Intellectual Game. Игра для внеклассного мероприятия в 10-11 кл.
занимательные факты по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Игра сделана по принципу "Своей игры" и расчитана на 45 минут. Проводится для 2-5 команд. Игрокам предлагаются по 5 вопросов в категориях "Inventions", "History", "Sports", "London", "General information", "Initials", "Geography" и "Science".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Who discovered X-rays in 1895? Professor Roentgen
Which American invented the telegraph in 1837? Samuel Morse
Which Swede invented Dynamite in 1866? Alfred Nobel
Who gave the first demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film on a screen in 1895? Brothers Lumiere
Which two brothers do you associate with the invention of an aeroplane ? Orville and Wilbur Wright
Who was the English king who founded Westminster? William the Confessor
How long did the One Hundred Years War last? 116 years
Who was President of the USA during the American Civil War? Abraham Lincoln
The Fire of London of 1666 extended from east to west of the city. How many days did the fire last? four days
An epidemic of bubonic plague ravaged Londonin 1665. What name was in given? Black Death
Which sport would you be playing when competing for the Davis Cup? tennis
Who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games? Baron Pierre de Coubertin
How many players are there in a cricket team? 11
What is known as “the sport of kings”? horse racing
What is the meaning of the word “karate”? empty hand
What nickname is given to the London underground ? the Tube
Who lives at 16 Downing street? The Prime Minister
Who designed St.Paul’s Cathedral? Sir Christopher Wren
What is known as “the Upper House”? The House of Lords
Where would you find the famous “ Whispering Gallery”? St. Paul’s Cathedral
What is known as “ the stars and stripes”? American flag
Where might you find “ Nessy ”? in Loch Ness, if anywhere
With which group of people do you associate the slogan “Make love, not war”? hippies
What term is synonymous with Costa Nostra? Mafia
What fruit is sometimes called Chinese Gooseberry? kiwi
What do the initials UFO mean? Unidentified Flying Object
What do the initials FIFA mean? International Federation of Football Associations
What do the initials IQ mean? Intelligence Quotient
What do the initials YMCA mean? Young Men’s Christian Association
What is BASIC in computer language? Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Name the largest island in the world. Greenland
Where would you find the Bronx? New York
Name the four largest deserts in the world. Sahara, Australian, Arabican , Goby
What is the largest peak on the North American continent? McKinley
In which country did an earthquake in 1976 kill 650.000 people? China
What colour is a sapphire? blue
What is the common name for sodium chloride? salt
On what are earthquakes measured? The Richter Scale
There are six inert gases. Name 4 of them. Radon, Xenon, Helium , Kripton , Neon and Argon
How often does Halley’s Comet orbit the Sun? every 76 years
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