материал по английскому языку

Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна



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The environmental problem that I’m most concerned about is deforestation. Every day more and more rainforests are cut down for wood that is used to make things.

 I worry about it because, even though these rainforests are far away, the effects will have a real impact on the planet. These trees are the natural habitat of many species and as a result those species are in danger of extinction.

Cutting them down means there is no protection from wind and rain so when the weather is bad, the ground is exposed. This can result in landslides and floods, some of which might be strong enough to damage or destroy villages. These trees also help clean the air, making the atmosphere healthier for everyone around the planet.

We need to reduce the number of trees cut down. Some ways of doing this are to cut down on the amount of paper we waste and to recycle as much as possible. Also, everyone should refuse to buy products that have too much packaging.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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