Reported Speech. Practice
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Иванкова Яна Сергеевна

Тест на отработку косвенной речи 


Предварительный просмотр:

I variant 

Choose the right variant

  1. Pete said :”Give me a pen,please “
  1. asked to give me a pen
  2. asked not give a pen
  3. asked to give him a pen

  1. Katty said :”I have never been to Scotland ”
  1.  That she has never been to  Scotland
  2. That she had never been to Scotland
  3.  That I had never been to Scotland

  1. Pam said to Ann : “Are you playing tennis with your friend now?”
  1.  asked If you are playing tennis with  your friend now
  2. asked if I she was playing tennis with my friend now.
  3. asked if she  was playing tennis with her friend then.


Rewrite the sentences using the reported speech

  1. He said to Pete :”What  do  you do every Sunday?”
  2. She said to John :”I woke up early yesterday”
  3. Mary asked:”Has  your mum had a cup of coffee yesterday?”
  4. Peter said :”Do the task, please”


Choose the right variant

  1. The boy said:”Where did you spend your last holidays ?”
  1. asked where I spend my last holidays.
  2. asked where I spent my previous holidays.
  3. asked where I had spent my previous holidays.

  1. She said : “Don’t be late for lessons”
  1. asked that I don’t be late for lessons.
  2. asked not to be late for lessons.
  3. asked to be not late for lessons.

  1. George asked Ann:”Did  you do the task  yesterday?”
  1. George asked Ann that I was doing the task the day before .
  2. George asked Ann if I had did the task the day before.
  3. George asked Ann if she had done the task the day before.

Rewrite the sentences using the reported speech.

  1. They said :”Our sister  was sick  yesterday ”
  2. The teacher said  : “Will you eat pancakes for dinner?”
  3. Mary said to her dad :”Buy some fruit,please”
  4. Ann said to her friend :”Why didn’t you tell me about the accident?”

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