КИМ по английскому языку для 10 класса
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 10-х классов, обучающихся по учебнику “Forward” (автор М. В. Вербицкая). Задания контрольной работы составлены по материалам трёх изученных разделов. Контрольная работа составлена в 2 вариантах и включает в себя 5 заданий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form 10.
Test 1. V-1.
1. Listen to the conversation and match one of the appropriate answers (T-true, F-false, N-not stated).
1. John usually spends Christmas at his parents’ house.
2. Angela is rather optimistic about her chances to get the job.
3. John considers Angela a workaholic.
4. John is enthusiastic about Angela moving to Canada.
5. Angela worked in an international company in Canada.
6. John is less optimistic than Angela about her chances to get the job.
7. John is going to leave at 2 p.m.
2. Read the text carefully, than match sentences a-g below with gaps 1-7.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
1.____ he was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, ant entered Princeton University in 1913. In 1917 he left before graduating to join the US Army. While stationed in Alabama, he met and became engaged to Zelda Sayre, who also had ambitions to be a writer.
2.____ he moved to New York and worked briefly for an advertising agency. In the same year, he sold his first short story, Babes in the Wood. In the story, the hero, like Fitzgerald, goes to Princeton before joining the army (unlike Fitzgerald, the character gets sent to France to fight in the First World War) and then in advertising. 3.____, Fitzgerald returned to St. Paul and rewrote a novel he had started in the army, This Side of Paradise, which was published in 1920 and was an immediate success.
4.____, Fitzgerald and Zelda Sayre were married in 1920, and two years later they moved to Great Neck, New York. Living in this rich community gave Fitzgerald a lot of material for his 1925 novel The Great Gatsby. Although he was writing and publishing stories and novels, the couple needed to live more cheaply, so in 1924 they moved to Europe. While they were living there, Fitzgerald`s greatest novel, The Great Gatsby, was published.
5.____, the Fitzgeralds travelled back and forth between Europe and the States several times. For a couple of periods he worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter, and he later returned to take up a well- paid contract with a film studio. Despite his talents as a writer, he only completed one film script before being sacked because of his problems with alcohol.
6.____ because she was suffering from mental health problems and living in a hospital. Although they never got divorced, he started a relationship with a journalist, and it was in her apartment that he died of a heart attack in 1940. Zelda outlived him by eight years but died tragically in a fire in the mental hospital where she was living.
7.____ the Fitzgeralds represented the 1920s jazz age. They were both talented people, and F. Scott Fitzgerald is thought to be one of the USA`s finest novelist. Sadly, they both had problems which some people think destroyed them and wasted their talents.
a. In the following years.
b. After he left the army in 1919.
c. American novelist and short storywriter.
d. Encouraged by the success of the story.
e. By the mid 1930s, he and Zelda were living separately.
f. With their good looks and wild lifestyle.
g. After a turbulent romance.
3. Write these sentences in Passive Voice.
- They are building new hospitals in the provinces.
- They will publish her new novel next year.
- The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder.
- Change these sentences to reported speech.
1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program last month”.
2. He told her: “Are you going to the fish market now?”
3. He said: “Correct all mistakes.”
5. Imagine that you work as a personal coach. Try to give 5 pieces of advice for situations, use the next phrases: you should, it’s worth +-ing, remember to, why don’t you+ inf, it’s a good idea to.
What advice would you give to someone who…
• Wants to make a good impression on a first date?
• Has problems remembering appointments and birthdays?
• Wants to earn some extra money to be able to go on holiday?
Form 10.
Test 1. V-2.
1. Listen to the conversation and match one of the appropriate answers (T-true, F-false, N-not stated).
1. John usually spends Christmas at his friends’ house.
2. Angela is rather pessimistic about her chances to get the job.
3. Angela considers John a workaholic.
4. John is enthusiastic about Angela moving to Russia.
5. Angela worked in an international company in Russia.
6. John is more optimistic than Angela about her chances to get the job.
7. John is going to leave at 3 p.m.
2. Read the text carefully, than match sentences a-g below with gaps 1-7.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
1.____ he was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, ant entered Princeton University in 1913. In 1917 he left before graduating to join the US Army. While stationed in Alabama, he met and became engaged to Zelda Sayre, who also had ambitions to be a writer.
2.____ he moved to New York and worked briefly for an advertising agency. In the same year, he sold his first short story, Babes in the Wood. In the story, the hero, like Fitzgerald, goes to Princeton before joining the army (unlike Fitzgerald, the character gets sent to France to fight in the First World War) and then in advertising. 3.____, Fitzgerald returned to St. Paul and rewrote a novel he had started in the army, This Side of Paradise, which was published in 1920 and was an immediate success.
4.____, Fitzgerald and Zelda Sayre were married in 1920, and two years later they moved to Great Neck, New York. Living in this rich community gave Fitzgerald a lot of material for his 1925 novel The Great Gatsby. Although he was writing and publishing stories and novels, the couple needed to live more cheaply, so in 1924 they moved to Europe. While they were living there, Fitzgerald`s greatest novel, The Great Gatsby, was published.
5.____, the Fitzgeralds travelled back and forth between Europe and the States several times. For a couple of periods he worked in Hollywood as a screenwriter, and he later returned to take up a well- paid contract with a film studio. Despite his talents as a writer, he only completed one film script before being sacked because of his problems with alcohol.
6.____ because she was suffering from mental health problems and living in a hospital. Although they never got divorced, he started a relationship with a journalist, and it was in her apartment that he died of a heart attack in 1940. Zelda outlived him by eight years but died tragically in a fire in the mental hospital where she was living.
7.____ the Fitzgeralds represented the 1920s jazz age. They were both talented people, and F. Scott Fitzgerald is thought to be one of the USA`s finest novelist. Sadly, they both had problems which some people think destroyed them and wasted their talents.
a. With their good looks and wild lifestyle.
b. By the mid 1930s, he and Zelda were living separately.
c. After he left the army in 1919.
d. Encouraged by the success of the story.
e. American novelist and short storywriter.
f. In the following years.
g. After a turbulent romance.
3. Write these sentences in Passive Voice.
- They will open a new hotel next week.
- Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday.
- The government closed the plant last year.
- Change these sentences to reported speech.
1. Ann asked: “What did the workers eat last week?”
2. Tom asked: “Are you French or Italian now?”
3. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
5. Imagine that you work as a personal coach. Try to give 5 pieces of advice for situations use the next phrases: you should, it’s worth +-ing, remember to, why don’t you+ inf, it’s a good idea to.
What advice would you give to someone who…
- Needs to find out some information on Einstein for a class presentation?
- Is having problems keeping up with English lessons?
- Wants to make a good impression for a college / job interview?
КИМ для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку. УМК “Forward”, автор М. В. Вербицкая, издательство «Вентана-Граф» - 2020 г., 10 класс.
Total score – 25 points 90% - 23 points - 25 points - “5” 71% - 18 points – 22 points - “4” 50% - 12 points – 17 points - “3” 0-49% - 0 -11 points – “2” (1 балл за каждый правильный ответ) | |
1 var | 2 var |
Инструктаж для учащихся по выполнению данной контрольной работы.
- Задания не нужно переписывать.
- Ответы к заданиям оформляются в виде теста.
- Ответы записываются разборчиво и чётко, исправления не допускаются
Текст для аудирования
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительный, ни отрицательный ответ (3 – Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 20 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.
Пауза 20 секунд.
Now we are ready to start.
John. Hi, Angela! How’re you doing?
Angela. I’m OK. I just had an interview yesterday. You know, I’ve been looking for a new job for 2 months and it was the first interview. It’s difficult to find a good job nowadays... But I see you are in a hurry, I can tell you about it later…
John. You know, I’m leaving today, I always go to my sister’s place for Christmas. She lives next door to our parents and has a bigger house. So we all gather in her house. Still, I want to know more about your interview. How did it go?Angela. I think I did well, but there are so many candidates. It’s an interesting job in a big multinational company with a benefits package, medical insurance and such like. I guess chances are probably slim.
John. I wouldn’t say that! You have the experience, you work well with people.
Angela. Right. And I like to work in a team. Some people would call me a workaholic. John. I don’t think so. Workaholics have few friends, if any at all, and no hobbies. You’re a different kind of person.
Angela. Thank you, John, it’s very kind of you to say so.
John. Angela, you say it’s multinational – is it somewhere overseas?
Angela. Yes, it’s in Russia. It’s exciting!
John. Aren’t you afraid to go to Russia? It’s very cold there and besides …
Angela. It’s not colder there than in Canada. I lived in Canada for 3 years and I find the climate there better than here. If they give me the job, I’ll be stationed in Moscow. The Bolshoi Ballet, the Russian tzars’ jewels and all the rest … Fantastic!
John. I’m sure you’ll get the job. You’re so enthusiastic about it.
Angela. But again, there’s a lot of candidates. They’ve been interviewing people for 3 months already.
John. Looks like they are not in a hurry to simply fill the position. They want the right person. They’ve been waiting for you to apply. Everything will work out just fine.
Angela. Thank you. Oh, I’m keeping you talking and talking, and you should start on your journey. It’s Christmas tomorrow, everybody gets off work early today so that they can go home early. The traffic jam starts around 3 in the afternoon. It’s bumper to bumper.
John. Yes, I know. Well, I’ll leave earlier today then.
Angela. That would be my advice. If you don’t have any important things to deal with, leave as early as possible. Have a good journey!
John. Merry Christmas, Angela!
Angela. Merry Christmas, John!
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Пауза 15 секунд.)
Now you’ll hear the text again. (Repeat – повтор всего трека со слов John. Hi, Angela)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
Пояснительная записка к контрольно-измерительным материалам для проверки качества знаний по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса, обучающихся по УМК “Forward”, издательство «Вентана-Граф» - 2020 г., автор М. В. Вербицкая.
Данная контрольная работа предлагается учащимся 10-х классов, обучающихся по учебнику “Forward” (автор М. В. Вербицкая). Задания контрольной работы составлены по материалам трёх изученных разделов. Контрольная работа составлена в 2 вариантах и включает в себя 5 заданий.
Задание №1. – Послушай и скажи верно, неверно, не сказано. С помощью этого задания у учащихся проверяется сформированность умений и навыков аудирования.
Задание №2. - Прочитай текст и восстанови утраченную информацию. С помощью этого задания проверяются умения и навыки понимания структурно-смысловых связей текста.
Задание №3. - Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения. С помощью этого задания проверяются знания грамматического материала по теме «Образование глагольных форм в страдательном залоге» и сформированность умений и навыков распознавать и употреблять их на практике в предложениях.
Задание №4. - Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения. С помощью этого задания проверяются знания грамматического материала по теме «Образование глагольных форм в косвенной речи» и сформированность умений и навыков распознавать и употреблять их на практике в предложениях.
Задание №5. - Выбери правильную форму глагола и запиши предложения. С помощью этого задания проверяются знания лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Как давать советы» и сформированность умений употреблять его на практике в предложениях.
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