Презентация: "Organic food, myth or reality" (Органические продукты, миф или реальность)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Рогачева Галина Игоревна

Презентация к уроку английского языка.

УМК: Starlight 10

Класс 10 


Файл organic_food_myth_or_reality.pptx937.12 КБ

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What categories are assumed to organic products? Healthy Eco-friendly Nutritious

Слайд 2

According to the statistics has the overall value of org. food jumped or fell down? Within a span of 4 years the food industry's overall value jumped from 29 billion in 2010 up to 39 billion by 2014. Since then it has been growing steadily, by approximately 10% each year.

Слайд 3

What farmers don’t use in organic food production? Farmers don’t use: Hormones; Genetic modification; Antibiotics; Artificial chemicals (synthetic pesticides or fertilizers)

Слайд 4

Why such farming is considered to be environmentally friendly? Animals live in better conditions thanks to strict regulations put in place to ensure that farmers treat animals humanely. Farmers use natural fertilizers: manure or compost

Слайд 5

Does using organic pesticides prevent adverse effect on the environment? Some studies discovered that the use of organic pesticides could have much worse influence on environment than regular ones. They contain the same harmful substances. For instance, Oxford scientists drew unexpected conclusion that the production of particular org. goods emits more greenhouse gases.

Слайд 6

Is it more nutritious & better for health? It doesn’t have extra nutritional value in comparison with conventional ones; Has higher level of phosphorus; lower level of cadmium; higher level of antioxidants Vitamin C, iron, zink , omega3 Fatty acids & vitamin E (carotene) Still the difference is rather insignificant

Слайд 7

What factors does the food quality depend on? It depends on all kinds of factors besides an Organic label: Weather & climate conditions; Quality of the soil; The harvest span

Слайд 8

How to choose the best organic products? If you opt for organic products look for the USDA seal, avoid unlabeled goods. Try to buy locally grown fruit and veggies that are ripe and with more flavour .

Слайд 9

What seafood doesn’t contain harmful substances? Scallops Herring Shrimps Crayfish Crab Tilapia Oyster Catfish Haddock

Слайд 10

Does the blogger take the point of significant organic food positive effect at its surface value?

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