Презентация по теме PAST PERFECT
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
Представьте: вы хотите рассказать другу о том, как вчера провели вечер, о том, что планировали сделать, но так и не успели, а может быть, хотите задать пару вопросов о его прошлом, но не знаете, как это правильно сделать.
Прошедшее совершенное время — одно из самых каверзных в английском языке. Оно часто встречается в повседневной речи, и при разговоре практически невозможно избежать его использования.
В этой презентации вы узнаете, как образуется и когда употребляется время Past Perfect, изучите основные правила и разберете примеры с переводом предложений, встречающихся в английском языке.
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Подписи к слайдам:
When Kevin arrived to school the class had already started .
When he turned on the TV, the program had already started .
When Paul got home , he realized he had left the door open.
After my son had gone to bed , I watched a movie .
TIME EXPRESSIONS By the time – Ex: By the time Doris got to the party , everyone had gone home. After – Ex: I arrived after the teacher had called the roll. Before – Ex: She had seen the movie before she went to bed . When – Ex: I went to bed when I had finished my homework .
TIME EXPRESSIONS Use after , as soon as , until before using the PAST PERFECT SIMPLE . Ex: After she had moved out , I found her notes./ I didn’t say anything until she had finished talking. / As soon as I had finished my homework, I went to bed.
TIME EXPRESSIONS Use before, when, by the time before the PAST SIMPLE: Ex. Before I knew it, she had run out the door. / By the time he phoned her, she had turned off her cellphone . / She had left when I got home.
EXERCISES After I ______ ( finish ) my lunch, I went back to work . George ________ ( repair ) his car before he went fishing . She _______ ( tell ) me she _________ ( buy ) a new car. I _____( buy ) a new car because some thieves __________ ( steal ) my old one .
EXERCISES 5- After the company _____Joe, he began to work on his first project. (hire) 6- _____you _______ the news before you saw it on TV? (hear) 7- Michael didn’t want to see the movie because he _______ the book yet. (not read) 8-The concert ______ already _______when we _______ the stadium. (begin/ enter) 9- Until Anne ________ Mark, she ____ never ______in love. (meet, be)
EXERCISES 10- Bill __________ for years before he finally _______. (smoke/ quit) 11- _______ Sara ever _______to London by herself before October? (drive) 12- How many fish ______ the boys _____ by the time it started raining? (catch) 13- You ________ them to go to the beach, hadn’t you? (forbid) 14- The girls _______ in weeks. That’s why they ______ so much afterwards. (not exercise / hurt)
Circle the correct answers . In some cases only one is correct , and in others both are correct . As James was introduced to Mrs. Snape , he realized that he had met / met her before .
2. During the previous week , I had been / went to the gym every evening . 3. He denied that he had taken / took the money from the office. 4. I didn’t know the marking would take so long until I had read / read the first couple of essays . 5. The boy told me that he had lost / lost his train ticket and didn’t know how he would get home. 6. At the conference , scientists reported that they had found / found a cure for malaria.
7. The teacher guessed that some of the children had cheated / cheated in the exam . 8. Thomas explained that he had gone / went home early because he felt ill . 9. The waiter took my plate away before I had finished / finished eating . 10. Jane didn’t want any dinner . She had eaten / ate already .
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