Крым в фокусе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 14 имени Б.И. Хохлова»
муниципального образования городской округ Симферополь Республики Крым
- Мулюкбаева Тамара Михайловна, учитель иностранного (английского) языка.
- Стаж 9 лет
- Моб тел. +79788641036
- Модуль учебного пособия по краеведению «Крым в фокусе»
9-th form
CINEMA IN THE CRIMEA | One of the best ways to know more about Crimea is going sightseeing. While visiting film sets shooting in Crimea you will admire the beauty, enjoy your time and feel the spirit of our culture and history there. |
1. Have you ever seen any contemporary/soviet films shooting in Crimea? Did you like them? Why (not)? Tell your partner.
2. What are the types of films? Can you add as more genres as you can? Which do you like/don’t you like? Why? Complete the “Word Map” below.
3. Explain the words in bold.
4. Read the text.
Part 1. "The Inhabited Island"
Vocabulary: 1.film crew -съемочная команда 2.quarry карьер 3. cleft – расселина 4.coniferous forests -хвойные леса 5.metallurgical plant – металлургический завод 6. urban back streets – городские закоулки |
Despite the fact that in 2008, technology already allowed you to draw on a computer any, even the most fantastic landscape, Crimea remained a popular film site for filming. Therefore, the film crew of Director Fyodor Bondarchuk, who decided to film the work of the Strugatsky brothers "Inhabited Island", went to the Peninsula. So, the Crimea turned into an unknown planet Saraksh, where, due to an emergency landing, the main character gets. Locations for filming were: Mirnovskaya wind power station near lake Donuzlav, Inkermansky and Starokrymsky quarries, Nikitskaya cleft, Biyuk-ashlam valley in the Bakhchisaray region, coniferous forests above Alupka and the ruins of the plant by Voykov in Kerch. Many scenes were shot in Morskoye, using an impressive unfinished building-the unfinished sanatorium of Novolipetsk metallurgical plant. In the future, with the help of computer technology, the vacant floors are turned into urban back streets.
Part 2. “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures”
- Living is a good thing, - And to live well is even better! - Exactly! - Bambarbia! Kirgudu! - What did he say? - He says that if you refuse, they will stab you. Joke. - Joke! The second part about Shurik's adventures takes |
to the Sunny Caucasus, where many different incidents also happen! It is a 1966 Soviet comedy produced by Mosfilm and directed by the comic genius Leonid Gaiday. The plot was moved to the Sunny Caucasus (although everything was shot in the Crimea), which gives the film a special flavour and atmosphere. In addition, the main character himself travels in order to learn more about new traditions and customs of other people. This is provided to us, and in large quantities. These are also incredibly beautiful shooting locations - endless fields, breathtaking mountain peaks and stormy rivers demonstrate the beauty of the Soviet South. These are national costumes, music, dances, customs, as well as famous toasts that have become very popular among the people! Humour is in the best traditions of Gaiday comedies. And still as relevant and funny as it was many years ago. These are phrases that have received the status of idioms, and a lot of funny situations: and unsuccessful attempts to kidnap the famous 'song about bears', negotiations in a restaurant, meeting the groom, attempts to escape from a madhouse and the final chase. Comedies that will not lose their relevance in a half a century, their characters still continue to be loved, and jokes still amuse and make you laugh.
5. Read again the text 2 and mark sentences as T (true), F (False) or NS (Not stated). Correct the false statements.
1. Gaiday comedies only were shot in the Caucasus.
2. The main character Shurik travels himself to the Sunny Caucasus in order to learn more about new traditions and customs of other people.
3. During the trip Shurik meets a charming girl Nina, who comes to visit relatives on vacation.
4. Endless fields, breathtaking mountain peaks and stormy rivers demonstrate the beauty of the Soviet South in this film.
5. There are no phrases that have received the status of idioms.
6. Complete the table with the appropriate word.
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
to act | 1.action 2.actor | acting |
comparison | comparable | |
fool | ||
to amuse | ||
comical | ||
location |
7. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate grammar form.
Cinema is one of the (1)_____ types of art and cinematography (2) ______to be one of the rare wonders. It has appeared in the end of the 19th century. Cinema is a combination of (3)_____ types of art: music, theater, literature, (4)_____ and else. Every decade (5)________ something new for the cinema. For example, in the 30-s the main genres were (6)______, gangster stories, mute comedies and horror films. |
8. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
- How old are you?
- What is your favourite film?
- What genres of films are popular with teens nowadays?
- Do you like watching films at home or at the cinema?
- Who is your favourite actor/actress?
- Would you like to be a film star?
9. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Danny who writes:
… It’s great to be on holidays! Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We watched a comedy and had a lot of fun. What rinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? If you had a chance, what would you make a film about? |
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of writing.
10. Find the information about one of the soviet films shooting in Crimea. Pretend you are a guide in the Crimea. Tell the tourists about the route based on soviet films:
- Where it is and how they can get there;
- Why this sight is unique;
- When it is better to visit it;
- What do people learn when they travel.
- https://ok-crimea.ru/krym/stati/2018/2868/kryim-na-kinoplenke/
- https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/44745/reviews/
- Student's book - Английский язык в фокусе 9 класс Учебник Ваулина Дули - 2014 год - Серия Spotlight (Спотлайт) английский в фокусе.
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