Контрольная работа №1 Spotlight 6
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Куджоян Елена Юрьевна

Контрольная работа за I четверть по темам "Who`s who?" , "Here we are"  И "Getting around"  


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 6. Control Check I .                  Name ________________ Class _______

I.Match the opposites. 

  1. tall
  2. straight
  3. slim
  4. fair
  5. parents
  6. young
  7. husband
  8. east
  1. dark
  2. be in one`s early sixtieth
  3. curly
  4. short
  5. west
  6. fat
  7. wife
  8. children

                                                                                                                                     (Marks 8)

II.Write the names of the furniture.

1.   2.                          3.    4.                                5.                        6.     

III.What time is it?

1.http://www.anglia.org/resources/Primary/Time%201/8.30.JPG     2.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_D-DXvmSEbLA/TPFSOgwLcDI/AAAAAAAAANA/R4JIGD1JzOA/s1600/nclock-08-45_34119_sm.gif      3. 12.10.JPG       4.7.35.JPG      5. http://www.clker.com/cliparts/6/8/f/c/11949889971706847115clock01.svg.med.png

IV.Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. My grandparents are in their ………………. seventieth
  2. My mother is ………………. to my father.
  3. What … ……….are you? - I`m Russian.
  4. What ……………….. do you mean?      
  5. I`ve got a brother. We are ………….
  6.  My …………. name is Helen Brown.
  7. Can I look at your …………… card?        


V.Choose the correct word.

  1. Julie is Phillip and and Karen`s mum. She`s your/their mum.
  2. Bob is Jill`s husband. He`s his/her husband.
  3. My grandma is old. She`s in our/her seventies.
  4. My family all live here. This is our/your house.
  5. That is his/mine computer.
  6. Give the camera back to Sue. It`s her/hers.
  7. Newcastle is at/in the north of England.
  8. Edinburgh is the capital at/of Scotland.
  9. Beth and Steve are Pam/Pam`s parents.
  10. Mike is Peter`s and Sue`s/Peter and Sue`s son.

  1. Choose the correct response.
  1. What`s your postcode?
  2. Here’s your card.
  3. How do you spell that?
  4. I`d like to introduce you to Harry.
  5. Hi there, Ben.
  6. How are you?
  7. How can I help you?
  1. Thank you very much.
  2. I`m fine, thank you.
  3. Pleased to meet you.
  4. Hello, how are you?
  5. S-M-I-T-H
  6. I`d like to join the club.
  7. HS 8WF

VI.    Look at the picture and complete the sentences using IN, ON, UNDER, BEHIND, NEXT TO, BETWEEN, OPPOSITE, NEAR

    1.   The cat is......................the chair and the small table. 

    2.    The bed is.......................the wall.

3.The chair is.......................the bed

    4The book is.................. the table.

  1. The carpet is......................the chair.

6.The dog is.....................the door.

7The small table.................... the room.

8The big table is.................... the chair.

VII.Fill in: AT, IN, ON.

  1. What do you do ________ Saturdays?
  2. The school starts ________ 8 o’clock.
  3. I sometimes work ________ Tuesday morning.
  4. I was born _____________ 1993.
  5. Tom’s mother works _____________ night.
  6. I do my homework ______________ the afternoon.
  7. It’s very hot ___________ summer.

VIII. Write the dates

  1. 17/08 ________________________
  2. 1/12__________________________
  3. 25/09_________________________
  4. 3/04__________________________
  5. 19/02_________________________

IX.Choose the correct response.

  1. What`s your postcode?                         ……..
  2. Here’s your card.                                    ……..
  3. How do you spell that?                          ……..
  4. I`d like to introduce you to Harry.      ……….
  5. Hi there, Ben.                                         ………
  6. How are you?                                         ………
  7. How can I help you?                              ………
  1. Thank you very much.
  2. I`m fine, thank you.
  3. Pleased to meet you.
  4. Hello, how are you?
  5. S-M-I-T-H
  6. I`d like to join the club.
  7. HS 8WF


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