Природные катастрофы
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Natural Disasters (ex-s)
- Learn the worlds.
collapsed bridges
cracked roads
lost habitats
injuried people
suffer from
to survive – survivors
rescue team
- Read, translate.
- A drought is a period of time without rains.
- Some countries of Africa suffer from droughts.
- Tsunami is a huge wave caused by an earthquake.
- The earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused the tsunami.
- The tornado left a lot of people homeless.
- A lot of people were killed in the avalanche.
- The rescue team helped the survivors.
- The homeless suffer from cold.
- The rescue team helped the injuried people.
- A lot of animals lost their habitats.
- Translate into English.
Бездомные люди, огромные волны, помочь выжившим в землетрясении, спасательная команда, страдать от засухи, землетрясение в Тихом Океане, потерять среду обитания, ужасное природное бедствие, страдать от холода.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Learn the words:
violent wind
collapsed bridges
cracked houses
drowned people
lost habitats
ruined towns
smashed window
to be left homeless
to injure – injury – injured
emergency services
rescue team
to recover from
- Learn the text:
Even nowadays at the age of advanced technology people are unable to prevent natural disasters. Moreover, very often they сan’t predict earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes and so on. We have reached other planets but we are helpless in fight with floods, droughts, hurricanes. We have created the weapons that can destroy the whole planet but we are unable to avoid avalanches, landslides and volcanic eruptions. In spite of all our technological achievements, we remain weak children of the powerful Mother Nature.
Natural disasters cause a lot of damage.
The consequences of them are not only collapsed houses and bridges, fallen woods and lost habitats, but also people injured and killed.
A lot of effort and time is usually required to recover from the disaster. Emergency services, rescue teams help the survivors.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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