее слово.
Oxen, tigers, apples, soup, books, cats, lamps, flowers, bags, houses
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 3. V 1.
I. There a five_______ and fifteen ______ in the basket.
a) apples, plumes b) apples, plums c) appls, plums d) apples, plumes
II. Peter has two ________.
a) childs b) childrens c) childes d) children
III. Do _______ clean their ________?
a) mousse, tooth b) mice, toths c) mice, teeth d) mousse, teeth
IV. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.
A life, a leaf, a datum, an ox, a phenomenon, a mother-in-law, a swine, a half, a Chinese.
V. Образуйте единственное число существительных в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения.
1) Men who drink and drive are criminals.
2) House keepers must be economical.
3) Secretaries should know computers and languages.
4) Politicians must be good leaders and speakers.
5) Films are very interesting.
Plural Form.
Множественное число существительных.
Level 3. V 2.
I. How many _______ have two ________ got?
a) wifes, mans b) wifes, mens c) wives, man d) wives, men
II. Mike needs five ________ of _________ for his party.
a) boxes, potatoes b) boxes, potato c) boxes, potatoes d) boxes, potatos
III. There are many ______ in the library.
a) dictionarys b) dictionaries c) dictionaryes d) dictionares
IV. Дайте единственное число существительных.
Mice, fathers-in-law, data, crises, chefs, Englishmen, teeth, swine, halves, lives, pigs.
V. Образуйте единственное число существительных в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения.
1) Partners should be honest people.
2) Hours passed before the police came.
3) I can see sheep in the field.
4) There are geese in the pond.
Plural Form. Test.
1. I can’t find my spectacles. Where _____ they?
a) is b) are
2. His advice _______ forgotten.
a) was b) were
3. Good news _______ always welcome.
a) is b) are
4. There _______ not much furniture in this room.
a) is b) are
5. Where ______ the money? I put in into the drawer.
a) is b) are
6. Sheep ______ grass-eating animals.
a) is b) are
7. Mathematics _______ his favourite subject.
a) is b) are
8. The girls hair _______ golden-brown.
a) were b) was
9. Woman _______always right.
a) is b) are
10. My teeth _______ not white. I am afraid.
a) is b) are
11. I’m glad that the news________ good.
a) is b) are
12. Ten sheep _________ grazing in the field.
a) is b) are
13. The watch ________ made of gold.
a) is b) are
14. Neither Ann nor Brett ______ interested.
a) is b) are
15. The coach, together with all his assistants, ______ released.
a) were b) was
16. Jessica is one of those girls who ________ very clever.
a) is b) are
17. His coat and hat ________ missing.
a) was b) were
18. His friend and adviser ______ Mr.Smith.
a) was b) were
19. Fish and chips ________ become a popular fast-food item.
a) has b) have
20. Volumes 1 and 3 of the encyclopedia ________ missing.
a) was b) were
h other.
4.b) Употребите правильно вспомогательный глагол при образовании разных видовременных форм глагола в следующих предложениях.
1) How long ___ you ___ learning English?
a) are b) have been c) is
2) What ___ you doing now?
a) are b) have been c) had
3) I ____ writing a test.
a) am b) have c) had
4) I ____ writing a test for ten minutes.
a) am b) have been c) had
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