How to protect the environment
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)
Технологическая карта урока для учащихся 7 класса по теме "Окружающая среда"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая карта урока
Предмет английский язык
Класс 7
Тема: «How to protect the environment» (Как защитить окружающую среду)
Цель: повышение мотивации изучения английского языка путём применения на практике изученного материала в ситуации, приближенной к реальной.
Задачи: 1. Повторить и обобщить лексический материал по теме;
2. развить умение чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
3. воспитывать навык работы в группе;
4. воспитывать основы коммуникативного общения;
5. развить способности к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности;
6. развить способности анализировать, делать выводы, логично излагать мысли;
Вид урока: комбинированный урок систематизации и обобщения знаний с использованием кейс – технологии.
Тип урока: повторительно – обобщающий
Методы: метод моделирования ситуации, проблемный метод, кейс - стади
Образовательная технология: кейс – технология
Оборудование урока: классная доска, проектор, компьютер, презентация Power Point, экран, кейс для каждой группы учащихся (раздаточный материал), ватман (2 шт.), маркеры, картинки
Ход урока:
Этапы урока (цель этапа) | Деятельность педагога | Деятельность учащегося | Планируемые результаты (предметные, УУД) | Время |
1.Организационный момент (создание положительной эмоциональной направленности у обучающихся) | Приветствие учителя с обучающимися Учитель интересуется настроением обучающихся на момент начала урока. - Good morning, dear friends! I’m happy to see you! How are you? | - обучающиеся приветствуют учителя - обучающиеся отвечают какое у кого настроение | Личностные УУД Регулятивные УУД Коммуникативные УУД | 2 |
2. Целеполагание | Учитель предлагает посмотреть видеоклип на тему «Окружающая среда» - Let’s begin our lesson, but at first, I would like you to watch a video and try to guess what we are going to discuss today. После просмотра видеоролика учитель задает наводящие вопросы: -Is our world really wonderful? - Are there any problems in our wonderful world? - So, today we are going to discuss not only our wonderful world, but its problems and who should be in charge of the planet. | Учащиеся смотрят видеоклип и догадываются о теме урока Учащиеся говорят о том, что они собираются обсуждать на уроке | 5 1 | |
3. Фонетическая зарядка (Отработка произносительных навыков) | Перед обсуждением идёт отработка произносительных навыков - But before discussing, let’s pronounce some useful words and word combinations: Nature, environment, the Earth, eco-friendly, to damage, to protect, to recycle, to reduce, to reuse, to save, wildlife, to pollute, pollution, a pond, a bin, to disappear, to destroy | Учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова, затем переводят слова и выражения на русский язык | 3 | |
4. Кейс – технология (Ознакомительный этап). Развитие умения чтения аутентичного текста, выбирая необходимую информацию, снятие предполагаемых трудностей в работе над текстом.
Аналитический этап | - We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is serous you see. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Russian, English, French and many other languages. Not only grown ups but teens too. - And now I suggest you to work in groups. - Choose any color, you like. - Red color will be the 1st group. Blue color will be the 2nd one. -In each group you need to choose: speaker, who organize the work of the whole group Secretary, who will write all the ideas Skipper, who will presents the results. -Each of you have a case. I want you to learn it and find the problems. - Have you found some problems? - What are they? - Now we have named the problems, which you are going to discuss and try to find the solution for them. - now I want you to brainstorm your ideas on the problem. Write down all your ideas, which associated with the problem. - use map – minding and felt – tip pens. - Let`s continue to work in groups. Read the statements and agree or disagree with it. If you agree, give the reasons. If you disagree, think of your own. Use the information from the table. | Учащиеся делятся на группы. обучающиеся, читают самостоятельно текст, находят и формулируют проблемы, читают вслух «Мозговой штурм» - записывают идеи по решению проблемы: и т.д. | Личностные УУД Коммуникативные УУД Познавательные УУД Регулятивные УУД | 3 2 2 2 3 1 |
Физминутка | - Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile. | 1 | ||
Итоговый этап | So, it`s time to summarize all the information and make some projects. You can see colours, papers… take them and do a collage «If I were Greenpeace I would advise …» - Could we solve these problem? | Дети выполняют проект, обобщая весь материал и презентуют его. | 10 | |
5. Рефлексия | - What kind of work do you like most of all? - What emotions do you feel? | It was … for me to …
| 3 | |
Завершающий этап | - Dear friends, you have worked a lot. Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you. - And in conclusion, I believe that all of us must do our best to be green as eco – friendly as possible. The whole future of the planet is in our hands. And we are in charge of our planet. - You may be free. Good bye! | 1 |
Situation 1
Jane lives in the countryside. Near her house, there is a pond.
It is polluted… paint containers, plastic bags and sweets packets
are thrown in the pond. All this destroys the pond`s wildlife.
- What`s the problem?
- Think about possible ways of reusing or recycling.
- Explain why it is necessary to do.
- Illustrate your ideas.
(For solving this situation, use the information from the case).
Situation 2
Sam lives in a big city. Around his house there are plenty factories
and two parkings. Cars and factories pollute the air. He can`t open
window because of smell.
- What`s the problem?
- Think about possible ways of reusing or recycling.
- Explain why it is necessary to do.
- Illustrate your ideas.
(For solving this situation, use the information from the case).
Environmental organisations
Greenpeace – «Гринпис» - an international environmental group, started in the 1960s in Canada
It members work actively to protect the environment.
Friend of the Earth (FoE) – «Друзья Земли» - an environmental group founded in the UK in 1971. The aim of the group is to protect the environment. It has branches in 30 countries.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – «Всемирный фонд природы» - an international charity organization founded in 1961 to raise fund for conservation. The project includes protection of particular species, for example, the tiger and giant panda.
Environmental organisations
Greenpeace – «Гринпис» - an international environmental group, started in the 1960s in Canada
It members work actively to protect the environment.
Friend of the Earth (FoE) – «Друзья Земли» - an environmental group founded in the UK in 1971. The aim of the group is to protect the environment. It has branches in 30 countries.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – «Всемирный фонд природы» - an international charity organization founded in 1961 to raise fund for conservation. The project includes protection of particular species, for example, the tiger and giant panda.
Environmental organisations
Greenpeace – «Гринпис» - an international environmental group, started in the 1960s in Canada
It members work actively to protect the environment.
Friend of the Earth (FoE) – «Друзья Земли» - an environmental group founded in the UK in 1971. The aim of the group is to protect the environment. It has branches in 30 countries.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – «Всемирный фонд природы» - an international charity organization founded in 1961 to raise fund for conservation. The project includes protection of particular species, for example, the tiger and giant panda.
Предварительный просмотр:
Russia is one of the dirtiest countries in the world. In Russia, almost every family has a car. And fumes (выхлопы) of cars are very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.
I believe that one day somebody will invent energy that hasn’t fumes. Or people will use for example, solar energy, wind energy. I know that these energies aren’t so powerful, but we can use it sometimes, for example, for cookers.
I think that right now we need new energy, because oil (нефть) and coal (уголь) are disappearing (исчезают). All countries will be in the economic crisis, if we don’t find new energy!
We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast! Maybe when I grow up somebody will have already invented clean and powerful energy.
Not many people understand that they are polluting environment. They are dropping litter on the streets. In my opinion, drop litter or rubbish in the dustbin (урна для мусора) isn’t hard, it’s easy.
I think that there must be group of people who will follow the people who drop litter in the streets.
Finally, there must be more bins in the streets. And, of course, don’t cut down trees!!!
Grow trees, they clean the air!
I’m sure, all is in hands of people. I call up (призываю): Protect environment, save nature!
I always drop litter in bins and call up my friends to do the same. Maybe when I grow up somebody will have already invented clean and powerful energy.
Read these statements and say, are you agree or disagree
statements | agree | disagree |
Nature pollution must be strictly prohibited! | ||
Most of rubbish can be recycled. | ||
We don’t need recycling centers in our district. | ||
If we throw litter away, we damage nature. | ||
You can drop litter in any place you like. | ||
We must throw litter only in a litter bin. | ||
If we want to make our district attractive, we must clear garbage away. | ||
A lot of packaging means a lot of waste. | ||
Metal cans in forests and fields are not dangerous for animals. |
Read the statements and say what we mustn’t do and what we should do
statements | should do | mustn’t do |
feed animals in cold seasons | ||
turn the rivers into dumps | ||
help animals to survive | ||
plant more trees to make our country green | ||
use fewer cars | ||
pay big money if you are a polluter. | ||
make laws to control pollution | ||
burn toxic waste | ||
dump old cars in forests. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
We must protect our environment
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We must protect the Environment
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