Урок "Behaviour Rules"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Match Russian & English equivalents to eat noiselessly нарушать очередь to eat noisily ставить локти на стол to use the knife and fork properly есть бесшумно to stare at someone in public размахивать вилкой или ножом to jump the queue дарить женщинам цветы to give way in favour of older people есть шумно to present women with flowers правильно использовать вилку и нож to put one’s elbows on the table уставиться на кого-то прилюдно to wave the knife/fork in the air уступать пожилым людям

Слайд 3

Read the following rules of behavior and make tag questions young people seldom abandon their places on a bus in favour of older ones,…? some British behavior rules seem strange,…? there is so much variation in the customs of different peoples,…? different people have different habits for greeting people,…? foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking,…? in Britain drivers keep to the left,..? -it is not polite to bump into another person,…? foreigners make friends slowly,…? in Britain it is not considered bad manners to eat in the street,…?

Слайд 4

What do the British wish on different occasions? Arrange the words into wishing and congratulating sentences happy returns of/Many/the day wishes!/warmest/Christmas/With Happy/Mothers are/ Mother’s Day/ and you are/ one of the best!/wonderful Hoping/Sorry/you are sick./soon/ you will be well and always/on Saint Valentine’s Day/With love - Best wishes/your future./With for

Слайд 5

Fill in each sentence with the correct word to: a function word too: also two: a number -I am going _ eat something tasty. -Donald ran _ miles with his best friend. -Is Ann coming _ ? -She got _ wrong on the test. -In Britain they like _ play baseball. -I have made pictures of London _ times. -Clothes are _ expensive in Great Britain. -I need _ write _ pages for my friend. -Cindy got _ strikes in bowling. -I need you _ help me it’s _ heavy!

Слайд 6

Say what is your character like: confident spontaneous generous determined forgiving optimistic modest logical demanding tolerant inventive humble practical rude eccentric sincere courageous selfless selfish noble witty smart funny

Слайд 7

Homework To learn the poem by heart Shopping, Shopping Christmas Shopping. Mums are hurrying – running hoping Presents, boxes, everywhere Cards and crackers, Teddy-bears Lots of useless pretty things: Candles, tinsel, golden rings I’ve been doing shopping too. Look at me: you’ll see it’s true: Messy clothes & messy hair Christmas, Christmas everywhere

Слайд 8

The End

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