Урок английского языка по теме: "Discover Britain: England"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
презентация к уроку по учебнику English 6 ( Афанасьева)
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Цель урока: способствовать совершенствованию умения говорения по теме: « England ». Практические задачи: - способствовать овладению новыми лексическими единицами в сочетании с усвоенными ранее по теме « England »; - создать условия по активизации навыков ознакомительного чтения по теме: « England »; - способствовать развитию монологической речи по теме ” England ”. Общеобразовательные: - познакомить с новой лингвострановедческой информацией об Англии; -c оздать условия для повышения общей культуры учащихся.
Let’s play alias/ What do you call that in English? a waterfall- It’s a place where a river falls from a high place to a lower place. a valley- It’s a long, narrow piece of land between hills; it often has a river running through it. a meadow - It’s a field which has grass , flowers growing in it . a hedge- It’s a line of bushes or small trees planted very close together; a ruler- the leader of a country. Name three things that can be attractive: (an attractive smile, girl, offer, child, face); Name three universities that you know (Cambridge, Moscow, Harvard, Oxford); Name three things that can be exciting: (news, picture, event, story, idea, moment);
Word guessing game Lo_lan_s w_t_rfa_l hol_daymak_rs P_rat_s p_s_tion __ niv_rsity s_en_ry a pla_n a me_dow a vall_y A h_dge ex_it_ng At_ract_ve A sha_e
Look at the map of Great Britain and say where these cities are situated Bath, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, the County of Kent, Dover, the Fens (area), Hadrian's Wall, Heathrow (airport), the Lake District, Land's End, Liverpool, Manchester, the Midlands, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northern Ireland, Oxford, Sheffield, the Southeast, the Southwest, Stonehenge, Stratford-upon-Avon, the Thames, Wales, York.
True or false THE SOUTHEAST: 1. The Southeast is a farming region. 2. Lots of people live in the Southeast. 3. There are no ports and airports in the Southeast. 4. Brighton is famous for its beaches.
TRUE OR FALSE THE SOUTHWEST: 1. The Southwest is an industrial region. 2. There are lots of pirates nowadays. 3. The main cities of the region are Bristol and Bath. 4. Good dairy products attract holidaymakers. 5. You can see the most easterly point of Great Britain there.
True or false EAST ANGLIA: 1. East Anglia is known for its beautiful nature. 2.It is the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell. 3. Cambridge is a modern city. 4.Most of the territory is covered by the sea. 5. There are no main national roads and motorways on the territory.
True or False THE MIDLANDS: 1. The Midlands is the main industrial region of the country. 2. It is the head of England. 3. There are no ports in the area. 4. There are no interesting places to visit. 5. The region is also famous for its culture and education.
True or false THE NORTH OF ENGLAND: 1. The North of England is known for its very beautiful scenery. 2. There is no industry in the region. 3. The territory of the region is very flat. 4. There are no interesting places to visit. 5. Hadrian’s Wall is a natural border with
Name three facts about each region in England, consult the text if it is necessary. The Midlands : the heart of England; the largest industrial part of England; The biggest industrial cities: Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool. East Anglia : very flat; beautiful cities with historical buildings; isolated from the rest of Britain; the Fens. The Southwest a region with farming; known for pirates; a place for artists, writers, holidaymakers; Its remarkable historic places; its Stonehenge; its dairy products. The North of England : the wildest and the loneliest part of England; a lot of busy industrial cities; rich in coal; the Lake District; Beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and mountains. The Southeast : a highly populated region; a lot of industry; The capital of the UK; the main passenger ports and airports.
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