Устная часть ЕГЭ. Задание 4
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Долгополова Татьяна Владимировна

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I’ve chosen photo number...

Вступление: I’m fond of taking photos and I never miss a chance to take a good one. I keep my photos in my album. I have a photo to show you. Look at it.

 1 пункт (где и когда была сделана фотография) – I took this photo last summer  last year, two weeks ago,)  in the forest ( at the seaside, in the country, near the lake, in  the sport camp, in the camping, in the mountains, in the wood, in our country house, in the yard, in the classroom, in the garden) .

2 пункт (общая информация по картинке). In the picture you can see my elder sister, (my little brother, my cousin, my aunt, my uncle, my nephew,  my niece, my grandma, my grandpa, my relatives, my friends, my classmates).   (Описание одежды) -He (she) is wearing (they are wearing) a black T- shirt (black T-shirts) white trousers (shorts, jeans, a sport suit, a jacket, a white shirt, a blouse, a tie, a skirt, a dress, a pullover, a sweater, a hoody).  (Описание погоды)-  The weather is fine (warm), it is sunny (hot). In the background (на заднем плане) you can see a forest (sea, mountains, trees, bushes, some buildings, sky) and in the foreground (на переднем плане), on the left (слева), on the right (справа) there is a boat (a playground, a building, a table, a bench, a merry- go-round, sport equipment, a volleyball net),   there are swings (rides).  (Описание чувств) – He (she) is (they are) happy (merry, exited, sad, puzzled, fascinated).

3 пункт ( что происходит, описание действия в Present Continuous)- He ( she) is ( they are ) running, swimming, sunbathing, doing sport, riding a bike ( bikes), playing board games, riding on a rollercoaster, sliding, sledding, rollerblading, laughing, dancing, having fun, enjoying themselves, having a picnic, watering flowers in the garden, playing hide-and–seek, solving a problem  at the blackboard, riding in a boat).

4 пункт (почему ты хранишь эту фотографию в своём альбоме) - I keep this photo in my album because

- it was actually a very memorable day when our family got together and we could  enjoy spending time together

- it memorizes one of the best days of my holidays

- I wanted to show it to my parents who were not with me that day

- I wanted to capture the exciting moment of the remarkable scene

- my friend asked me to photograph  him ( her) in front of….

5 пункт (почему ты решил показать эту фотографию своему другу) - I’ve decided to show this photo to you as

  • it shows one of the  most exciting moments  of my trip
  • I hope my photo  will inspire  you to play ( to go) with us next time
  • you are also fond of taking pictures and I hope you will like this one
  • I wanted to demonstrate how excited and thrilled we felt on that day
  • I wanted to share my emotions with you

Заключительная фраза: This is all I wanted to tell you about this photo and I hope you liked it.

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