контрольная работа 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа № 1 (9 класс УМК “Rainbow English”)
1 V.
- Listening. You will listen to 5 speakers about their ways of getting the news. Match the statements with the people say. There is one statement you don’t have to use.
Speaker 1. Speaker 2. Speaker 3. Speaker 4. Speaker 5.
a). The speaker explains he tries to get the current news from all the media possible.
b). The speaker prefers to listen to the radio to know the latest news.
c). The speaker prefers to watch television to know what’s going on.
d). The speaker explains that he uses only the Internet to find the necessary information.
e). The speaker says that not all the data on the Internet is correct.
f). The speaker says that the news is of no great importance to him.
- Reading. Read the text and write, what statements are TRUE, FALSE, NOT STATED.
Broadcasting companies
Nowadays broadcasting companies have become symbols of their countries.
Over 99 per cent of British homes have a TV and the average British watches the "box" 26 hours a week. BBC (or the British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state company. Its two channels BBC1 and BBC2 do not show adverts. BBCI broadcasts popular programmes (the news, sports programmes, shows, children's programmes and soaps). BBC2 shows TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films.
Americans also love watching TV. American CNN (or Cable News Network) broadcasts only news but is popular all over the world.
CBC (or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) can be seen or heard almost anywhere in the country. Thе company broadcasts in English and in French. It broadcasts the news, shows, films and other popular programmes.
At the moment there are two state channels on Russian TV: Pervyi and Rossiya. They broadcast different programmes (the news and shows, soap and children's programmes, recent and foreign films, sports programmes). They can be seen anywhere in the country. There are several other channels on Russian TV. One of them is KULTURA. It shows special programmes: cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, the best performances, classical concerts, talk shows on culture and education. This channel is getting more and more popular.
A). Two British TVchannals BBC1 and BBC2 broadcast too much advertisement.
B). The British Queen pays a lot of money for supporting The BBC.
C). You can watch American CNN not only in the USA but in all European countries.
D). The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation broadcast the news in many languages, just in Russian too.
E). All Russian TV channels are commercial.
F). Russian TV channel KULTURA shows programmes about theatres, museums, cultural events, broadcast old and new films.
G). Russian TV channel KULTURA is rather popular.
- Use of English. Choose the appropriate words or forms to complete the sentences.
1). At the moment a new bridge (build) across the river.
2). Everybody was busy in a hotel. The rooms (prepare) for the arriving visitors.
3). He said mother’s favourite glass vase (brake).
4). “The Hamlet” by William Shakespeare just (perform) by the Moscow Art Theatre.
5). Where (be) the money? (It/they) (be) on the table.
6). The police (be) coming soon.
7). Mass media (be) very important in our life.
- Writing. Write an answer to your pen friend’s letter. Answer his/her questions. The number of words in your letter should be 100-120.
… I think that at the moment IT is my favourite subject at school. I’ve already learned to do a lot of things working with different computer programs. Do you have IT in your school? Do you like it? What are your favourite school subjects?...
- Speaking.
Speak about how the Internet and television can be used for education. Mention:
- how they are used in schools;
- how they can be used for self-education outside school;
- how you use or would like to use these two forms of mass media.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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