The value of learning a foreign language
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (6 класс)
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The value of learning a foreign language
A foreign language has historically been the most important subject of general education. However, his upbringing and developmental reserves have not yet been fully studied. Existing ideas boil down to the fact that the study of a foreign language lays the foundations for a foreign language speech activity, is an additional means of expanding the horizons of students, allows to deepen the knowledge of schoolchildren about the structure of the native language, together with the study of the native language helps to better understand universal ways of speech communication, contributes to the upbringing of feelings of patriotism, internationalism, moral qualities of the individual.
And this, of course, is so, but the named directions do not exhaust the upbringing and developmental capabilities of the given educational subject, and pedagogical actions in these directions in practice are often formal in nature. The reason lies in the fact that activity-based learning is still being replaced by the performing one, education is informative (its main method is communication of ready-made knowledge), and development is declarative.
The upbringing and developing reserves of a foreign language as a subject of the school curriculum are most fully revealed in the conditions of an activity approach. Under these conditions: a) the student becomes not an object, but a subject of educational activity, that is, its active initiator, agent and controller; b) as they grow up, students more and more independently put forward educational goals that are meaningful to them; c) students perform educational tasks that have a clear personal meaning; d) in the classroom, interaction with the teacher is carried out; e) study assignments model various aspects of human activity; f) educational activity is a stage of preparation for labor activity.
All these provisions in one form or another are reflected in the above-mentioned concept. Approving it as a whole, I would like to consider in more detail the starting position of this concept - about developing teaching by means of a foreign language, in order to facilitate its further, more detailed development. More details can be found on the education and development website.
The main goal of developmental education is the formation of the student's personal activity. Personal activity ensures an active attitude to knowledge, systematic and persistent educational work, positive results and successful continuous education. Such activity is called personal, since it is conditioned by the psychological characteristics of the individual - actual needs, goals and motives that are significant for the student, understandable meanings, and dominant relationships.
Personal psychological characteristics cannot be assimilated in the form of knowledge. They are the result of the independent inclusion of students in educational activities and are the result of the activity-based organization of the educational process in a foreign language. With such an organization by means of the subject of a foreign language, the individual characteristics of the student, described below, develop.
In foreign language lessons, foreign language speech mechanisms are formed. In speaking and writing, reading and listening, speech automatisms, skills and abilities, as well as the mechanisms of anticipatory reflection of the utterance, operational memory, auditory and visual perception of speech, and the semantic structuring of the utterance are developed. The development of these mechanisms has a positive effect on the formation and improvement of the functions of native speech, additionally training the corresponding brain structures. The work of the auditory and speech engine analyzer improves, articulation becomes more accurate and conscious.
The study of a foreign language contributes to the development of the cognitive functions of the psyche of students. Mnemonics are trained, that is, various memorization techniques - voluntary and involuntary, mechanical and logical, direct and mediated (through reference signals). The intellectual functions of analysis and synthesis are developing: on the basis of linguistic phenomena, schoolchildren master the techniques of analytically dismembering a whole grammatical structure into parts, and synthesizing parts into a whole. In the course of such work, linguistic generalizations are formed, linguistic abstractions in the form of signs, schemes and rules are distinguished, that is, abstract thinking is perfected. Communicative teaching of a foreign language is significantly enriched if it develops abstract linguistic thinking.Abstraction and generalization can follow speech activity in the form of systematization and linguistic comprehension of speech material, and can also precede speech activity, creating its linguistic orientation basis. The resulting systematic thinking is another aspect of improving the cognitive functions of the psyche of schoolchildren studying a foreign language.
The developing influence of a foreign language on the cognitive functions of schoolchildren also lies in the fact that work on a foreign language statement contributes to the formation of the logic of thinking.
The logic of thinking is accomplished in the word, and therefore the sequence of presentation, the informativeness and completeness of the statement, the interconnection of arguments and consequences, the transition from the given to the new, the construction of logically connected dialogical unity, the situational conditioning of the replicas of the polylog are formed in a foreign language statement. Vania.
A modern foreign language lesson includes a variety of role-based communication of schoolchildren, the widespread use of discussion techniques in the form of discussing problems, the use of regional material, illustrations, photo, film and television materials. Such teaching develops the imagination of the students.
A foreign language as a subject of the school curriculum contains large reserves for the formation of the philological thinking of students. Language is the most important social phenomenon in the world around the student, a means of national and international communication, internal and external activities, the subject of study, teaching and research. Interest in philology has long been accompanied by genuine education, intelligence and culture. In foreign language lessons and in the process of independent work, conditions can be created for the development of interest in the history of the studied language, in its connection with other languages of the world and the native language, in paradoxical and entertaining linguistic phenomena, in aphorisms and their authors, in linguistic riddles, to the "secrets" of interpreting a literary text, to language games and other cognitive activities.Foreign language lessons can thus form an interest in philological phenomena.
Mastering a foreign language expands the background knowledge of schoolchildren. This concept is part of the familiar concept of "outlook" and differs in that, instead of a broad and not always systemic encyclopedic outlook, it implies awareness in specific communication situations. In such situations, the knowledge under consideration constitutes the intellectual background of speech activity. The background knowledge includes keywords on the problem under discussion, systematized so that students can navigate quite freely and it. A necessary component of background knowledge is information on the problem of communication, including facts and information, dates and numbers, etc. The background knowledge provides for information gaps, that is, "white spots";using this technique, it is possible to create an "information inequality" among schoolchildren (and they will have something to say to each other), as well as organize an independent search for information. Working with text, periodic printing and reference literature allows you to deepen the background knowledge of schoolchildren, teaches them to navigate through the flow of information, select the necessary material, broadens their horizons, and stimulates the research activities of students in the educational process.
Learning a foreign language is associated with the accumulation of a variety of information, and this develops a culture of mental work. Students use a set of teaching aids and materials, dictionaries, sound-recording and television equipment-swarm, work in computer labs. This allows them to master a wide range of means of obtaining information. In the process of learning a foreign language, it becomes necessary to gradually accumulate educational information, keep your own dictionary, collect material on the problems and topics discussed, compile a thematic catalog of facts and information, make notes in the form of a short summary, use a diary their observations, collect a folder of illustrations. The culture of mental work is increasing with the gradual computerization of independent learning.
An important indicator of the culture of mental work is preparation for solving the educational problem in the classroom. Planning your statement, compiling supporting notes, selecting illustrative material increase the readiness of schoolchildren for intellectual activity.
In foreign language lessons, there are conditions for the development of interpersonal interaction of schoolchildren in communication. The ability to properly organize your communication is a sign of an individual culture. This skill is not sufficiently developed in children: their immediate reactions are often "hindrances" of communication, complicate interpersonal interaction and even destroy it. The lack of development of such interaction is especially acutely felt in foreign language lessons, where, instead of communication, schoolchildren often "report" a dialogue.
The skills of interpersonal interaction can be formed in the lessons of a foreign language, if these lessons are built as a process of continuous polylogical (with simultaneous participation in listening and speaking of all schoolchildren of the study group) cooperation. In organized speech communication, the ability to listen develops as the main condition for improving interpersonal interaction. The skill of a silent reaction that is useful in some cases is also being developed. The speech functions of message, clarification, interpretation, commenting, counter-argumentation, expression of attitude, addition, indication, assumptions, etc. are mastered. Speech speed, intonation, voice timbre, facial expressions, posture and gestures, races are trained in specially organized exercises. - the position of the participants in communication in the interpersonal space.Exercises of social and psychological training are also needed, which are widely used in intensive courses. In the process of performing these exercises, attention to each other, mutual compliance, the desire for joint actions, mutual assistance are brought up, the rules of etiquette are mastered. Learning a foreign language contributes to the awareness of universal human values. The subject of study is the material - technical, socio - political, moral - ethical and cultural - historical values of the countries of the studied language and the native country. Representations of current problems of social and political life are formed, moral and ethical traditions in society, issues of modern morality are analyzed, information is accumulated about historical monuments and works of art that have general human value.An active and interested attitude to the spiritual life of people of different countries is formed, respect for the national traditions of different peoples arises, conditions are created that prevent the appearance of an "enemy image" according to national or state signs.
Awareness of universal human values is inseparable from the development of a sense of national identity. Studying the life of other countries together with the language, schoolchildren compare the information they receive with the life of their native country. Thanks to such a comparison, they learn to see the successes of their country and existing problems, appreciate the advantages of the socialist system, respect the traditions and customs of their people, and defend their national dignity. The feeling of national identity is strengthened due to the fact that schoolchildren are preparing to tell foreign guests about their country: about its history, about interesting geographic routes, about scientific achievements, about works of art, about traditions and customs ...
Fostering a sense of national identity is also associated with increased attention to the native language when studying a foreign language. In the classroom, there are conditions for interlingual comparison, identifying the expressive capabilities of native and foreign language, fostering respect for Russian and other national languages in which teaching is conducted. Thus, a dialogue of culture arises.
Knowledge of a foreign language is the result of a student's great personal work. The process of learning a foreign language contributes to the development of important personality traits. Mastering a foreign language helps to form the purposefulness of schoolchildren. Exercises in foreign language speech activities develop patience. Overcoming difficulties creates persistence. Perseverance, accuracy, independence and other character traits develop. This is due to the specifics of educational activities in a foreign language: it is distinguished by the duration of the process, the remoteness of the final goal and result, the increased complexity of speech and thinking activity, the need for regular exercises, the complete interdependence of all stages of training, the absolute need for independent educational work.The study of a foreign language contributes to a periodic change in the leading activities of students - an important characteristic feature of the age periods of personality development. At preschool age, foreign language classes contribute to the development of play forms of communication among children, which is an important stage in the formation of their cognitive activity. At primary school age, together with the reliance on the game forms of organizing the lesson, the prerequisites for the development of abstract linguistic thinking of schoolchildren are created: the language is perceived as a subject of study, educational activity gradually becomes leading. Already during this period, the study of a foreign language contributes to the development of a specific leading activity of adolescent age - interpersonal communication. This activity is most fully realized in the middle school age. Mastering interpersonal communication,adolescents at the same time get acquainted with cultural and moral values, talk about their place in life, think about the ideal. Thus, the transition to the leading activity of adolescence is being prepared - social self-affirmation. During this period, educational work in a foreign language can be professionally directed, preparing schoolchildren for the leading activity of an adult - professional work.
The content of the leading activity is not fixed once and for all. It depends on psychophysiological maturation, social traditions of upbringing, ways of teaching. A foreign language as a subject of the school curriculum can not only reflect the content of the leading activity and follow it, but also go ahead of the achieved level of development, be an effective factor influencing the change of age periods in conjunction with the entire content of social learning.
Learning a foreign language is an important means of preparing students for practical activities. The practical orientation of teaching is the main condition for the appearance of the meaning of educational activity, understood and accepted by schoolchildren. The range of educational and practical goals is quite wide and is not necessarily associated with narrow professional training. The main thing is to teach schoolchildren to orient themselves in typical communication situations, in printed and musical products of the country of the target language, in the realities of their country, in the realities of the country of the studied language, in special literature on professional interests, in typical professional situations , in works of art, in philological phenomena. Orientation activity based on a foreign language is the main goal of practical training of students in a foreign language.This activity includes the perception of the situation, the awareness of the communication problem, the choice of a communicative goal, the search for a solution to the problem in communication, the achievement of the communicative goal and the result. The result of communication is the main indicator of students' readiness for practical activity by means of a foreign language.
Practical situations can be very diverse and according to the degree of their difficulty: from reading and listening with an understanding of ads, advertisements, headlines, presenting simple requests and formulating short answers to translating a description of a technical device, a small abstract on a special article, independent statements about works of art, initial philological analysis. These goals can be realized in various forms of practical activity: in interpersonal communication, in activities for interests, in behavior in everyday life, in professional activities, in continuous education, etc.
In foreign language lessons, there are conditions for the development of individual learning abilities of schoolchildren. The language abilities of students are manifested not only in the speed, ease and strength of mastering the educational material, but also in the preferred and most successfully carried out by schoolchildren in the forms of educational activity. Thus, students with a low level of learning in a foreign language prefer reproductive tasks, for example, retelling a previously learned text; the average level of learning allows children to combine what they have learned with elements of an independent statement; sufficient learning is manifested in the fact that children about; Relatively perform tasks that require independence; in cases of an increased level of learning in a foreign language, students resist reproductive forms of work and prefer creative independence.
Correctly organized training provides not only accounting, but also the development of the individual educational abilities of schoolchildren through the use of creative methods of educational work. Such pri-
It allows you to stay ahead of the existing level of development of students' abilities and purposefully form the skills of creative speech-thinking activity. So, in the lessons of a foreign language and in the process of independent educational work, there are reserves for the development of the personality traits of the student. Moreover, this development is of a systemic nature, expressed in the fact that some properties are supported by others, depend on them (for example: the formation of foreign language speech mechanisms is the basis for the development of cognitive functions of the psyche; abstract thinking and philological thinking are interrelated among themselves; the culture of mental work is necessary for the effective accumulation of background knowledge; interpersonal interaction is a real manifestation of universal humanistic values in the primary team;awareness of universal values fills the feeling of national identity with a broader content; the development of important character traits, a phased change in leading activity, the formation of individual learning abilities are necessary for the gradual preparation of students for practical activities) and, in their totality, give a new level of development of the student's personality.
The development of students in the process of learning a foreign language depends on a number of conditions. The determining influence is exerted by the personality of the teacher as the organizer of the educational process in the subject. The teacher's creativity, organization of activity, the system of subjective relationships and, ultimately, the result of developing education depend on the pedagogical vocation, position and orientation of the teacher's personality. The effectiveness of developmental training also depends on how scientifically grounded is the methodological organization of educational work, that is, to what extent the psychological laws of the formation of speech activity are taken into account, what type of speech activity is taken as the basis of training, in accordance with what are the principles of organizing the activities of the teacher and students, what teaching methods are used.Methodological methods of teaching (and this is noted in the concept we are considering) constitute the technology of the teacher's activity, and the results of teaching a foreign language as a subject of the school curriculum depend on their developmental capabilities.
Developmental teaching by means of a foreign language can be realized if the individual psychological characteristics of the assimilation of the content of education by schoolchildren are deeply studied and taken into account. Of particular importance are the language abilities of students in combination with other psychological conditions that affect the level of schoolchildren's learning in a foreign language. Psychological analysis allows not only to determine the direction, content and forms of work, but also to evaluate the results of developmental education by means of a foreign language. All of the above convinces us that a foreign language as a subject of a school curriculum can be an effective factor in the all-round development of a student's personality. However, this requires a profound restructuring of the teacher's professional training,search and introduction into school practice of psychologically adequate methodological methods of educational and educational work on the subject. It is also important to use the capabilities of the school psychological service for diagnostics, scientific organization and assessment of the results of developmental education of schoolchildren by means of a foreign language (as well as other subjects of the school curriculum).
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