Презентация к уроку английского языка на закрепление материала темы "Наука и технологии" в 11 классе
электронный образовательный ресурс по английскому языку (11 класс)

Озерова Анна Сергеевна

презентация Inventions


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Good afternoon!

Слайд 2

The Medieval time is famous for inquisition and conquests. The Renaissance is famous for its so called “ golden” age of art. The 20 – 21 centuries are famous for developing of .............

Слайд 3

Science and Technology

Слайд 4


Слайд 6

Match the names with their discoveries and inventions : 1. Galileo Galilei а ) paper 2. Isaac Newton b) thermometer and microscope 3. Alexander Bell c) low of Universal gravity 4. Alexander Popov d) diesel engine 5. John Logie Baird e) telephone 6. Rudolf Engine f) table of chemical elements 7. Dmitry Mendeleev g) radio 8. Ts’ai Lun h) television 9. Nicolas Cugnot i ) automobile 10. Thomas Edison j) light bulb

Слайд 7

Change your copybooks and check 1 - b 6 - d 2 - c 7 - f 3 - e 8 - a 4 - g 9 - i 5 - h 10 - j

Слайд 8

Mistakes and grades 0 mist. - «5» 1-2 mist. - «4» 3-4 mist. - «3» 5 and more - «2»

Слайд 12

Alexander Bell A Alexander Popov

Слайд 13

Dmitry Mendeleev Ts’ai Lun

Слайд 14

Important inventions of nowadays I can’t do without... because…

Слайд 15

Some absolutely useless inventions

Слайд 16

Ctrl + Alt + Del device This device for Ctrl+Alt+Del combination doesn’t do anything special but takes a lot of place .

Слайд 17

A wig for your cat. We can only sympathize with those pets , who have to suffer from this torture of humanization. You’ll never see a happy cat wearing pink or purple false hair on its head.

Слайд 18

iPotty Perhaps , the stupidest way to use iPods is to give it to babies during their sitting on a pot. It’s not guaranteed that the « results » won’t be all over your tablet .

Слайд 19

Stone-pet It turnd out, in 70-ies of the 20 th century , a stone was a very popular pet in America . This trend was forgotten soon like any obsession. But lately a company in The USA developed this absurd idea, and now you can connect your « pet » to the computer. But you still can’t watch any activity .

Слайд 20

Now guess What are they for?

Слайд 21

Comfort Wipe You’ll be surprised, but this strange device is used to drown toilet paper, which doesn’t want to be flushed down the toilet.

Слайд 22

Head On A wax stick treating migraine. Affective? – the answer is NO. You poke the stick on the forehead and the headache goes away. It’s nothing more than a placebo.

Слайд 23

Work in your copybook

Слайд 24

Exercise 1 Listen to a definition and write down the word: 1 ) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Слайд 25

Check the answers 1) – to remove smth from a box, bag 2) – to start doing something seriously 3) – to make a piece of equipment ready for use 4) – to connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply 5) – to enter a computer system usually by typing in a special password 6) – to change the way smth looks or works to fit your exact needs Take out Get down to Set up Plug in Log on C ustomize

Слайд 26

p.83 ex.20 - phrases Future simple tense

Слайд 27

Who is this person ?

Слайд 28


Слайд 29

Imagine how our life will be different in 200 years

Слайд 31

Hometask Make a list of your own predictions in 200 years including all spheres of life.

Слайд 32

Thanks for the lesson!

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