Раздаточный материал к уроку английского( на отработку лексики, грамматики)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Благодаря раздаточному материалу дети с лёгкостью и интересом смогут отрабатывать пройденный материал
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Tilly is wearing a red dress, a straw hat and red shoes. hat dress shoes
Todd is wearing jeans, a red T-shirt and trainers. trainers jeans T-shirt
Tilly is wearing shorts, a green top and trainers. She has a straw hat. shorts hat trainers top
Tilly is wearing a skirt and a blue T-shirt. She has red shoes. shoes T-shirt skirt
Todd is wearing green trousers, a sweater and socks. He has boots. socks trousers sweater boots
Tilly is wearing a purple dress and purple shoes. She has a purple hat. dress shoes hat
Todd is wearing green shorts, a shirt and trainers. He has a hat. hat shorts shirt trainers
Tilly is wearing trousers, an orange sweater and socks. trousers socks sweater
Tilly is wearing mittens and a coat. She has brown boots. boots mittens coat
Todd is wearing trousers, a T-shirt and a jacket. He has gloves and boots. trousers boots gloves T-shirt jacket
Предварительный просмотр:
Complete the sentences have got /has got 1. She ________ long hair. 2. We ________ short hair. 3. You ________ big eyes. 4. My dog ________ big ears. 5. They ________ black hair. | Negative( haven’t got/hasn’t got) 1. She ________ long hair. 2. We ________ short hair. 3. You ________ big eyes. 4. My dog ________ big ears. 5. They ________ black hair. |
Questions 1. __________ Mark __________ a CD? 2. __________ he __________ a watch? 3. __________ Nina __________ a computer? 4. __________ Linda __________ a book? 5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos? | Translation
Card 2
Card 1. Complete the sentences have got /has got
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
Negative( haven’t got/hasn’t got)
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
1. __________ Mark __________ a CD?
2. __________ he __________ a watch?
3. __________ Nina __________ a computer?
4. __________ Linda __________ a book?
5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos?
- У меня есть домашнее животное
- У него нет книги
Card 3.
Complete the sentences have got /has got
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
Negative( haven’t got/hasn’t got)
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
1. __________ Mark __________ a CD?
2. __________ he __________ a watch?
3. __________ Nina __________ a computer?
4. __________ Linda __________ a book?
5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos?
- У меня есть домашнее животное
- У него нет книги
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
Exercise № 1. Fill in the gaps with can / can’t.
- My brother is 1 year old and he…………..walk.
- Birds……………..fly, but …………… run.
- I ……….play football.
Exercise № 2. Answer the questions using can / can’t.
E.g. Can you run ? _Yes, I can____
Can your friend dance? _No, he can’t.___
- Can you draw?_______________________________
- Can your dad cook?__________________________
- Can your friend ride a bike?______________________
Exercise № 3. Write the words in the right order.
- Cook\I\ can’t\well.
- Fast\can\he\swim.
- Ski\they\well\can.
Exercise № 4.Complete the sentences, using pronouns and adjectives.
1. Give …my pens____________.
2. This is my sister. …….. name is Alina _______.
3. Where is Pete? I want to see …. _______.
Variant 2
Exercise № 1. Fill in the gaps with can / can’t.
- My little sister ……………. swim.
- Elisa ……………..speak English very well.
- Cats …………climb trees and run
Exercise № 2. Answer the questions using can / can’t.
E.g. Can you run ? _Yes, I can____
Can your friend dance? _No, he can’t.___
- Can you fly? _______________________
- Can your mum sing?_______________________
- Can you play tennis?_________________________
Exercise № 3. Write the words in the right order.
- Sister\read\little\my\can.
- Can\English\well\speak\Anna.
- You\play\can\basketball?
Exercise № 4.Complete the sentences, using pronouns and adjectives
1. He is here. Look at …!
2. Nora is nice. … eyes are big and blue. 3. Here is my mum. Look at … .
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