Презентация по теме Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous
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Презентация по теме Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous
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2 had + V ed 3 The play had begun by then.
3 The Past Perfect Tense обозначает действие, которое завершилось раньше определённого момента в прошлом . 1 2 Past Perfect Past Simple
4 Действие завершилось: к какому-либо конкретному времени; раньше другого действия в прошлом
5 The play had begun by yesterday. 5 o'clock when we came to the theatre. Past Perfect Past Simple
6 present Past Simple future past Past Perfect I had finished dressing by 3 o’clock. After she had finished her housework she turned on the television.
7 present Past Simple future past Past Perfect I had ridden this horse before last Sunday , too. He suddenly realized that he had left his suitcase in the bus.
8 Negative Form had not V ed 3 The play had begun yet. - - not
9 Interrogative Form had V ed 3 ? ? S
10 General Question Special Question Special Question (Subject) Interrogative Form by that time by that time? by that time ? ? They come had Had they Why had they come . ? Had They . had come ? Who
11 Disjunctive Question (+) Disjunctive Question (-) Interrogative Form by 5 o'clock ? ? They come had . , n't had They they ? + - had n't come by 5 o'clock , . they ? - + They They Yes, they had. No, they hadn't. Yes, they had. No, they hadn't. (Да, пришли.) (Нет, не пришли.) had
12 Why was the man crying? Use the following words: the bus to go away before he to come to the bus stop The bus had gone away before he came to the bus stop. Answer the question using Past Perfect.
13 The Past Perfect Tense не употребляется для обозначения последовательных действий. Для этого используется Past Simple.
14 Последовательные действия в прошлом Мистер Браун (1) в Лондон поздно вечером. (2) в такси на вокзале, (3) в гостиницу, (4) в номер, ( 5 ) из чемодана пижаму, ( 6 ) душ, ( 7 ) пижаму и ( 8 ) спать . прибыл Сел приехал зашёл достал принял надел лёг , , , , , 1 2 3 4 5 6
15 Глагол, обозначающий действие, которое нарушает последовательность, употребляется в Past Perfect. Мистер Браун прибыл (1) в Лондон поздно вечером. Сел (2) в такси на вокзале, приехал (3) в гостиницу, зашёл (4) в номер, который заказал (5) заранее, достал (6) из чемодана пижаму, которую ему положила (7) жена, принял (8) душ, надел (9) пижаму и лёг (10) спать Past Simple Past Simple Past Simple Past Simple Past Perfect Past Simple Past Perfect Past Simple Past Simple Past Simple
16 Past Perfect с союзами Hardly / Scarcely / Nearly … when … No sooner … than … She had hardly washed up when her parents came . ( Hardly had she washed up when her parents came .) Едва она помыла посуду, как пришли её родители. No sooner had they arrived than it started to rain. Не успели они приехать , как начался дождь.
17 Present Perfect – Past Perfect Ситуация относится к настоящему. There my cousin among the girls in the room. But I recognize her because I her since childhood. Ситуация относится к прошлому. There my cousin among the girls in the room. But I recognize her because I her since childhood. Present Simple Present Perfect Past Simple Past Perfect is can’t have not seen was couldn’t had not seen
18 Мы узнали : Как образуется Past Perfect Что обозначает глагол в Past Perfect Особенности употребления Past Perfect в сравнении с Past Simple, Present Perfect,
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