Build up your vocabulary
материал по английскому языку

Бажанова Надежда Анатольевна

Данный материал содержит идиоматические выражения и фразовые глаголы по теме "Путешествия. Отдых"  и способствует пополнению словарного запаса учащихся 


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Idiomatic expressions referring to holiday

1. A change is as good as a rest {UK saying} - you can get as much good from changing the work you do as from having a rest.

'Are you having a holiday this year, Jenny?'

- 'I'm going to look after my sister's children for a week. It's not exactly a holiday but you know what they say - a change is as good as a rest.'

2. Have a whale of a time {informal} - to enjoy yourself very much.

'You've been on a skiing holiday, haven't you? What was it like?'

- 'Yes, I went with some friends. It was great. We had a whale of a time.'

3. Everything but/except the kitchen sink {humorous}- a much larger number of things than is necessary.

'Are you sure everything's in the cases?'

-'Yes, positive. We've packed everything except the kitchen sink.'

4. Travel light - to make a journey without taking a lot of heavy things with you.

'Would you like to borrow my suitcase or have you got one of your own?'

-'It' OK, thanks. I don't need it. I always travel light.'

5. Home from home {UK}; Home away from home {US} - a place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home.

'Did you stay in a hotel or an apartment?'

-'An apartment. It had everything - fridge, microwave, LED TV, even a washing machine. It was like home from home.'

6. There's no place like home - your home is a special place.

'Are you glad to be back?'

-'Very much! We had a wonderful holiday, but you know what they say - There's no place like home.

7. Just what the doctor ordered - exactly what is wanted or needed.

'Welcome back, Peter. You look well. Did you have a good time?'

- 'Fantastic. Sun, sea and excellent food. It was just what the doctor ordered.'

8. Recharge your batteries - to have a period of rest and relaxation so that you feel energetic again.

'But there's nothing to do in the middle of the forest! How will you fill your days?'

-'You don't go to Sweden for a wild time! We're going to recharge our batteries.'

9. Get away from it all - to go somewhere completely different from what is usual.

'When are off on holiday?'

- 'Tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm really looking forward to getting away from it all.'

10. (In) the middle of nowhere {informal, disapproving} - describes a place far away from any towns and cities and where few people live.

'Where's this cottage you're renting in Switzerland?'

-'Oh, it's miles from anywhere in the middle of nowhere.'

11. Short break - a period of time devoted to pleasure and rest, especially one with pay granted to an employee.

'Did I hear you were off on holiday next week?'

-'Yes, we're just having a short break. I'm back in again on Thursday.'

12. Watch the world go by - to look at people as they go past.

'Have you been to London?'

-'Yes, I love London. I love sitting in a cafe watching the world go by.'

13. The time of your life - an extremely enjoyable experience.

'How was your holiday, Jane?'

-'Fabulous! We had the time of our lives.'

14. Let your hair down {old-fashioned, informal}- to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself.

'Why do you always go to Ios?'

-'You've never been? It's the best place to really let your hair down.'

15. Make a nice change - we often use this expression when talking about something pleasant that we don't often do.

'You normally go to Sarti in the summer, don't you?'

-'Yes, but this year we're going cycling in the Alps. It'll make a nice change.'

16. Off the beaten track {US also off the beaten path}- in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns.

'The best thing about the town was it was so quiet. We were the only tourists.'

-'Yes, I'm like you. I prefer places off the beaten track.'

Phrasal verbs related to travel

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